The Real Monster

Chapter 18


The guild master gained reason and finally fessed up about the whereabouts of the royalty, who they were with and those who I had to avoid – killing – is what he said. I gave him a pill as payment for the information and gave the people there 2 gold coins each to drown themselves in booze and whatever else to forget what happened there. That guy that died, I also secretly handed him money to give to the family he left; I gave the money to the one who tried to stop him earlier, especially telling him to make up stories and that to not reveal that it was me, the one who killed their father and husband, who gave the money, to them that just might be insulting. And that"s true as well anyway, so yeah. I don"t feel regret and don"t feel I should even be doing this, but still, it"s to alleviate the guilt I guess. I"m sure this will not be the last time I"ll do this.

I also warned the guild master to keep his pride on the low from now and respond to urgent requests to meet up even from those who look like beggars and listen to what they want to say first before deciding that what they"ll say is not your business, or he might get to experience this again in the future. Even though his leg would grow back after consuming the pill, I told him to not take it in front of many people. The receptionist would probably retire after this.

All these thoughts came flooding to me right after I calmed down a little. Yet every time the thought of the royal family still being alive in my mind, my blood would boil so much that I would start to think and act violent without regard for life. This is a very dangerous transition for me. Hopefully I can make this go away after I exact vengeance on the royal family"s foolishness and cruelty.

"Well then, it was nice doing business with you. I hope I don"t see you again, especially in battle." With a smile I left the guild and flew out of the city. I did not even know the name of the city. All I know is that I now know the names of the royalty and where they are hiding at. Actually, they all are in the Imperial capital, although living in different areas and inst.i.tutions, they are all there and that makes it easier to kill them off. I feel like going all "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" on them. Let"s buy our self some hooded cloaks shall we?

So I bought my self a cloak and also some leather belts and what-not to fasten all the loose parts of the cloak to make it seem like I"m one of them Although I don"t have a hidden blade or something, I should just go with a knife. I already know their names and their looks. Oddly, as my stats grew my memory also improved by leaps and bounds, so now I think I have photographic memory. I was provided the picture of each individual as part of the information I wanted from the guild master earlier.

The Imperial Capital was hundreds of miles away from here and would seem to take six months on foot, 3 months on a horse and well, maybe hours when I fly at full speed. Maybe if I took off all my gravity rings, I"d be able to arrive there as if I teleported? Well, I have in my pocket so I can actually teleport there, but only once I get there at least once.

Currently, I"m buying supplies for the flight. I actually feel very hungry now. I haven"t eaten anything since my visit to Acadria. I should also get something to eat.

So I went and brought myself to a restaurant that seemed to have a good reception. Took a seat away from other people and ordered whatever I saw was appetizing, waited for the orders to come and ate my fill. After the meal my stomach bulged visibly and I paid the bill. That took me 2 hours. Yes, it took me two hours to eat and be filled. Imagine how hungry I was.

After paying the bill I stood up and finished all my preparations. By now, word about my attack on the mercenary guild should have already spread, and I may have already become someone they"d put on their hit list. That"s how it should flow if I refer to the novels and manga, but to my surprise, the mercenary guild really kept their end and put a gag order on the attack. They might be avoiding further shame and humiliation by spreading the truth that they were attacked and they could not fight back at all. It"s good if it really goes like that.

As I am already finished with preparation, I flew away from the city in a very conspicuous manner. I did not care if people saw me, sooner or later; technique to fly will also be developed by other people. Especially my own people, since I taught them to manipulate mana in their body freely. Just nudging them to the right direction would probably produce results similar to how the Crane school developed that flying technique that Tien used when he fought Goku for the first time. Plus I can also reference to them how Gohan taught Videl how to fly, so yeah, I have a lot of materials to use and exploit.

Full-speed flight; I have never done this until now, and the result really astounded me. Remember Superman Scenes where his flight path would produce sonic booms breaking the sound barrier? Well, I have done just that and seeing a sonic boom for me in person is such an awesome feeling! Although not enough to make me lose my anger, but it helped to calm me down some more. Although that cannot be said for my clothes that I just bought; I"m not talking about tearing or stretching, no, I mean it literally caught fire and I looked like a human torch, in the middle of the night-sky or a comet that pa.s.sed by.

Seeing as my clothes caught on fire, I had to stop and change from it. My head looked like I wore an afro, which also went back to normal in a few moments that I put out the fire. So a specialized thread really is needed for these superheroes huh? Should I research about those kinds of stuff later when I get back?

After that, I reduced my speed a bit and successfully arrived near the Imperial Capital 2 days later.

I entered from a remote location in the Imperial Capital and started my hunt for the Princes and Princesses. One by one, I shall hunt them down. First would be the Gwen, Giselle and her seemed to have been in quite good terms, but I don"t care about that. She"s part of the people who allowed something like that to happen inside their palace. I will not pardon her. What"s the use of this power if I don"t use it, wouldn"t that be hypocrisy to the weak? I have to make them answer for killing those people, including the innocents.

So I took my time and investigated where I could find Gwen and where she frequented and who she is with most of the time. Gwen was an easy target and I found out everything I needed to kill her silently without alerting attention until I"m already away. Next on the list was Gwendel. He was staying at the Imperial Academy for knights and those who are privileged to become knights are only those of n.o.ble birth. Killing him silently will be a bit troublesome, but not totally impossible. With him in the same academy was his brother the crown prince, Guilbert. I will make this person"s life miserable until he dies. I"m sure he was the one who ordered such cruelty and brutality. I will never forgive him! Gillian, well, she is staying at the manor of one Duke Sfortza. He"s an Imperial Duke who actually is the Son-in-law of the King of Acadria, he took in the king of Acadria on behalf of the daughter he married, who is not Gillian. Gillian stayed with her father to care for her. I will also give her a piece of my mind. The last two of the siblings are also not without fault. They are equally to blame and I will set them straight.

I waited for a month to finish my preparations in killing them all. When I determined it was time, first, I stalked Gwen and when she was finally alone, I casted to seal the s.p.a.ce we were in as I stayed in the shadows. Then, "It seems you are doing well." I said and slowly revealed myself. "Do you know who I am? I promised to give you people a visit but you weren"t there when I arrived so I had to go chase you all the way from Acadria, Princess."

My face was revealed by the dim light that illuminated the place. We were in her room. Sneaking around becomes easier with my flying ability and the rings I wear. Also using [Silence] on myself to seal my magic for whenever I feel people would notice my magic. I"m not sure if they have tools or the skills to detect magic without a scouter, but its better safe than sorry. Gwen took steps back when she finally a.s.sociated my face to the face that they surely are familiar with, the Hero that they painted as a murderer, and are now here to actually accept that painting.

[H-How are you here, you"re not supposed to come here! We did what you asked! We did what you asked!] She became hysterical as she told me that I wasn"t supposed to come to them. It must be their twisted way of thinking that made them think that I wanted those people that attacked me to be killed. That"s what"s eating me up so much that it grips my heart. However, I hate them more. I will kill them all if I have to, to feel relieved or whatever it is that people may call it.

"Did you really think I had that intention all along? For you to do what you did as if you owned their lives, I will have you feel, what they must have felt when you held blades to their throats. Tonight, you will not be the only one, every single one of you, will experience what it feels to have someone else hold your lives in their hands.

I came up to her and immediately stabbed her heart. The feeling of the knife cutting through flesh, I did not even feel it. I just knew that the knife was lodged in her heart as I saw it was. There was no resistance from flesh, tissue, or bone. I did not feel anything. Even after she was opening and closing her mouth as if she wanted to say something, I did not feel anything. Just void. My face must look very cold right now.

*Ack* *Guh*

I waited for her to finally draw her last breath and left the place using back to my room in the Inn. Then right after I started my hunt for the others. I did not need to have conversations with them as I needed nothing from them. I know they had to die, so they will die. People will look unto what I did and call it evil and senseless, but I"ll do it, because I want to, I want to tell the world that human lives are easy to take if you have enough power, and that what you do to others, will also be done to you. It is twisted logic I know, but I have power, the weak devour the strong, isn"t that right, G.o.d of humanity?

I did the same to Gwendel, to Gillian, to Guilbert; a stab through the heart each. My heart did not feel at ease knowing that there is still two of this wretched family living, so I also killed them and wiped out traces of the Acadria line overnight. I even killed the king who was bedridden. All for a less troublesome life in this world, I"m not doing this for the people; I"m doing it for myself; to be satisfied, to distance myself from human filth.

This is why I told them, "You"ll lose important people if you cross me again." They never listened.