The Peculiars’ Tale

Chapter 51

/47/ Begonia


"So... How was your sleep?"

It took a while for me to realize it. Why is Enriquez here? I hurriedly got up of bed and stared at him. "What the h.e.l.l are you doing here?" I"m not mad at him. Just surprised because he suddenly appeared beside me. It"s creepy. He just smiled and raised his injured index finger.

"Did I interrupt your dreams? I"m sorry I couldn"t stop myself from watching your sleeping angelic face. You"re so cute and fluffy." I shove away his hands when he attempted to pinch my cheeks.

"What do you mean by that?" I suspiciously asked. Did I hear him clearly?

"Nothing. Maybe you were dreaming about me. You"re missing me, I suppose?" This time I pushed him when he tried to hug me.

"Back off." Geez, this guy is really annoying.

Out of the blue, my dreams appeared in mind. 

I should not forget that Stephen is missing. I must find him as soon as possible.

I got off the bed, stood up and was almost leaving when I thought of something. I pulled down the curtains which served as the divider for each clinic bed. I saw surprise when I faced him again.


"What a sudden change of heart. Why?" he asked excitedly.

"I want a favor from you." His wide smile was erased.

"That sounds serious."

When did I become not serious? I want to ask.

"Yes. I am serious, Enriquez."

"Okay." He said while not smiling. "What is it?"

I can"t tell if he"s discontented, being fussy or what, it seems his mood changed when he heard I want a favor from him. There"s a chance it"s because I"m taking advantage of his feelings to have what I want. But I hope this is not the reason why he suddenly shifted mood. I"m not used to seeing him like this. But maybe this is just another part of him which I haven"t seen. I don"t know anymore.

"What favor, Jill?" I didn"t immediately reply, my tongue seemed to become stiff. "Jill?"

"Do you remember the place where I was brought into when I was kidnapped?" I paused for a while to see his reaction, he nodded without any expression. "I want you to accompany me to that place." I"m expecting him to say "what?" and I waited for him to be shocked but no, he only stared and said nothing. I can"t help but frown.

"Didn"t you hear me---"

"Jill, I get it." He said while raising his hands, "But you see, I"m busy. Busy in rehearsals with my band and in planning for the night out program. I know you have your own reasons why you want to go there, but I"m sorry. Whatever that reason is, I think it"s unreasonable. I don"t have time to play around." He"s almost turning around when I stopped him.

"What? Play around? What do you think of me? A child who loves playing?" I tried to lower voice in fear of being overheard by the nurse.

"Hey, chill." He removed my hand from his. "Okay, I"m sorry. Please, don"t be mad."

"I am not." I said. I know I don"t have the right to be angry because I"m only asking favor. "You are the only one who can help me this time, Enriquez. I badly need your help." I sincerely said.

Looks like he was convinced. He fished out his phone and dialed, then turned his back and distanced himself to me a bit while talking to someone. After a while he ended the call and went to me. "I understand. I will agree in one condition."

You"ll also like

"What condition?"

"You"ll partic.i.p.ate in the Night Out Concert." He put a wide smile on his lips again while I only sighed because I no longer have time to think.

"Okay, fine." As if I have a choice. "Let"s meet up later. 4 pm."

"Yeah sure. And Jill, you have to practice so go to the club room this noon. Miss Marcel would be very happy if she learns this." He said while plastering that smile,as if he was not in bad mood when I asked the favor. I don"t really get him.

I only nodded to him. I shove the curtains to the side and then he and I went out at the same time. The nurse stared at us meaningfully after seeing that we came out from the same clinic bed area. I thanked the nurse. Enriquez did the same.

When I was already holding the doork.n.o.b, it suddenly opened up and Morris who was panting for breath came into my sight. Time seems to slow down. He was sweating profusely and there was some blood on his white polo.

"Nurse!" Enriquez and I were shocked and backed off at the same time. Morris went past through us and stormed towards the nurse desk. "Please call an ambulance!"

"What is the matter?" I asked Morris but he"s busy catching some air. He only threw a glance at the two of us and then ran after the nurse. Left without a choice, the two of us ran to go after them.

What the h.e.l.l happened?

Almost all students blocked the hallway. We needed to shove them away to create a path. The light atmosphere was replaced by whispering, worry and puzzlement. I looked down the floor just to be frightened by the sight of blood.

When we turned to the end of the hallway, we crossed path with Miss Karen who was also running, behind her were Aya and Tadeo, their faces betrayed their worries. All of us halted when we reached the staircase leading to the rooftop.

The crowd went silent and made way when they saw Miss Karen. That was when the sight of an unconscious girl lying on the floor rushed to our eyes. Blood was spilled everywhere. I thoroughly surveyed her to make sure my eyes were not playing with me but I was sure the watch worn by the girl was familiar.

I felt my chest suffocating for breath.

"P-pelenope." Enriquez supported me when I almost stumbled. I only wish this is all not true, that this all a dream.

"Penelope!" Aya shouted when she realized who the unconscious girl was. She tried to run to the girl"s side but Tadeo restrained her.

"M-men, what happened?" Tadeo asked with his voice shaking, while holding on Aya"s arm. Morris glanced at him and shook his head while showing fear.

"Go back to your respective cla.s.s, now!" Miss Karen commanded with authority. Everyone complied with her, except to us who remained standing there, probably because of shock. After a while, the siren of the ambulance rang outside.

"Return to your cla.s.sroom, too. I"ll talk to your cla.s.s later." Said by Miss Karen, the only composed and expressionless at this time. The school nurse agreed to her and insisted on pushing us, even Morris, away. Lily was actually present because she was the one who pulled him away. We couldn"t do anything but obey. No one was talking until we reached the homeroom. I didn"t notice Enriquez was still beside me.

"Hey." He grabbed me by the shoulder. "I"m sorry for what happened." I don"t know what he"s apologizing for. "It"s okay if you won"t appear later for the practice."

"No. I"ll be there. Just return to the club room. Thanks." I said then went in.

They are too quiet, maybe thinking about Penelope"s case. I silently sat on my chair. No one wants to break the silence, all of them were putting up a dumbfounded face as if saying they couldn"t believe what they all saw. Even Ireneo was obviously preoccupied by his thoughts and could no longer think straight.


Later on, the door opened. We didn"t even notice when Miss Karen took the front spot.

"Penelope was taken to the hospital. I already told her parents what occurred. Now I want to know what your cla.s.s was doing when the incident took place."

"We"re practicing for the play, Miss. Then those a.s.signed for the props were also busy in doing their tasks. Penelope went out for the paints and brushes that were stored in the storage room at the rooftop."

Miss Karen just stared at us, waiting for more information but since no one else spoke, she nodded and said, "For now, let"s just pray for Penelope"s recovery, no one wanted that to happen so---"

"Miss Italia, Miss Cruz" parents arrived." Someone said from outside.

"I"ll meet them." She faced us. "I"ll leave the cla.s.s to you, Ireneo." Then she left.

Silence once again reigned upon us. Ireneo stood up and walked to the front. Then he cleared his throat before speaking. "I didn"t see this coming," me too, "but Miss is correct, no one wanted this. It"s just that accidents do happen. I want everyone to cheer up a little," cheer up? "Penelope will be fine." Don"t know if what he"s doing helps. "We"ll continue the practice, the play too, since the festival is coming. We will finish what we have started."

No one speaks. No one opposes his decision.

Like what we have decided, I attended the rehearsal of his band when noon came.

Until the dismissal time, the accident was still being circulated around the campus.

"Are you sure about this?" asked by Enriquez while handing me a helmet. "Hey, Jill. Can you not go there?"

I only gave him a look and then wore the helmet. "We"ve talked about this, Enriquez."

"Jill, you cla.s.smate was involved in an accident."

"I know."

"Aren"t you worried?"

"Stop talking, you"re wasting time." Who wouldn"t worry when this was all happening? But I must find Stephen first because none of my friends knew what the heck was going on to him. I"ve said this repeatedly to myself but I"m the one responsible for his disappearance. But Penelope suddenly also got into an accident.

"Do you really think she only got into an accident?"

"What?" He stood still.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked again but he didn"t answer, "Are you trying to say that someone pushed her down the stairs? Who would do that to an innocent girl?"

"I"m just stating a possibility. Never mind." He hopped in and started the engine, "Let"s go."

"We"re here."

The sun had just began setting when we got in front of the huge gate. Enriquez got off his motor bike and put off the helmet. From here, I can already see the Gothic mansion where I had been brought into before. I heard Enriquez" low chuckling.

"What"s so laughable?"

"Nothing," he said while chuckling. "You see, I just found it amusing. You are the only person I know who went back to the place where she was kidnapped. It"s like you"re giving up yourself again to the kidnappers."

I ignored him and stared back to the melancholic Gothic mansion.

"What now? Are you going to melt down the mansion through your stares? Or are you going to ring the door bell? Ding dong, Jill Morie here, hostage me again please."


"Shut up."

"I can"t believe I consented to bring you here, this is ridi – Hey! You"re trespa.s.sing!"

I chose not to mind him and continued walking. The gate was not locked so I entered. But after a little while, Enriquez was beside me and he"s insistently pulling me out.

"What"s your problem, Enriquez! Let go of me. Don"t make a fuse as if this is a horror movie."

We finally reached the main entrance of the house and I"ve confirmed my guess. No one"s here. "Wait outside if you don"t want to come in."

"As if I can leave you alone? No way. My conscience will pester me if something bad occur to you."

"Then just keep quiet."

Surprisingly, the main door opened, but nothing came to my and Enriquez" view.

This place is abandoned.

It"s unusual to rain during the second week of December. At the lobby, the noises created by different kind of people could be heard, they were as if competing with the noisiness outside. The huge Christmas tree filled with tons of decors in the lobby center was also eye-catching. Its decorations was shining and glimmering together with the blinking lanterns above.

After finding out the Gothic mansion was abandoned, I requested Enriquez to send me here. It"s because our cla.s.s decided to visit Penelope at six pm. While walking for room 421, I can"t help but recall what I have gone through until now.

I saw my cla.s.smates on the hallway. Some were being quiet, some occupied the available chairs. When I approached them, I only received stares but no one greeted me.

"Baldo." He ignored me and turned to and walked towards Tamaki and his group. I searched for anyone who could explain things to me and I tried to go to Aya but she seems to lose it. Morris was also here. He"s sitting with his head held low. Lily was next to him.

Someone tapped my shoulder. It was Ireneo. He signaled me to come with him and then we distanced ourselves to the other cla.s.smates. He probably felt I was demanding an explanation even though my mouth didn"t convey it.

According to him, Penelope"s parents were flabbergasted. They keep on demanding an investigation but the academy wanted to keep silent. They don"t want the media and police to interfere inside the school that"s why as solution, only the teachers will conduct the investigation. They said Penelope accidentally fell down the stairs and for everyone"s silence, White Knights volunteered to take on all the medical expenses.

"How is she?" I asked. Ireneo took his time to reply. He fixed his and then sighed.

"She"s in coma."

"Hey, I heard Jill Morie joined the Night Out?"

"Yeah, it"s confirmed. I saw her rehearsing with Cloud"s band yesterday!"

"What d heck, I wish they had me instead. My voice is good too!"

People of White Knights forgot yesterday"s incident so fast, and here they are, back to their normal routine. Unfortunately, they saw me again and become their focus again. These ugly people who I always encountered whenever I was in the locker room. I"m almost planning to have a face to face talk about life with them but realize there"s no point in doing so since I would only waste some precious energy to them.

I opened my locker and frowned after seeing a small vase of Begonia. I can"t think of anyone who would possibly put that here.

I"m almost throwing this out to the trash can, choosing to not pay it any heed, but then I noticed a folded paper hidden on the vase. I temporarily put it on my locker to read the letter.

"Keep your eyes open. Smell a rat 12-16"

Then I just realized the real meaning of this flower.



The practice for today at the club room ended. I was now on my way back to the homeroom to a.s.sist in props-making. Lingering in my mind were the flower, the note, and the mysterious sender. Keep your eyes open. Smell a rat 12-16. I clearly understand why he sent that to me, to give warning. What puzzled me was... the 12-16.

Twelve and Sixteen? Don"t tell me...

December sixteen?

I temporary paused my steps when I pa.s.sed by he bulletin board with the events, announcement posted on it. There"s a big poster there about the School Festival. And I noticed... December sixteen... The date of the Night Out.

Someone"s trying to warn me... and reminding to keep my eyes open, because something"s going to happen on that day. Smell a rat, meaning to suspect something wrong. Wait. Smell?


I almost jumped in fright. "Baldo." He suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Before facing him, I hid the note in my pocket. "Why?" I didn"t expect to see here. I thought all of them was busy inside the homeroom.

"Can I have a word with you?"

It"s somehow awkward but I nodded. He walked and I followed until we got to the botanical garden. Baldo was keeping his silence. He"s serious. Like yesterday.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Jill." Even without him saying it, I feel nervous. "Where is Stephen?"

I hope Baldo didn"t see me backing off a little. What will I tell him? Did he know that Stephen has been missing for so long? Do I have to tell him the truth?

"Do you know what the h.e.l.l is going on?" I momentarily closed my eyes. "He"s absent again, had he dropped out?"

"Baldo." I hope he also didn"t notice me shivering, "Why are asking me that?"

"Because you know, right?"

"I know?"

"I saw you with him before he become absent again. I heard the two of you talking about meeting at the rooftop."

I remember that day, when I colluded with Jing Rosca to catch the fake Stephen off-guard. I truly hope Baldo didn"t see that.

"Yeah, but it did not happen. Afterwards he no longer came to school. I don"t know why." Please, believe. I beg you.

"Ahh. That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he worried us again. Now, I know he"s still not aware of what happened to Penelope. You know, right? He likes Penelope. I"m feeling more worried because of the turn of events."+

I somehow sighed in relief.

"Don"t worry, everything"s gonna be alright." I hope. I hope to find Stephen soon. I hope for Penelope to wake up too. I hope to have things right again.

I want to leave already but Baldo stopped me.

"Jill, I only plan to inform you but the asked for me earlier and had given me an invitation." He showed the invitation to me before he added, "For scholarship, he said."

I had almost dropped it to the ground.

The familiar seal - black diamond, white letter "M".

