The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 281: Where Was My Sister?

Chapter 281: Where Was My Sister?

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

He Xiyan seemed to sense the eyes casted on her nearby. She turned her eyes and saw that Su Ye was indeed staring at her.

However, they had never met each other before. Although she knew him, but it was because he was a household name.

Besides, what was the point of watching her? Or did he want to talk to her husband?

Turning her head around, she looked in surprise at Su Ye who was wearing a white suit near her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked doubtfully.

Him staring at her like this made her feel very uncomfortable. Besides, she was a married woman with her husband beside her.

Su Ye smiled lightly with grace.

“Nothing, you look familiar to me.”

(He Xiyan)…

Speechless, He Xiyan immediately turned away, confused. They had never seen each other before, but he said that he was familiar to her. Was he trying to accost her?

Why was he so boring? Rumor had it that Su Ye occasionally accosted strange women, married or single, invited them to meals or have fun outside if he were interested and stopped contacting them when his interest wore off. Was that real?

Thinking that he might be for this purpose, He Xiyan immediately moved to the right side a little, her head leaning on Ye Hao’s shoulder.

It seemed to suggest that she was a married woman now and please do not disturb her any more.

Ye Hao felt her unusual behavior and turned his head, only to see the fake smile on Su Ye’s face.

He indeed looked as if he needed beating.

“Yanyan, you sit on this side.” Saying so, he stood up and let He Xiyan sit in his seat. He then sat in the eighth seat, next to Su Ye.

“Where is my sister?” As soon as he sat down, Ye Hao frowned and looked coldly at Su Ye beside him.

There was no brother-sister love between him and Ye s.h.i.+yu, but he couldn’t stand other people wronging their Ye family members publicly in front of him.

Su Ye pouted his lips and his eyes suddenly dimmed.

Apparently, he wore different expression when facing men and facing women.

“She went home.” He answered lightly, and then looked at the screen, apparently not wanting to say any more.

Ye Hao did not want to let him off so easily.

“Su Ye, what kind of woman can’t you find? My sister is still under twenty one years old, who is still a student and psychologically immature. What’s the point of playing with her?”

His voice was cold and heavy, a faint trace of anger visible in his eyes.

He Xiyan pulled his sleeve, hoping that he would not quarrel with Su Ye. Such man, one one dared to offend.

Su Ye suddenly frowned, a pair of amorous eyes slightly narrowing, seeming to be a little unhappy.

“Who said I played with her?” He said coldly.

Ye Hao said, “Then why did you ask her for dinner?” Ye s.h.i.+yu was not the master of Ye family, even not Ye Group’s shareholder. Even if there was any business cooperation, there was no need for him to turn to Ye s.h.i.+yu.

Su Ye raised his eyebrows, a trace of teasing fun hung around his lips.

“Of course it was a blind date.”

“You’re sick!”

Ye Hao gave a cold hum and then turned his face around. All his good mood was destroyed by this fellow.

He Xiyan held his hand tightly, motioning Ye Hao to ignore him. Although Su Ye was only twenty seven years old, he seemed quite unpredictable. Having something to do with him would incur a lot of trouble.

Su Ye, though scolded, did not seem angry, simply beginning to watch the movie seriously. As for Ye s.h.i.+yu, he did not take her seriously at all. After all, it was his mother who asked him to meet her. Such a little girl was not mature enough, totally in a different world from him. Of course, the most important thing was that he didn’t like women who talked dirty, whether elegant rich girls or rural village girls.