The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 930: Excited Ye Hao

Chapter 930: Excited Ye Hao

His mind was now occupied with only one idea: she was still alive! His Yanyan was still alive! And she was in the castle right now.

Thinking of the exciting news, Ye Hao accelerated his speed again, and the cars in front of him were overtaken one by one.

He seemed to be racing. He usually had to drive more than an hour to get home. Today, it took him just 40 minutes.

When getting to the gate, Ye Hao was even unwilling to wait for the guard to open the iron gate, so he left the car at the gate and ran inside.

“Yanyan…” Ye Hao called out the name in his heart as soon as he got in. He shouted loudly, for fear that He Xiyan might not be able to hear him.

Of course, his ex-wife couldn’t hear, because she had been away for nearly half an hour.

This call of “Yanyan” was only heard by his mother and his present wife.

As if frozen, Han Xue was still there, whose face changed from white to blue, iron blue. She was biting her thin lip, which was already bleeding.

Xia Jingshu, however, frowned gloomily. She could guess that He Xiyan’s appearance this time would make this uneasy home even more messy.

Ye Hao’s eyes ran down the hall, but he failed to spot the figure he missed. He then hurried to the living room, where he saw his wife Han Xue and his mother Xia Jingshu.

He didn’t even bother to cast a glance at Han Xue. Instead, he went straight to his mother.

“Mom, where is Yanyan?” Ye Hao asked without hesitation, not giving consideration to his wife Han Xue not far away at all.

After all, deep in his mind, this was not his wife.

Xia Jingshu frowned and turned to look at her son, who seemed to be so thrilled as to go crazy.

She then turned to look at Han Xue again, finding that her daughter-in-law was pale and seemed to have cried already.

Xia Jingshu shook her head, motioning her son not to ask any more.

But Ye Hao didn’t care about his mother’s signaling at all.

“Mom, Yanyan, where is Yanyan?” Ye Hao looked around again, but still didn’t see his ex-wife.

At this time, Xia Jingshu finally spoke. She sighed and said, “A Hao, she has left.”

“Left?” Ye Hao’s heart b.u.mped quickly. Because of over excitement, he was in a state of thrill. As if having been doped, he was flushed all over, and his neck was even dyed red.

“Ye Hao…” Xia Jingshu couldn’t stand any longer. “It is enough for you to know she’s still alive. What are you excited for? You…”

Before Xia Jingshu finished, Ye Hao walked out quickly. He didn’t cast a careful glance at Han Xue in the whole process, let alone knowing that the moment he turned around, the woman clenched her fist tightly.

Ye Hao came upstairs, where his baby daughter Xixi was talking to the robot.

“Xixi…” Ye Hao called, pulling her daughter near excitedly.

“Xixi, tell Dad, where is your mother?”

Xixi looked at her father with wide round eyes.

“Mom left.” Xixi said. ‘Dad’s face so red, he must have drunk a lot.’.

“Does your mother say where she is going and where she lives?” Ye Hao felt that his heart was about to burst. At this moment, he was excited as well as thrilled.

Xixi shook her head.

“Mom didn’t say where she went. She only said that she would come to pick up Xixi in a few days and make a lot of delicious food for Xixi.”

After hearing his daughter’s words, Ye Hao turned around and went out again. Though Yanyan didn’t say where to go, he could guess where she would go.

Now that she has come to see Xixi, she would definitely go to see Yuanyuan. She must have been at Mo’s before.