The Pillars of the House

Chapter 88

"It is not my doing, I a.s.sure you. He spoke of your letters that had gone astray, and that led to more, till when he found you were in the village, he said he should like to see you. He is breaking up; his son has given him a good deal of trouble, and I believe he is altogether concerned for what has pa.s.sed."

"And he will not suppose we want anything from him?" said Felix, with something of the almost unavoidable pride of independent poverty.

"Certainly not. I have guarded against that."

"Then I suppose we must.--That is, how is your head? are you too much tired, Lance?"

"No," said Lance, almost sulkily; for he was much inclined to make fatigue a plea for escaping the "mane nagur" and enjoying the boat, and was rather unreasonably disposed to think it all a plot on the part of Mr. Staples for spoiling the evening. Felix might have been equally glad of the excuse, but he believed his father would have thought this act of conciliation a duty, and followed Mr. Staples across the churchyard, where all the little boys in the place seemed to be playing marbles on the flagged paths. Its neglected state was a painful contrast to the exquisitely laid-out shrubbery, as trim as gardeners could make it, and improved and altered beyond Felix"s recognition.

Entering the house, Mr. Staples led the way to the dining-room, where there was a large empty table in the middle of the room, and in the deep bay of the window a smaller one, laid out with wine and dessert, where sat "old Fulbert." Having always heard him so called, the brothers were surprised to find him no more than elderly. He must have been originally a thorough florid handsome Underwood, and had the remains of military bearing, though with an air of feebleness and want of health, and a good deal of asthmatic oppression on his breath. He did not rise, but held out his hand, saying, "Good evening. Thank you for coming to see a sick man."

"I am sorry to see you so unwell, Sir."

"Thank you, I"m on the mend. Sit down. Take a gla.s.s of wine--claret?"

Felix accepted, wondering if his father would regard it as an act of pardon.

"And you?"

"No thank you, Sir."

"No wine? You are the one that has been so ill? No objection to melon, eh?"

And Lancelot, whose illness had left a strong hankering for fruit, was considerably appeased by the first cut into the cool buff flesh.

"Is he the next brother to you?"

"Oh no. There are three brothers and three sisters between us."

"And what are they doing? There were one or two with Tom Underwood.

Didn"t the young fellow offend him and turn out idle?"

"Not that, Sir," said Felix, his colour rising: "but he had no turn for a clerkship, and a good deal for art. He is studying at the Royal Academy, but there never was any quarrel; he is often at Thomas Underwood"s."

"And the rest?"

"One has the Ewshire Scholarship at St. Cadoc"s; and there"s one in Australia."

"And this lad--what"s his name?"

"Lancelot. He is in the choir school at Minsterham Cathedral, and hopes to get a scholarship."

"Is that all of you?"

"Two more boys, quite little, and the six girls."

"Any of them able to do anything for themselves?"

"The eldest is a teacher in a school at Bexley," said Felix, not delighted with the cross-examination; and Alda, the one that lived with the Tom Underwoods, is engaged to a man of good fortune. Then two of the younger ones are at schools, where an allowance is made for poor clergyman"s daughters."

"How long has your mother been dead?"

"Four years and a half."

"And you have managed all single-handed?"

"With my eldest sister"s help, Sir."

"Taken to the press, have you?" (Mr. Staples must have made the best of his vocation.) "What"s your paper?"

"The Bexley Pursuivant. Most likely you never heard of it. It is only a little county paper;" and then feeling that to stop there was a subterfuge, he added, "Our main business is the retail trade."

Mr. Underwood was chiefly intent on the next question, the politics of the paper, though he said he need hardly ask. "All you young stuck-up fellows run in one team--all destructives."

"No, no, Sir," broke in Mr. Staples eagerly. "Mr. Felix is staunch to the back-bone."

Felix was never more tempted to deny his principles than when he found them brought forward as a recommendation; but he could only explain that the Pursuivant was an old established county gentleman"s style of paper, in the agricultural interest. Whereupon the Squire mounted his political hobby in such sort and with such abusive violence, especially as to the local representatives of the adverse party, that Felix could not help feeling that if such were indeed the opinions of his own side, he should certainly be on the other. One good effect was the sparing him any more personal catechising. Mr.

Underwood shouted himself weary, without requiring any reply save what Mr. Staple"s local knowledge supplied; and when the carriage was announced, the guests were dismissed with a hearty shake of the hands, and invitation to call again--"It was a comfort to talk of public matters to a young man of sense;" and Lance found a sovereign in his hand. He was not sure that he was obliged.

"Well," said Mr. Staples, rubbing his hands with satisfaction as they drove off, "what do you think of the Squire?"

"He talks very loud," said Felix, who had for some time been watching the increase of Lance"s headache, and now was trying to give him a rest on shoulder and arm.

Mr. Staples gave what help he could towards making the tired boy comfortable, and then returned to the subject in all their minds. "So your father never told you those particulars?"

"No; I think it was his great object not to dwell on them, nor let us look back with regret or anger."

"Just like him. I never saw such a case, never! I"ll show you a remarkable letter of his. But, first, you ought to understand the way the matter stood. To begin with the relationship."

"I know nothing about them, only that my father and mother were second cousins; but I don"t even know to which of them my great-uncle Underwood was really uncle."

"To your mother. He had very strong feelings as to the duty of the head of a family, and made his house a home for all that needed it.

When Miss Mary was sent home an orphan from India--James"s, his favourite brother"s, child--he asked his cousin"s widow, Mrs. Edward Underwood, to bring her boy, superintend the house, and look after the little girl; and she was glad enough, for the captain had died of his wounds at Waterloo, and she had little but her widow"s pension."

"I know," said Felix. "Then whose son is the Squire?"

"The son of Lancelot, who was the second brother, between the Reverend Fulbert (your great-uncle) and James, your mother"s father. So he was heir-at-law, but he was a wildish sort of lad, unfit to take Holy Orders; and there came to be an understanding that if his uncle would buy his commission and purchase his steps, he would not look for the Rectory and the estate. On that understanding your father took Orders and married; but on old Mr. Underwood"s death there was only a draught of a will, which he had not been in a state to execute, leaving a handsome legacy to Fulbert, but the whole property to your father and mother. It seemed a matter of course that, as the only compensation, Fulbert should have presented his cousin Edward to the vicarage--400 pounds a year; but as ill-luck would have it, he took offence at some sermon--a Lent one about self-indulgence, I believe it was--swore he wouldn"t have a Puseyite parson preaching at him, and went into such a rage that it is thought to be partly by way of getting off giving him the living, and getting it held for his son."

"I see, said Felix.

"It was a dirty trick; and I was a younger man at the time, and it struck me that if your father chose to try the case, the testator"s intentions being clear, and instructions in his own hand extant, it was ten to one it might be given in his favour. I even took a counsel"s opinion, thinking that at any rate an intimation that the case was to be tried before possession was given up might bring Fulbert to terms with regard to the living."

"And he would not?"

"No. I should like to show you his letter. Would you do me the honour of dining with me to-morrow?"

Felix was obliged to mutter something about ladies and no dress- coats, but this was silenced, and he made a promise contingent on Lance"s fitness. He was puzzled by the relations in which Mr. Staples seemed to stand with the lay-rector; but he found that they were not of business, only that elections and county affairs brought them together, and that Mr. Underwood was regarded with a sort of compa.s.sion by the men of his own standing, who used to go and visit him whenever they could be secure of not encountering the cold welcome and ill-breeding of his daughter-in-law--the grievance of his life.

"Did you see any one you remembered?" further asked Mr. Staples.