The Practical Values of Space Exploration

Chapter 10

[75] Ibid.

[76] Ibid.

[77] "The Challenge of Leisure," M. G. Scott, Ltd., London, August 1959, p. 20.

[78] 27 supra.

[79] Firsoff, Dr. V. A., "The Strange World of the Moon," Basic Books, London, 1959.

[80] Reported by David Perlman, San Francisco Chronicle, June 7, 1960.

[81] Lear, John, "Is Anybody There?," New Scientist, Apr. 14, 1960, p.


[82] Aviation Week, May 9, 1960, p 32.

[83] Whipple, Dr. Fred L.

[84] Western Aviation, June 1960, p. 16.

[85] Gold, Dr. Thomas, "Cosmic Garbage," address to the s.p.a.ce Scientists Symposium, Los Angeles, December 1959.

[86] 68 supra, pp. 12, 13.

[87] 6 supra, pp. 3, 4.

[88] Michael, D. N., "Sputniks & Public Opinion," Air Force, June 1960, p. 75.

[89] Industrial Research, December 1959, pp. 8, 9.