The Pillars of the House

Chapter 60

"She said all little girls had birthdays, and Ellen Bruce had told Angel all about the dance in honour of hers."

"Ah!" said Wilmet, "we"ll have Angel out of the way of that kind of chatter."

"Poor little maid! of course I had to quench her," said Felix, as far as her own day was concerned. I told her more about it than she had ever heard, but then she took me aback by saying Father was happy, and she thought he would like her to be happy."

"You didn"t consent!" exclaimed Wilmet.

"I represented that it was Theodore"s birthday as well, and that strangers would make him miserable. She was really very good, and I want you just to consider whether we could not do something--of course on a different day--but in the course of the holidays, by way of treat. Surely you could invite some of Miss Pearson"s pupils."

"I don"t like to begin, Felix," said Wilmet; "there would be reciprocity, and no one knows where it might lead to."

"A few white muslin frocks--eh, W. W.? I think we could stand them."

"That is not all I mean," said Wilmet; "it is the sort of style of thing. It would be all very well to have a few little girls here, but they would all ask us again, and I could not answer for what might happen at their homes."

"It is out!" said Edgar. "Now we know the sort of style of thing it might lead to. Minerva under a mistletoe bough."

"Hurrah!" burst out Lance, in convulsions of mirth, which infected Felix and Cherry; while Wilmet, as simple as she was discreet, blushed up to the tips of her ears, and tried to defend herself.

"They tell me of doings at their parties that are what I should not like for our little girls, and I don"t think you would, Felix."

"Forfeits, to wit?" asked Edgar. "Or cards, or waltzing. You may as well be explicit, Mettie."

"No, no," said Felix, "Mettie shall not be teased: she is right in the main." But his tone was that he always used when her prudence was too much for him.

"And the family refinement is to be secured by sitting in ashes all Christmas," said Edgar. "Slightly unchristian, it strikes me."

"But," continued Felix, "out of these domestic ashes, we must get up some sport for the children. I stand committed to Stella."

"Shall I get Bill Harewood, and do Box and c.o.x?" suggested Lance.

"Might we not get up something they could take part in themselves?"

said Cherry; "Cinderella, or some such little play?--Edgar, you know how to manage such things.

"Wilmet doesn"t know where they would lead to," gravely responded Edgar.

"To Lance"s going off with a circus," said Felix.

"I always had a great mind to do so," responded Lance. "To sing comic songs on one leg on a spotted horse"s back, and go about day and night in a yellow van drawn by elephants--I call that life!"

"Secure a berth for me as scene-painter!" cried Edgar. "See how I"d draw a house by the very outline of Mazeppa outside!"

"And Felix will print all our advertis.e.m.e.nts gratis!"

"Oh!" broke in Cherry, "I have a notion. Couldn"t we make a play of the conjuror in disguise? It is Dr. Knowall in German popular tales, Robin the Conjuror in English."

"Nothing foolish, I hope?" seriously asked Wilmet.

"Oh no. Don"t you recollect? The story is, that a set of thieves steal a jewel, a man comes shamming conjuror and offering to find it for the owner, intending to trust to chance, and feast at her expense as long as he is not found out."

"I remember!" exclaimed Lance, you used to tell us the story.

Somebody suspects him, and brings a creature shut up in a covered dish to ask him to tell what it was--and it happens to be a robin; so when he cries out, "Oh, poor Robin!" thinking himself done for, out hops the bird, and the enemy is sold."

"Yes; and then he counts his dinners every day, and the thieves who have come to look on think he is counting them, and throw themselves on his mercy."

"It has capabilities," said Edgar.

"But the moral!" said Wilmet.

"What! Not the lesson against dealing with conjurors? demanded Edgar.

"I"ll undertake to arm your pupils against spirit-rapping for ever."

"In that point of view--" said Wilmet doubtfully.

"In that point of view," said Felix, laughing, "it has my vote."

"I don"t like deception to succeed," said Wilmet; "but at least there"s none of the worst sort of nonsense."

Lance leapt up and performed a pas seul, insisting that Bill Harewood must come and be a robber; and Edgar and Cherry instantly had their heads together as playwrights and managers.

"Never mind, Wilmet," said Felix at their bedroom doors that night.

"Remember, Father never was a man for all work and no play."

"I don"t mind play, but I don"t know what this may lead to;" then, as Felix laughed merrily at the repet.i.tion, she followed him into his room, saying, "I mean, I have no trust in Edgar"s discretion, or Lance"s either, and all sorts of things may be put into the children"s heads."

"You can"t keep children"s heads a blank," said Felix, "and Edgar"s good taste ought to be trusted in his own home, for his own sisters.

Even you might stretch a few points to keep him happy and occupied with Cherry. Besides, I believe we do live a duller life than can be really good for any one. It can"t be right to shut up all these young things all their holidays without any pleasure."

"I thought," said Wilmet, her eyes growing moist, "it was pleasure enough to be all at home together."

"So it is, to staid old fogies like you and me," said Felix, kissing her; "but the young ones want a lark now and then, and I confess I should be immensely disappointed if this fun didn"t come off. No, no, W. W., I can"t have you an old cat; you are much too young and pretty."

The levity of this conclusion shocked Wilmet beyond remonstrance. Was Felix falling from his height of superiority, or was her strictness wearisome?

Meantime, Geraldine"s brain was ringing with doggrel rhymes, and whirling with stage contrivances, in the delight of doing something with Edgar, whether versifying or drawing; and as Felix said, to keep him happy at home for Christmas was no small gain, even though it brought a painful realisation that their feast was not his feast.

Geraldine suffered in silence, for a word from her was always put down by some tender jest, avowing as much inferiority in goodness as superiority in intellect. As to Clement, Edgar"s sport was to startle him with jokes, dilemmas, and irreverences, and then to decline discussion on the ground that he never argued with _sisters_, and that Clement would understand when he went to Cambridge. Otherwise, the subject was avoided at home, but Edgar consorted a good deal with Mr. Ryder, calling him the only person in the town, except Cherry, who knew the use of a tongue, and one day, when Felix was a.s.sisting his old master in a search through old newspapers in the reading- room, Mr. Ryder said, "By-the-by, your brother Edgar has a good deal more of the talk of the day than you can be prepared for."

"I am afraid so, sir," said Felix; "but he does not put it forth much at home."

"So I hoped. It would have startled your father a good deal; but I believe myself acting in the spirit of his wishes in letting him talk out his crudities."

"Thank you, sir," said Felix, not quite knowing how to take this.

"It is a phase to be pa.s.sed through," said Mr. Ryder. "Indeed, a good deal of it is fashion and vanity."

"Mr. Audley thinks so," replied Felix. "He said he thought poor Edgar did not think enough to have real doubt, but that he considered other people"s a dispensation from attending to the subject at all."

"Exactly," said Mr. Ryder, "except so far as repeating what he has caught up seems to him knowing, and according to the spirit of the time, fit to dazzle us down here. Whatever may deepen him will probably change all that--I do not say into what you or your father would wish; but what is jargon now will pa.s.s away into something more real, for better or--"