The Pillars of the House

Chapter 2

Even Robina was so far infected as to cry, "I wanted a ride."

And Wilmet reproachfully exclaimed, "O Felix, you should have got something for Papa. Don"t you know, Mr. Rugg said he ought to have a respirator. It is a great shame."

"I don"t think he would have let me, Wilmet," said Felix, looking up; "and I never thought of it. Besides, I can"t have those girls making of themselves at you."

"Oh no, don"t listen to Wilmet!" cried Alda. "You are the very best brother in all the world! Now we shall be fit to be seen at the break up. I don"t think I could have played my piece if I knew every one was looking at my horrid old alpaca."

"And there"ll be hats for Cherry and Bobbie too!" entreated Wilmet.

"Oh, don"t put it into their heads!" gasped Alda.

"No, I"ll have you two fit to be seen first, said Felix.

"Well, it"s a horrid shame," grumbled Fulbert; "we have always all gone shares in Felix"s Birthday tip."

"So you do now," said Felix; "there"s the pound all the same as usual."

That pound was always being spent in imagination; and the voices broke out again.

"Oh, then Papa can have the respirator!"

"Felix, the rocking-horse!"

"Felix, do get us three little cannon to make a jolly row every birthday!"

"Felix, do you know that Charlie Froggatt says he would sell that big Newfoundland for a pound? and that would be among us all."

"Nonsense, Fulbert! a big dog is always eating; but there is a concertina at Lake"s."

"Tina--tina--concertina! But, I say, Fee, there"s Whiteheart been wishing her heart out all the time for a real good paint-box."

"Oh, never mind that, Ed; no one would care for one but you and me, and the little ones would spoil all the paints."

"Yes, resumed Wilmet, from her throne,--"it would be the worry of one"s life to keep the little ones off them; and baby would be poisoned to a dead certainty. Now the respirator--"

"Now the concertina--"

"Now Punch--"

"Now the dog--"

"Now the rocking-horse--"

"Now the cannon--"

"I"ll tell you what," said Felix, "I"ve settled how it is to be.

We"ll get John Harper"s van, and all go out to the Castle, with a jolly cold dinner--yes, you, Cherry, and all; Ed and I will carry you--and dine on the gra.s.s, and--"

A chorus of shouts interrupted him, all ecstatic, and rendered more emphatic by the stamping of feet.

"And Angela will go!" added. Wilmet.

"And Papa," entreated Cherry.

"And Mamma too, if she will," said Felix.

"And Mr. Audley," p.r.o.nounced Robina, echoed by Clement and Angela.

"Mr. Audley must go!"

"Mr. Audley!" grunted Felix. "I want n.o.body but ourselves."

"Yes, and if he went we could not stay jolly late. My Lady would make no end of a row if both curates cut the evening prayers."

"For shame, Edgar!" cried the three elder girls.

While Wilmet added, "We could not stay late, because of Papa and the little ones. But I don"t want Mr. Audley, either."

"No, no! Papa and he will talk to each other, and be of no use," said Geraldine. "Oh, how delicious! Will the wild-roses be out? When shall it be, Felix?"

"Well, the first fine day after school breaks up, I should say."

"Hurrah! hurrah!"

And there was another dance, in the midst of which Mr. Underwood opened the door, to ask what honourable member was receiving such deafening cheers.

"Here! here he is, Papa!" cried Alda. "He is going to take us all out to a picnic in the Castle woods; and won"t you come, Papa?"

"O Papa, you will come!" said Felix. And the whole staircase bawled in accordance.

"Come! to be sure I will!" said his father; "and only too glad to be asked! I trust we shall prove to have found the way to get the maximum of pleasure out of Admiral Chester"s gift."

"If Mamma will go," said Felix. "I wonder what the van will cost, and what will be left for the dinner."

"Oh, let us two cook the whole dinner," entreated the twins.

"Wait now," said Felix. "I didn"t know it was so late, Father." And he carefully helped his father on with his coat; and as a church bell made itself heard, set forth with him.

When the service was musical, Felix and his two next brothers both formed part of the choir; and though this was not the case on this evening, Felix knew that his mother was easier when he or Wilmet could watch over Papa"s wraps.

And Mamma herself, with one at least of the twins, was busy enough in giving the lesser ones their supper, and disposing of them in bed, so that the discreet alone might remain to the later tea-drinking.

And "Sibby" must be made a sharer of the good news in her lower region, though she was sure to disbelieve in Alda and Wilmet"s amateur cookery.

Sibby was Wilmet"s foster-mother. Poor thing! Mr. Underwood had found her in dire need in the workhouse, a child herself of seventeen with a new-born babe, fresh from the discovery that the soldier-husband, as she thought, and who had at least gone before the praste with her," and brought her from her Kilkenny home, was previously husband to another woman. She was tenderly cared for by Mr. Underwood"s mother, who was then alive, and keeping house for the whole party at the Rectory; and having come into the Vale Leston nursery, she never left it. Her own child died in teething, and she clung so pa.s.sionately to her nursling, that Mrs. Underwood had no heart to separate them, Roman Catholic though she was, and difficult to dispose of. She was not the usual talking merry Irishwoman; if ever she had been such, her heart was broken; and she was always meek, quiet, subdued, and attentive; forgetful sometimes, but tender and trustworthy to the last degree with the children.

She had held fast to the family in their reverses, and no more thought of not sharing their lot than one of their children. Indeed, it would not have been much more possible to send her out to shift for herself in England; and her own people seemed to have vanished in the famine, for her letters, with her savings, came back from the dead-letter office. She put her shoulder to the burthen, and, with one small scrub under her, got through an amazing amount of work: and though her great deep liquid brown eyes looked as pathetic as ever, she certainly was in far better spirits than when she sat in the nursery. To be sure, she was a much better nurse than she was a cook; but as both could not be had, Mrs. Underwood was content and thankful to have a servant so entirely one with themselves in interests and affections; and who had the further perfection of never wanting any society but the children"s; shrinking from English gossips, and never showing a weakness, save for Irish tramps. Moreover, she was a prodigious knitter; and it was her boast that not one of the six young gentlemen had yet worn stocking or sock, but what came from her needles, and had been re-footed by her to the last extremity of wear.

Meantime, Felix and Clement walked with their father to the church.