The Queen's Twin and Other Stories

Chapter 11

"You don"t mean that "Bijah Topliff "s left anything!" exclaimed John York with interest, while Isaac Brown put both hands deep into his pockets, and leaned back in a still more satisfactory position against the gatepost.

"He enjoyed poor health," answered Mrs. Price, after a moment of deliberation, as if she must take time to think. ""Bijah never was one that scattereth, nor yet increaseth. "Liza Jane"s got some memories o"

the past that"s a good deal better than others; but he died somewheres out in Connecticut, or so she heard, and he"s left a very val"able c.o.o.n dog,--one he set a great deal by. "Liza Jane said, last time he was to home, he priced that dog at fifty dollars. "There, now, "Liza Jane,"

says I, right to her, when she told me, "if I could git fifty dollars for that dog, I certain" would. Perhaps some o" the circus folks would like to buy him; they "ve taken in a stream o" money this day." But "Liza Jane ain"t never inclined to listen to advice. "T is a dreadful poor-spirited-lookin" creatur". I don"t want no right o" dower in him, myself."

"A good c.o.o.n dog "s worth somethin", certain," said John York handsomely.

"If he is a good c.o.o.n dog," added Isaac Brown. "I would n"t have parted with old Rover, here, for a good deal of money when he was right in his best days; but a dog like him "s like one of the family. Stop an" have some supper, won"t ye, Mis" Price?"--as the thin old creature was flitting off again. At that same moment this kind invitation was repeated from the door of the house; and Mrs. Price turned in, unprotesting and always sociably inclined, at the open gate.


It was a month later, and a whole autumn"s length colder, when the two men were coming home from a long tramp through the woods. They had been making a solemn inspection of a wood-lot that they owned together, and had now visited their landmarks and outer boundaries, and settled the great question of cutting or not cutting some large pines. When it was well decided that a few years" growth would be no disadvantage to the timber, they had eaten an excellent cold luncheon and rested from their labors.

"I don"t feel a day older "n ever I did when I get out in the woods thi way," announced John York, who was a prim, dusty-looking little man, a prudent person, who had been selectman of the town at least a dozen times.

"No more do I," agreed his companion, who was large and jovial and open-handed, more like a lucky sea-captain than a farmer. After pounding a slender walnut-tree with a heavy stone, he had succeeded in getting down a pocketful of late-hanging nuts which had escaped the squirrels, and was now snapping them back, one by one, to a venturesome chipmunk among some little frost-bitten beeches. Isaac Brown had a wonderfully pleasant way of getting on with all sorts of animals, even men. After a while they rose and went their way, these two companions, stopping here and there to look at a possible woodchuck"s hole, or to strike a few hopeful blows at a hollow tree with the light axe which Isaac had carried to blaze new marks on some of the line-trees on the farther edge of their possessions. Sometimes they stopped to admire the size of an old hemlock, or to talk about thinning out the young pines. At last they were not very far from the entrance to the great tract of woodland. The yellow sunshine came slanting in much brighter against the tall trunks, spotting them with golden light high among the still branches.

Presently they came to a great ledge, frost-split and cracked into mysterious crevices.

"Here"s where we used to get all the c.o.o.ns," said John York. "I have n"t seen a c.o.o.n this great while, spite o" your courage knocking on the trees up back here. You know that night we got the four fat ones? We started "em somewheres near here, so the dog could get after "em when they come out at night to go foragin"."

"Hold on, John;" and Mr. Isaac Brown got up from the log where he had just sat down to rest, and went to the ledge, and looked carefully all about. When he came back he was much excited, and beckoned his friend away, speaking in a stage whisper.

"I guess you "ll see a c.o.o.n before you "re much older," he proclaimed.

"I "ve thought it looked lately as if there "d been one about my place, and there"s plenty o" signs here, right in their old haunts. Couple o"

hens" heads an" a lot o" feathers"--

"Might be a fox," interrupted John York.

"Might be a c.o.o.n," answered Mr. Isaac Brown. "I "m goin" to have him, too. I "ve been lookin" at every old hollow tree I pa.s.sed, but I never thought o" this place. We "ll come right off to-morrow night, I guess, John, an" see if we can"t get him. "T is an extra handy place for "em to den; in old times the folks always called it a good place; they "ve been so sca"ce o" these late years that I "ve thought little about "em.

Nothin" I ever liked so well as a c.o.o.n-hunt. Gorry! he must be a big old fellow, by his tracks! See here, in this smooth dirt; just like a baby"s footmark."

"Trouble is, we lack a good dog," said John York anxiously, after he had made an eager inspection. "I don"t know where in the world to get one, either. There ain"t no such a dog about as your Rover, but you "ve let him get spoilt; these days I don"t see him leave the yard. You ought to keep the women folks from overfeedin" of him so. He ought to "ve lasted a good spell longer. He"s no use for huntin" now, that"s certain."

Isaac accepted the rebuke meekly. John York was a calm man, but he now grew very fierce under such a provocation. n.o.body likes to be hindered in a c.o.o.n-hunt.

"Oh, Rover"s too old, anyway," explained the affectionate master regretfully. "I "ve been wishing all this afternoon I "d brought him; but I did n"t think anything about him as we came away, I "ve got so used to seeing him layin" about the yard. "T would have been a real treat for old Rover, if he could have kept up. Used to be at my heels the whole time. He could n"t follow us, anyway, up here."

"I should n"t wonder if he could," insisted John, with a humorous glance at his old friend, who was much too heavy and huge of girth for quick transit over rough ground. John York himself had grown lighter as he had grown older.

"I "ll tell you one thing we could do," he hastened to suggest. "There "s that dog of "Bijah Topllff"s. Don"t you know the old lady told us, that day she went over to Dipford, how high he was valued? Most o"

"Bijah"s important business was done in the fall, goin" out by night, gunning with fellows from the mills. He was just the kind of a worthless do-nothing that"s sure to have an extra knowin" smart dog. I expect "Liza Jane "s got him now. Perhaps we could get him by to-morrow night. Let one o" my boys go over!"

"Why, "Liza Jane "s come, bag an" baggage, to spend the winter with her mother," exclaimed Isaac Brown, springing to his feet like a boy. "I "ve had it in mind to tell you two or three times this afternoon, and then something else has flown it out of my head. I let my John Henry take the long-tailed wagon an" go down to the depot this mornin" to fetch her an" her goods up. The old lady come in early, while we were to breakfast, and to hear her lofty talk you "d thought "t would taken a couple o" four-horse teams to move her. I told John Henry he might take that wagon and fetch up what light stuff he could, and see how much else there was, an" then I "d make further arrangements. She said "Liza Jane "d see me well satisfied, an" rode off, pleased to death. I see "em returnin" about eight, after the train was in. They "d got "Liza Jane with "em, smaller "n ever; and there was a trunk tied up with a rope, and a small roll o" beddin" and braided mats, and a quilted rockin"-chair. The old lady was holdin" on tight to a bird-cage with nothin" in it. Yes; an" I see the dog, too, in behind.

He appeared kind of timid. He "s a yaller dog, but he ain"t stump-tailed. They hauled up out front o" the house, and mother an" I went right out; Mis" Price always expects to have notice taken. She was in great sperits. Said "Liza Jane concluded to sell off most of her stuff rather "n have the care of it. She "d told the folks that Mis" Topliff had a beautiful sofa and a lot o" nice chairs, and two framed pictures that would fix up the house complete, and invited us all to come over and see "em. There, she seemed just as pleased returnin" with the bird-cage. Disappointments don"t appear to trouble her no more than a b.u.t.terfly. I kind of like the old creatur"; I don"t mean to see her want."

"They "ll let us have the dog," said John York. "I don"t know but I "ll give a quarter for him, and we "ll let "em have a good piece o" the c.o.o.n."

"You really comin" "way up here by night, c.o.o.n-huntin"?" asked Isaac Brown, looking reproachfully at his more agile comrade.

"I be," answered John York.

"I was dre"tful afraid you was only talking, and might back out,"

returned the cheerful heavy-weight, with a chuckle. "Now we "ve got things all fixed, I feel more like it than ever. I tell you there"s just boy enough left inside of me. I "ll clean up my old gun to-morrow mornin", and you look right after your"n. I dare say the boys have took good care of "em for us, but they don"t know what we do about huntin", and we "ll bring "em all along and show "em a little fun."

"All right," said John York, as soberly as if they were going to look after a piece of business for the town; and they gathered up the axe and other light possessions, and started toward home.


The two friends, whether by accident or design, came out of the woods some distance from their own houses, but very near to the low-storied little gray dwelling of Mrs. Price. They crossed the pasture, and climbed over the toppling fence at the foot of her small sandy piece of land, and knocked at the door. There was a light already in the kitchen. Mrs. Price and Eliza Jane Topliff appeared at once, eagerly hospitable.

"Anybody sick?" asked Mrs. Price, with instant sympathy. "Nothin"

happened, I hope?"

"Oh, no," said both the men.

"We came to talk about hiring your dog to-morrow night," explained Isaac Brown, feeling for the moment amused at his eager errand. "We got on track of a c.o.o.n just now, up in the woods, and we thought we "d give our boys a little treat. You shall have fifty cents, an" welcome, and a good piece o" the c.o.o.n."

"Yes, Square Brown; we can let you have the dog as well as not,"

interrupted Mrs. Price, delighted to grant a favor. "Poor departed "Bijah, he set everything by him as a c.o.o.n dog. He always said a dog"s capital was all in his reputation."

"You "ll have to be dreadful careful an" not lose him," urged Mrs.

Topliff. "Yes, sir; he "s a proper c.o.o.n dog as ever walked the earth, but he"s terrible weak-minded about followin" "most anybody. "Bijah used to travel off twelve or fourteen miles after him to git him back, when he wa"n"t able. Somebody "d speak to him decent, or fling a whip-lash as they drove by, an" off he "d canter on three legs right after the wagon. But "Bijah said he wouldn"t trade him for no c.o.o.n dog he ever was acquainted with. Trouble is, c.o.o.ns is awful sca"ce."

"I guess he ain"t out o" practice," said John York amiably; "I guess he "ll know when he strikes the c.o.o.n. Come, Isaac, we must be gittin"

along tow"ds home. I feel like eatin" a good supper. You tie him up to-morrow afternoon, so we shall be sure to have him," he turned to say to Mrs. Price, who stood smiling at the door.

"Land sakes, dear, he won"t git away; you "ll find him right there betwixt the wood-box and the stove, where he is now. Hold the light, "Liza Jane; they can"t see their way out to the road. I "ll fetch him over to ye in good season," she called out, by way of farewell; ""t will save ye third of a mile extra walk. No, "Liza Jane; you "ll let me do it, if you please. I "ve got a mother"s heart. The gentlemen will excuse us for showin" feelin". You "re all the child I "ve got, an" your prosperity is the same as mine."


The great night of the c.o.o.n-hunt was frosty and still, with only a dim light from the new moon. John York and his boys, and Isaac Brown, whose excitement was very great, set forth across the fields toward the dark woods. The men seemed younger and gayer than the boys. There was a burst of laughter when John Henry Brown and his little brother appeared with the c.o.o.n dog of the late Mr. Abijah Topliff, which had promptly run away home again after Mrs. Price had coaxed him over in the afternoon. The captors had tied a string round his neck, at which they pulled vigorously from time to time to urge him forward. Perhaps he found the night too cold; at any rate, he stopped short in the frozen furrows every few minutes, lifting one foot and whining a little. Half a dozen times he came near to tripping up Mr. Isaac Brown and making him fall at full length.

"Poor Tiger! poor Tiger!" said the good-natured sportsman, when somebody said that the dog did n"t act as if he were much used to being out by night. "He "ll be all right when he once gets track of the c.o.o.n." But when they were fairly in the woods, Tiger"s distress was perfectly genuine. The long rays of light from the old-fashioned lanterns of pierced tin went wheeling round and round, making a tall ghost of every tree, and strange shadows went darting in and out behind the pines. The woods were like an interminable pillared room where the darkness made a high ceiling. The clean frosty smell of the open fields was changed for a warmer air, damp with the heavy odor of moss and fallen leaves. There was something wild and delicious in the forest in that hour of night. The men and boys tramped on silently in single file, as if they followed the flickering light instead of carrying it. The dog fell back by instinct, as did his companions, into the easy familiarity of forest life. He ran beside them, and watched eagerly as they chose a safe place to leave a coat or two and a basket. He seemed to be an affectionate dog, now that he had made acquaintance with his masters.

"Seems to me he don"t exactly know what he "s about," said one of the York boys scornfully; "we must have struck that c.o.o.n"s track somewhere, comin" in."

"We "ll get through talkin", an" heap up a little somethin" for a fire, if you "ll turn to and help," said his father. "I "ve always noticed that n.o.body can give so much good advice about a piece o" work as a new hand. When you "ve treed as many c.o.o.ns as your Uncle Brown an" me, you won"t feel so certain. Isaac, you be the one to take the dog up round the ledge, there. He "ll scent the c.o.o.n quick enough then. We "ll "tend to this part o" the business."

"You may come too, John Henry," said the indulgent father, and they set off together silently with the c.o.o.n dog. He followed well enough now; his tail and ears were drooping even more than usual, but he whimpered along as bravely as he could, much excited, at John Henry"s heels, like one of those great soldiers who are all unnerved until the battle is well begun.

A minute later the father and son came hurrying back, breathless, and stumbling over roots and bushes. The fire was already lighted, and sending a great glow higher and higher among the trees.