The Prodigious Princess Qin Zetian

Chapter 16

The carriage stopped at the front gates of the manor. My father stood outside with my brothers. The prince motioned for me to go out. And so I did.

"Greetings your majesty" my father said

"En. I"ll a.s.sign two shadow guards for her, I hope prime minister Qin would agree. She was chased by and her maid betrayed her. As a prince it is my duty to take care of the country"s citizens."

"Thank you your highness"
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"I will take my leave now. Ze"er, be careful next time"

He waved and entered his carriage. The prince lied with a straight face in front of my father. He stated things like I owe him my life.

"Let"s go inside. Ze"er are you hurt somewhere?"

I shook my head.

When we went inside my father interrogated me. He was curious as to why I was seen coming home saved by the prince. I cleared the matter and told the truth. He told me to take some rest and be cautious of my surroundings. Then I went back to my courtyard.

"What are you called?"

"Young miss I am called Han Yuomei, the second prince sent me and Han Wan here to serve you"


I intentionally throw a cup on the floor. And as I"ve expected she has mastered martial arts and the cup did not broke. That prince cannot be bullied, he has so many allies and all of them are martial art pract.i.tioners. But why is that he wasn"t crowned as the crown prince?

"Why did your master sent you here?"

"His highness wanted the miss to be safe and sound"

"I see. Have you captured Lin Tsu? I"d like to pay her a visit"

"She"s already in the dungeons young miss"

"Let"s pay her a visit"

I brought my sword with me and set to the dungeons. The rotten smell of dried blood and old flesh greeted me. Lin Tsu was chained down. I smiled sweetly as I remember what I always do at the dungeons way back 21st century. Oh how I miss the feeling of killing people. My hand itches to peel someone"s skin and let them suffer the torture.

"Have you thought of telling me what you know and whose master you serve?"

"You won"t get anything from me b.i.t.c.h, over my dead body!"

"Don"t worry, I have no plans on keeping you, so naturally I"ll kill you. But I"m a businesswoman, those who trespa.s.s against me will not have an easy death"

"You b.i.t.c.h!"

"Guards tie her on a chair. Someone get me the sharpest knife, a salt water, and copper wires. Let"s see how long it"ll take before you confess!"

"You can never make me!"

"Guards get me some wine too, the strongest the better"

Lin Tsu struggled with all her might, but the bulky soldiers trained for war battles won"t budge.

"Undress her and search her body thoroughly, have switches. They can kill themselves on the spot or even use poison. Make sure she"s clean"

Lin Tsu felt helpless as she sat there naked.