The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool

Chapter 2

Disclamer: I"m not owe the images nor the novel chapters.

Everything belongs to their respect owner.

I"m just simple translating it.


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Asley Chapter2: Magic, Magician and Swordsman

Then I and Pochi reachedthe river, and after playing  withPochi. 

Pochi won so we went tothe downstream.

As we were walking alongthe river, there was a wooden bridge to cross the other side of the meadow. 

「Oh, we finally come near the town!」  (Asley)

「Well, it"s because I won the Janken.」  (Pochi)

By the way Pochi ishaving a 「foot janken」 instead of hand like me. 

「No, even if we go upstream, we still have achance to find a town」 (Asley)

「Yeah yeah, let"s do that. There seems to be aroad, we should go along road, we will easy to reach the town that way」 (Pochi)

「The place we lived was an unexplored place, I didnot know well because the last time I was looking for a town properly eightyyears ago. But ... well, I guess the Hermit Candidate have something to do withit」  (Asley)

「Have you got such a t.i.tle? .... I don"t thinkthat Master have different t.i.tle from me.」  (Pochi)

No, You are a dog, aren"tyou

「What do you mean?」 (Asley) 

「From the moment a person become a magician, 

the personality thatmatches that individual is formed.

It seems that this is notmaster"s personality, 

something different, hmm,I can"t say it well」  (Pochi)

「Each person has their own character. 

Did you say you knowabout people better than me?」 (Asley)

「Of course I know, as long as I see atraveler, 

I keep track ofthem, 

listening to their wordsand actions, 

watching the surroundingpeople in rare cases, etc. 

And I also read a certainamount of books about conversation.

That"s why, in my eyesMaster is kind of abnormal individual that will stand out a lot 」 (Pochi)

There was something wrongabout him, like a way to care about fine details, but what he is talking aboutisn"t wrong. 

When I thought myfamiliar is even better than, I"m kind of feel down but then our journey onlyjust began, I still have time to improve. 

When the surroundingbegan to get dark, I started using light source magic and I saw Pochi has areaction.

「What"s wrong?」 (Asley)

「Odor ... and this is human"s ... smell? Master,there are people in front us, they are attacked by monsters!」 (Pochi)

「Okay, I will run away right now!」  (Asley)

「No, not that!」  (Pochi)

「What?」  (Asley)

Hmm, the cold gaze ofPochi hurts.  

Apparently it seems likeI have to help those people. 

From what we can sense,there are about 6 Zombie Road (ゾンビロード: Zonbirōdo)

Because we are also closeto water, there are about ... 10 aquatic monster Marine lizard as well (マリンリザード: Marinrizādo)

「Well, for now, let"s help them」  (Pochi)

「Yeah ,okay. Help them retreat to that place」 (Asley)

「I understand.」(Pochi)

「...Uhm... Hoi hoi no hoi! You guys, please run thisway!」(Asley) (I think Hoi hoi no hoi is his chant because he use it later as well)

As I shouts I startcasting magic, a  guy and two girls surrounded by monster are runningtoward here with Pochi"s help. 

「  Air wall! 

Oh, this"s bad!

Pochi, I"m missing two ofthem!」  (Asley)

A magic parttern isactivated and create an air barrier. I stop the pursuit of the monsters, but mytiming is off and the two monster through the barrier. 

「I will take care of the Lizard! You guys, I willleave that zombie for you」(Pochi)

「I... I get it」 (Man)

The people are swordsmen, aren"t they? But why did you leave the Zombie Road to a warrior-likeman? 

From Pochi"s location, Zombie Road would have been closer. 

「Hey, Pochi what are...?」(Asley)

「I do not want to chew zombies! Nails will get more dirtythan necessary!」 (Pochi)

「Oh, for that, I can agree」(Asley)

Certainly, the smell of Zombie isn"t nice and they are also dirty. 

「Master please take care of monsters from outside of the wall!」 (Pochi)

Now this familiar even order his master. 

「...... Hoi hoi no hoi, Grand Needle!」(Asley) (T.N グランニードル: Guran"nīdoru)


I heard the screams ofmonsters" fallen from the end of the pitfalls that I made on the ground. Needleh.e.l.l in the hole ... There will be no survival. 

The pitfalls will return to normal when the effect time expires. At the same time, there"s a bell sound in my brain told me that I just level up.

Pochi quickly beat MarineLizard, a swordsman-like man cut the zombie road. 

「Thank you for saving us, I"m Riido.」 (Riido)

「 It"s nothing, I"m Pochi and my master is Asley」 (Pochi)

「Hey, that"s my line!」 (Asley)

「Ladies, do you have any injuries?」 (Pochi)

He ignore me. 

「I am okay. Rina is injured ...」 (Girl)

「Onee-chan, tis is but a scratch」 (Rina)

「Would you please heal Rina with recovering magic?」 (Girl)

「Master, please.」 (Pochi)

「You are three people party and there isn"t any magician? Well, it"s not time to say such things ... Hm ... there is alittle poison on your would」 (Asley)

From Rina"s forehead, I can see her sweat a lot. She is also bleeding from the right upper arm ... Isn"t this serious? 

And the moment she heardpoison, Rina"s older sister"s face stiffens. 

「Can she be cured?」 (Girl)

「Aa, Onee-san ... um ...」 (Asley)

「Ah, I"m Mana!」 (Mana)

「Well then Mana-sam, please holds Rina"s arms firmly, Riido-san please hold her firmly from the back」 (Asley)

Two people to doaccording to my instructions. Perhaps they are worry about Rina.

「Rina-san, it will be hurt for a moment, be preparedfor it.」 (Asley)

「Yes」  (Rina)「... Hoi, clock back & stop」  (Asley)  

(クロックバック & ストップ: Kurokku bakku& sutoppu)

「Gu~u!」  (Rina)

Rina"s body is bounce with the spell. Immediately after that the wound on Rina"s body was blocked, a deep green liquid jumped out from the wound. 

Okay, thanks to Mana-san and Riido-san holding, Rina didn"t jump too much.. 

「Okay now ... I have healed your wound ... 」  (Asley)

「That detoxification magic seemd cure the poision but did it really heal Rina?」 (Mana)  (T.N: I choose using cure for poision and heal for recover HP)

「Green liquid has popped out right now, it"s the poison, so please rest a.s.sured」  (Asley)

「Magic that combines detoxification and recovery... No way, it"s compound magic, there are not even 10 magicians in this world that can use such spell ...」  (Mana)

「Compound magic is the Grand Needle I use to defeat those monsters a while ago, this is just Magical Overlay」 (Asley)

Compound magic itself isnot uncommon so far ... so what"s going on here? 

「Compound magic and Magic Overlay? Are you the reinforcement from the Magic Academy?」  (Riido)

The expression of Riido-san brightened somehow. What does reinforcement mean? 

「No, I"m not the reinforcement...」  (Asley)

「So how can you use such high magic that even hard for wizard graduated from Magic Academy?」  (Mana)

「How did you cure my injuries?」  (Rina)

「Eh, I just multiplied the magic to rewind aspecific part and control time with magic.The amount of blood that you lost will not return to its original state. Because I rewind time so it will also return to the time you get hurt and you will have some pain. I can"t reclaim blood with rewind magic but I thought it would be better to rewind time. 」  (Asley)

Well, it seems that they don"t understand it much? Everyone is shaking their heads. 

From what I see, Riido-san,Mana-san and Rina-san are swordsmen. So they don"t know about magic,but ... I heard of a Magic Academy just now, I get the impressionthat the world right now, people can use magic is rare.

「I don"t really understand Rewind, but time controlmagic is a lost ancient magic! Then, ... why  You know? 」  (Riido)

Wow ... this has become troublesome. It is an atmosphere that I have to make it lessconspicuous. 

Can Pochi manage this situation here? Well, it can"t be helped. 

I looked for Pochi andasked for help. Pochi also seemed to notice it and close his eyes while spit out asigh. 

「We are traveling magicians. We have nothing to do with the Magic Academy. And please don"t ask questions about thedetails of the trip」 (Pochi)

「Well, but that is ...」  (Riido)

「Aniki, they save our life, let"s nottalk like that」 (Mana)

「That"s right Onii-chan!」  (Rina)

So they are three brothers andsisters. 

Riido-san seems to be a first brother at the top. His body is also big and muscular. His brown hair is cut carelessly. 

Mana seems to be a middle sister ... She has a very sensuous body, if she make use of her body many men will be tricked, she has such an impression. She has long wavy hair of mixed tea andred colour. 

Rina is a small pet.i.te swordsman. Even if you look at her body, it seems like she isn"tan adult yet (Author"s Note: 15 years old). I feel a sense of incompatibility with the unbalancedlong sword in her waist. It looks like she tries copy her older sister"s hair style but a little shorter.

「Ah, I get it. I"m sorry, Asley」  (Riido)

「So, why did Asley-sama come here?」  (Rina)

Rina"s words tickle me. No matter how you look at me, I"m not a person suit to be called with 「sama」. 

「I stayed away from the world for a longtime and just started traveling again recertly to see how the world change. And I"m lost, and when finally I found a way and I encountered you guys」  (Asley)

Iexplained the current situation. And it"s all true. I just don"t say the details.

「I see…」  (Mana)

「You see ... I"m only lightlydressed, and I would like to know if there"s any village nearby...」  (Asley)

「A, a~a... We are the people of Faltown (フォールタウン: Fōrutaun), whichisn"t far from here ...  If you want, we can guide you, you are our benefactorof life after all.」  (Riido)

「Right now?」  (Asley)

With my words, the threeresponded and answered. 

Reinforcement ...? I can predict that the life of these three people isextremely severe. For that reason neither I nor Pochi ask any furtherquestions. 

If we go to Faltown, we will know how it is. 

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◆ 

While keeping lightsource magic we were walking along the road. 

Riido is walking ahead, Rina and Mana on both sides and me on the back.

I also wanted to know their current fighting power, so I used appraisal secretly from behind of thethree people. 

Is Smash Slash anoriginal skill? I have not heard of it. 

I healedeveryone, so this is probably their maximum HP. 

This girl is having HP and level closer to me. IsMP higher than Riido a characteristic of girl?

Maybe there is an advantage of MP in the gender woman.

In the first place, itwill be impossible for this girl to wander around here. 

But her MP is unusualfor a swordsman. She probably is qualify for a magician girl. Why didn"t she becomea magician? Her age shouldn"t betoo late to change now. 

「Master ... Master」 (Pochi)Pochi speaks to me in a small voice 
「What"s the matter?」 (Asley)「I can"t say that it is a good hobby, I understand theintention, but I think that it would be better if you got the approval of theother first」 (Pochi)「Ah, sorry ... I will be careful」 (Asley)「Very well」 (Pochi)

It certainly isn"t agood hobby. When peering at the opponent"s abilities, it"s necessary to get permission first. 

「Mu~? I found monster ahead, the number is one ... but it"s big!」 (Pochi)

Pochi say it"s big. Then It should be easy to find it. 
The light source magic thatI am activating now only light a small radious, so I can"t spot any monster outside of this light ... 

But it is really big, right ?

I skipped the lightsource magic to the front, and the first thing we noticed was...

「Chimaera! It already noticed us! Becareful!」 (Asley)

What appeared in frontwas a large monster that was eight meters long, with a head of a lion, a torsoof a goat, a tail of a viper snake. 

It"s probably a monsterequivalent to rank B, unless the party have two swordsmen level 40 and one magician, this monster is hard to handle. 

But there are Pochiand me here, there should be no problem this time. 

「Ku~, why did it comes to a place like this?」 (Riido)「Riido-san, escort Mana-san and Rina-san!Pochi buy us some time!」 (Asley)「I understand!」 (Riido)「Okay!」 (Pochi)

Both Mana and Rina are shiver with fear. This would be hard. Battle in the presence of low levelpeople, the escort is the most important task. 

「Gaaaaaaaaaa!」 (Pochi)

It"s Pochi"s special skill  「Gigantic」. When he uses that skill, his body will grow to about 6meters, he may even beat that Chimera down before I activate magic.
But well,... Pochi is ..., he just buys us some time. Maybe because he want us to earn some experiencevalue. 

It seems that Chimera isalso frightened by a gigantic dog-wolf that appeared in front it. 

「Hoi no Hoi no Hoi no hoi! Hexagon barrier!」(Asley)

Evil appearing in the Hexagon magic pattern at the feet of Chimaera, they emit a pale lightning and envelops the chimaera. And they constrained the Chimera, on feet, tails and mouth. 

「Alright, kill it now!」(Asley)

Chimaera is a verypowerful monster with magic resistance. Of course, there are such 「magic」as countermeasuresagainst such monsters. 

Magic is different from magic,the hexagonal star demon Art ,  Activate by drawing lines. 

「This is ... !?」(Riido)

「Please hurry, we don"t have too much time!」(Asley)

「A aaa!」(Riido)

「Let"s go, aniki!」(Mana)

Riido-san and Mana-san raise abrave cry and head towards Chimera. 

It seems that Rina-san don"t attack. 
I stand in front of Rina-san and watch out for the action of the Chimaera. 

「Rina-chan, you don"t need to afraid, it"s a monster you can defeat if youdeal with it properly」(Asley)

「Ah ... that ... but it ...」(Rina)

「Gwao Oooo!」(Chimera)

Rina-san is almost faint by the Chimera roar when Riido-san and Mana-san slash it. However, itseems that the effect of the barrier begin to fade. 

The pale lightningbinding the chimaera is still shining though. 

「Master, Finish it!」(Pochi)

It"s impossible for meto keep such high tech magic art forever.

「Hoi no Hoi no hoi! Take this. Icicle Pillar!」(Asley)

The magic is flying over the head of Chimaera and expands its size  and becomes a huge falling Icicle Pillar

Along with the tremendoussound that shakes the earth, the body of the chimera is penetrated by the  Icicle Pillar. 

「Oh yeah, success! Now ...」(Asley)

Riido-san and and Mana-san are surprised by the appearance of the ice pillar, but they were on the next action faster than my command. 

「Nuri ~yaaaaa~!」(Riido)


When Riido-san and Mana strike throughthe head of the lion, the game was decided. 

At the same time, thelevel up bell sound rang in my head. 

「It"s over, Rina-chan」(Asley)

I placed my hand on the Rina"s shoulder and gently called out to her. 

「... Yes, thank you ...」(Rina)

The girl had tears inher eyes got up and grabbed my hand slowly. 

I guess this was thesituation I really want to have if I was in this age too. I try to remember my feeling and emotion 5000 years ago, but memories seemed to be foggy. 

「Let"s do it, horns and fangs of Chimaera! If we get this, we can make better equipments for me, Rina and aniki!」(Mana)

「Mana, the MVP of this fight is Asley andPochi, we should give rare material to Asley」(Riido)

「Eh ... well ...」(Mana)

The expression of Mana when she hearing that is dark. 

「Oh, I don"t mind, please use it for the three of you, I get theeyes of Chimera instead」(Asley)

「Eyeb.a.l.l.s ? I never heard any use for such material?」(Mana)

「The eyes of Chimaera are materials necessary for weaponsstrengthening ceremony ... even I say it, I don"t really understand it myself...」(Asley)

「Master, you should be a bit more thoughtful」(Pochi)

I also noticed aftersaying that! 

I should say anything is fine. I got caught up, so I was in trouble. 

The three of them stare at me for a whole, but they are distract when Pochi shrinking. 

「But we are really saved. I"m really happy that we can defeat the monster that my father wasn"t able to win」(Riido)

「... You had such a past?」(Asley)

「A few years ago, this fellow came attacking Faltown. My fatherwho was the strongest in the town at that time fighted admirably, but due to thescar of the battle ...」(Riido)

「Wait a moment, Chimera attack the town? What had the guild been doing? If they take measures, It shouldn"t be the opponent you can"tbeat.」(Asley)

「Master, that story is in the past, we should head forFaltown first」(Pochi)

It was. I was diggingagain what I decided a few years ago. There is no reason to be get worked up just like Pochi said. 

Really stupid, I am ...  

「Well, I"m sorry ... Let"s go then」(Asley)

We started walking againwith the same formation as before, we aimed for Faltown. 

On the way, Rina is walking a little slowly and comes to me. 

「Um ... Please don"t worry too much about it」(Rina)

I felt relieved a bit with Rina shyly words. 

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