The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool

Chapter 5: Fighters And Magicians

Disclamer: I"m not owe the images nor the novel chapters.

Everything belongs to their respect owner.

I"m just simple translating it.



[Next]Asley Chapter 5: Fighters And Magicians

***November 1st, noon***

Finally, I made a lake and a moat.
The southern gate also functions as a gate, and the gatekeeper got better position, just looking down from the hut at the top of the gate.

I wanted to make warning bells, but metals are precious, so I made wooden whistles.
It is handmade by elder temperament craftsmen who are fine with detail work.

As usual, I have no choice buy to leave North Ward alone, with the current population, the functions of only South Ward will be enough.

As the growth promotion of the field increased appropriately,
spruce speed magic sprinkled moderately,
so the fruit trees finally got their heads out of the soil.
Thanks to the efforts of everyone, trouble about drinking water and food are almost gone.

Although it is still in the state of distribution of these.
I want to build barter trading systems by currency, although it is still ahead.

Riido, Ryan and Pochi are still gatekeeping as usual.
I and Mana were doing a mimicry of a teacher.

「Well, I will teach you the basics of magic, the 4 major elements」(Asley)

「Yes, teacher!」(Rina)


There are only two people in this temporary magic cla.s.sroom, Rina and a 10 years old girl『Tifa』
From all the children I check, only the two of them are young protential magicians.
You don’t need talent to memorize magic, but magical power in the body, the so-called MP is deadly important.
People whose MP was high were only Rina and Tifa.
Tifa is a gentle child who knows the pain of others. She has green hair.
She doesn"t have parents anymore, but she doens’t seem to be lonely thanks to Rina and Mana.

I was really surprised when she said that she decided to attend this cla.s.s herself.
Incidentally, Mana is currently practicing the sword with the majority of boys and girls.

「Well Rina, you can say all the 4 big elements?」(Asley)

「Yes, they are: fire, water, earth and wind」(Rina)

「Good, that’s right.
Next, Tifa, can you tell us the most manage-able element in all of these element?」(Asley)

「Well … um … it’s fire, isn’t it?」(Tifa)

「Well done!」(Asley)

「I did it! (Yatta)」(Tifa)

Tifa was delighted with a full smile, she was really shining.
She also did the homework given by me diligently about magic…
Well, even if I say magic homework, it’s more like a guide for beginners.
I also have been preparing for what to teach.

「So today we will actually invoke the magic foundation,
one of the four major elements,
the fire magic for beginner,『Little Fire』」(Asley)

(T.N: Little fire in Katakana/English)

「Uhm, sensei!」(Rina)

「Yes, Rina-chan?」(Asley)

「About that… isn’t it dangerous?」(Rina)

「Of course, it"s dangerous」(Asley)

For a moment, Rina"s face was stiffen.
Rather than showing kindness and say a lie, I should make the girls realize it.

「But if you use it correctly, there will be no danger at all.
But as a teacher, I can’t recommend you testing it as you wanted on Pochi」(Asley)

「When you say it like that, I don’t know if you really want to make us feel relieved or not!」(Rina)

「I don’t get it!」(Tifa)

「Ohh. I just want to rea.s.sure you,『Little Fire』 is a simple magic.
You can activate it with a stick instead of a cane.
There are two sticks borrowed from the old women’s a.s.sociation.
Please come and get it」(Asley)

(Although they said that) The two stood up from the seat and came to pick up the sticks.

「When you return to your seat, please stand as you are…
As I tell you yesterday how to draw magic pattern,
It is a technique called 『sky map』
Concentrate your magical power at the end of the stick and write with it like a pen, draw a magic pattern in the air.
You can use both hands if the stick is heavy.
Lastly, please put the tip of the stick in the center of the pentagram star after you finished drawing the magic pattern…

「「Little Fire!」」(Rina + Tifa)

Simultaneously with the two girls’ shouts, 2 small fireb.a.l.l.s appeared in the center of the magic pattern that were drawn in the air, the fireb.a.l.l.s flew towards the outer wall and snapped.

「Well done」(Asley)

「Oh, it came out …」(Tifa)

「I did it, Asley-san!」(Rina)

「It took me two weeks to activate it, but the two of them could do it in a day.
They are really amazing」(Asley’s inner thought)

I’m about to cry in my talent.
It was a rare case that bothered the teachers of Magical College.

Magical Academy is an school for those who have high magical power and that school also put out written tests to some extent.
Of course, money is also necessary to enter and you have to keep paying more money unless you can pa.s.s the promotion exam once in half a year.

There are eight promotion tests before graduation, and it would take four years at the shortest time required.
I fell in the first exam with a pa.s.sing rate of one hundred percent, and after being made into a laughing stock, I left the academy.
I turned my focus to looking around, started handling alchemy which is close related to magic and accidentally successed making an『Eternal drop』

And before I noticed, the people around me already dead by old age.
I do not know what I can do by myself,
but it may not be bad to watch over the future of talent young people walking step by step.

「Then, I will pa.s.s you the parchment that wrote a simple magic formula.
Try to remember it by tomorrow,
please don’t use the previous magic in any places unless you are under my supervision.
And if you use it …」(Asley)

「「Well, if I use …?」」(Rina + Tifa)

Tension runs on the two girls’ face. They seem to be holding their breath.

「I will never teach you magic again ♪ 」(Asley)

「「Yes!」」(Rina + Tifa)

Fire attribute magic is a very convenient magic, but it is also dangerous magic at the same time.
In this town, where a small fire may appear and burn the reconstruction away, we must “stab a nail” (prevent) for such a danger.
Stabbing so deep sothat it won’t come out (happen).

However, it seems that magicians are decreasing due to this fact.
Magic Academy published licenses for magicians, it’s said that all magicians without it will be given a derogatory name of being an informal magician.
Ryan who knew my circ.u.mstances taught me about it from kindness, but in reality there seems to be no law against informal magician.
However, it would be undeniable that such a magician would be disadvantaged if he caused problems.

I’m teaching Rina and Tifa in advance, but since they believe that they will be able to enter the Magical Academy once they grow up, so there will be no problem.

***November 1st, 4 pm***

I finished the magic cla.s.s a little earlier so I was on my way to the warrior cla.s.s that Mana is teaching.
Warrior cla.s.sroom is an open s.p.a.ce.
It was done within the reach of the elders and the eyes of other women.
Of course, some parents didn’t want their children to join such cla.s.s, but they didn’t force the children to stop either.
In the end, it is based on arbitrary partic.i.p.ation.

「Hi Mana, how’s it going?」(Asley)

「Oh Asley, I finally finished telling them about choice of weapons」(Mana)

In the past month, Mana and children had built a very friendly relationship.
Although Mana is still young, she is an excellent educator, who thinks about the children properly and firmly remember each person’s name.

By the way, Riido is 28 years old, Mana is 20 years old, Rina is 13 years old.
More to say, Reina is 23 years old, Ryan is 49 years old.

The warrior cla.s.sroom has many children and many active children.
In the past, there was a hypothesis that the personality separates magician and warrior, but maybe such thing is really correct.

「Asley, would you have a mock combat with me for a moment?
I can"t ask the children, but I need to show them how to do it」(Mana)

「Ah, I don’t mind, I am not very good at it though」(Asley)

I shrugged my shoulders and said so to Mana.
Mana received a training wooden sword from the child and laughed.
From the surroundings I can hear the crowd of the child and the cheers of the women who come to the well to draw water.

「I believed that you would say so.
But as a magician, Asley’s movement… I have not seen your body art」(Mana)

「I see, then I guess it’s probably a little above average」(Asley)

「Ufufu, I can be serious then…!」(Mana)

Mana swung the sword she just received at me.
I stopped the sword tip with my cane.
The sound that the trees and the b.u.mps collide sounded in the square, and those working in the square also turned their attention to here.

「Oh … you could stop it?」(Mana)

「My relationship with this staff is long, maybe」(Asley)

As I said so, I jumped backwards and securing some distance from Mana.
Mana quickly closed the distance, swung down her sword right-handed and I step back one step.
And then Mana took one step further, released a reverse slash from there.
Although I was a little panic but I could avoid it backwards.

Mana was quickly moving to the action with a left front kick.
She kicked my staff and I was pushed backwards.

Mana swung her sword horizontally while chasing me.

I avoided by crouching down.
Then I knocked on Mana’s unstable feet with my cane.
Even after losing her footing, Mana instantly use her other feet to jump up.
And then crouching slash me with both hands.

I rolled sideways and stood up with that flow.
Then I ran to Mana who still wasn’t fixing her stance after swung down her sword.

Mana tried to prevented my attack with her sword.
Then the sound of the echoing weapon collided again.

That was…

「Okay, that’s enough!」(Riido)

It was Riido who stopped us by putting the sheath of the sword between me and Mana.

「Oh, Aniki … why did you stop us?」(Mana)

Mana was pouting as she complained to Riido.

「If you overdo it, you will just scare everyone, you know?」(Riido)

As she heard Riido said that, Mana looked back to confirm the reaction of the children.

I wondered if she thought if she she was too enthusiastic.
Mana must be regret that she may frighten the children, but on the other hand, the children…

「Amazing, Mana nee-chan!」(Kid A)

「Asley too, Kaang ka kaang!」(Kid B)

(T.N: The kid tries to make the sound effect)

They held their fists and praised us.
We got a word of praise from women and elders as well, Mana seemed to be embarra.s.sed, her face was blushing red.

「Asley, you too. Please don"t go along with Mana"s selfishness」(Riido)

「Hahaha, but there were plenty of them」(Asley)

「However, If you fought serious, Mana can’t win anyway」(Riido)

「Hey, Aniki, what does that mean?」(Mana)

Mana protest Riido, she seems to forget the embarra.s.sment of the previous time.
But she seems to be surprisingly childish like this.

「Because Asley still has magic and art, right?」(Riido)

「But, I also still haven"t used any skills yet」(Mana)

「Hey, beside attack magics there are also support magics,
don’t you know it was the reason why the magicians were called monster.
Well, the story about six wis.e.m.e.n are also talking about it」(Riido)

「That … it’s true …but…」(Mana)

Mana was pouting dissatisfacting with her small mouth.
Riido was patting Mana’s shoulder with a big laugh.

I am jealous of her having good brother.
I am an only child and a person with such relations with everyone…
Speaking of, perhaps Pochi may pat me, isn’t it.

After this, the sun was setting as it was, the day ended without any problems.
