The Problem with Marrying Rich: Out of the Way, Ex

Chapter 951: No Man Had Ever Treated Her This Well

Chapter 951: No Man Had Ever Treated Her This Well

“I meant it as a joke because I a.s.sumed that he was a playboy and thought that my words would stop him from trying to court me. I was shocked when he took my words seriously and transferred all his a.s.sets to me two weeks later. His a.s.sets were worth more than 130 billion dollars, much more than Forbes’ estimation of his wealth. Sis, I bet you could never imagine what he was thinking the day he did something so out of the ordinary,” she said.

Two years had pa.s.sed since the fateful incident but Shu Man still felt incredulous every time she recalled his strange actions and felt as though she was dreaming.

She was probably the richest person in the world right now with so many a.s.sets under her name, including a gold mine in South Africa. She had so much money that even if she cooked money every day, she would never be able to eat her way through that much money in her lifetime.

He Xiyan froze in shock after she heard her sister’s tale. Her jaw fell open and it was a while before she managed to find her voice.

She kept blinking in surprise, unable to fathom how someone would resort to such extreme measures. She was unable to wrap her head around someone who seemed to be of sound mind could make such a decision to give all his a.s.sets a woman who was neither married nor related to him. She couldn’t understand how deep his love was for her sister.

“He…is quite an oddball,” she said in disbelief.

Shu Man pursed her lips and said, “Exactly. Sis, ever since this incident, I stopped overthinking our relations.h.i.+p because I decided that he must truly be sincere about making this relations.h.i.+p work.”

“There’s no need for you to feel conflicted,” He Xiyan said as she patted her sister’s shoulder. There was a faint twinkle in her eye as she said, “You should trust him.”

She couldn’t understand Su Ye’s motivations but she was sure that he definitely loved her sister. She had never been loved in such a manner.

They continued chatting for a long while and it was already 9 PM by the time He Xiyan left.

Shu Man walked her to the door and reminded her to take care of herself. She also asked He Xiyan to contact her if she faced any issues.

He Xiyan drove out of the area with all the mansions and headed toward the south of the city.

She was not as worried as when she had first come to visit her sister. Instead, she felt very relieved and happy to know that her sister had found happiness. Her sister was more fortunate than her and had met someone who was willing to give up everything for her. She had never encountered a man who would do the same for her.

She couldn’t help but sigh.

She had also dated rich men but these men would never transfer all their a.s.sets to her. They wouldn’t even give her a portion of their a.s.sets, let alone their entire fortune.

He Xiyan returned to her residential area an hour later. However, she heard a familiar voice just as she was reaching into her bag for her keys after emerging from the elevator.

“Yan Yan…”

He Xiyan stiffened, frowned, and almost dropped the keys in her hand. She didn’t need to turn to know whom that voice belonged to.

She didn’t turn but sped up and stuck her key into the keyhole.

However, she was still too slow. A pair of masculine arms suddenly wrapped themselves around her before she could even open the door.

Ye Hao hugged her from behind tightly. His face was completely flushed and his breath quickened because he was so emotional and excited.

He finally saw Yan Yan.

He was so emotional that his eyes soon brimmed with tears. His tears twinkled in the lamplight.