The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 487: Interview

Chapter 487: Interview

After a while, a young girl came slowly. The constant smile on her face made her appear very friendly.

“Excuse me, are you He Xiyan?” The girl asked politely.

He Xiyan nodded.

The girl made a gesture of invitation and said, “Come with me, your resume and other information have been sent to the three managers and you meet the qualifications in the first round. Now please follow me to the test room, where you need to complete some test questions. This is the first step in the interview. Good luck to you.”

The girl was smiling all the way, while He Xiyan was holding her fingers tightly. She could even feel the sweat in her palms. In the companies she used to applied for, they would normally ask her to make a design on the spot, or look at her previous cases, and then decided whether to hire her or not after several rounds of face-to-face interviews. This company, however, clearly had different recruitment process.

He Xiyan followed the girl into the so-called test room, which was very large, at least sixty to seventy square meters. There were twenty computers and chairs in it, and more than a dozen people were already seated there, doing exercises carefully.

The girl said, “Excuse me, He Xiyan, this is a simple test. Here are sixty questions. You have an hour and a half. During this period, you can answer as many questions as you can.”

After that, the girl went out directly without waiting for He Xiyan to ask any questions.

He Xiyan sat in front of a computer. Soon the first question appeared on the screen, together with the countdown time.

He Xiyan hissed a long breath, trying to calm down. Now that she came, she would try hard.

She looked at the first question on the screen, which read: You have eight b.a.l.l.s of the same size, seven of which weigh the same, and the other one is heavier. How can we use the balance to find the heavier ball by weighing them only twice?

He Xiyan was stunned! She applied for the position of design, but how could the test questions have nothing to do with this position. It was like an IQ test. She frowned, then rubbed her temple vigorously, trying to find a way. Twenty seconds later, she began to type the answer:

Take six b.a.l.l.s out of the eight b.a.l.l.s.

Place three b.a.l.l.s on each side of the balance. If they weigh equally, then the heavier ball must be in the two left.

But if their weights are not equal, the heavier ball must be in one side.

Supposing the heavier ball is in the three b.a.l.l.s, then pick out two of them and put them on the balance. If they are of the same weight, then the heavier one is the ball which has not been weighed. If they are not of the same weight, then the heavier one is obvious.

She finished the first question, which took her one minute and twenty seconds.

She quickly pressed the Enter key to jump to the second question, which seemed to be a reasoning calculus. The question was: In a country where boys are attached greater importance than girls, every family wants to have a boy. If they have a girl, they will give birth to another child until they have a boy. Then in such a country, what is the ratio of men to women?

He Xiyan thought for a moment, but she answered this question very quickly. Within twenty seconds, she entered the answer of “1:1” without hesitation.

Then came the third question, the fourth question…

When encountering questions difficult to solve, He Xiyan would choose to skip. Within one and a half hours, she answered forty eight questions in total, all of which were questions to test one’s IQ and thinking.

After that, she was already sweating all over.

Such feeling was like having run a long distance. Even in the the college entrance examination, she was not so nervous.