The Real Monster

Chapter 37


The moment I shouted that out, my mind immediately told me to calm down. Having a son is good and all, but I need to know if it"s really my son. I wonder if I can use to make it tell me if the baby"s really my son. Earlier, I already saw that the baby was nameless as and had the stats of Common across the board, so I doubted if it was really my son. It looks like my earlier conjecture about having Poor or Common stats are applicable to infants.

The baby had no special features as well, so he"s probably a normal kid. Without getting my genes, since this is something that was granted to the soul-level which cannot be inherited according to my a.n.a.lysis. This further means that the child borne of me will be an ordinary child, which is good if I think about it carefully. I wouldn"t want to subject my son to a very long time of struggle in life.

Isaac and the gang were looking at me with relieved looks. Lucretia was also looking better and the mother-daughter pair of Asha and Meridith now continued eating as if nothing is wrong now. They were not included in my Overpower"s effect earlier so they don"t know what it felt to be suppressed by me, which is good.

[Sire, if you wish for a city-wide party, then first we"ll have to take care of the enemy at the doors. Although, we"ve already started our plans, we are only at the first phase and without following through, we won"t be able to take advantage of the benefits that I have planned for us. However, if you make a move now, my plan will not matter and everything will be according to your will.] Isaac made his statement.

It seems he had a plan on going and now that I declared to have a party they want to make that a priority instead. So now, I want to hear their reports so that we can move accordingly. My son can wait.

"Lucretia, you"ve done well, but we will still need to talk about it later. You do not have a place in the next order of things to be discussed so go and attend to our son. Make sure he"s comfortable. I noticed that he"s still nameless, and I will not have that go on for another day, however, there are more important matters at hand. Go now.

"You, is your name Dethy? I will allow you to serve Lucretia and Lucretia alone. You cannot take orders from any other people except her and my son. You will take care of their needs. If you do well, then I will reward you accordingly. When you see me, you only need but to bow your head slightly in greeting and that will pa.s.s already. Also, I want you to teach these two ladies how to do house work. I will grant them the human language skill later on so that you can communicate with each other later.

"With that said, go now and continue to prepare the baths. You do not need to be afraid of me. However, betray me even once and you and your whole line of family will disappear from this world. I hope we have an agreement." I smiled as I finished my declaration to Dethy who Lucretia recruited as her servant. I made my order like that so that the order of things does not get so confusing.

Now then, "Isaac, report." I demanded.

[Sire, I have devised this plan of action for the suppression of the Imperial Army that have taken to sieging us. They have already attacked some people and as retaliation from our side, we"ve killed some of their officers. Although we have only recently started, skirmishes from other groups are already happening all over the Village, we are doing our best to make our a.s.sociates withdraw and take shelter in the city for the time being as we take the matter into our hands…] So Isaac explained and that was not all of it, he continued on and on and on about the advantages and disadvantages and even the casualty estimation on his part.

My head started aching the moment he mentioned the benefits and what-else that he mentioned, so I interrupted him and just said, "Stop. Let"s just wipe them all out shall we? I don"t like the idea of delaying any further the party that should have happened a year ago. So let"s not delay any longer. I will personally come out and wipe the army off of the face of Alleucanth and then, I will order you to make a move on where that army came from. Make them suffer blindly going into war with me."

With that said I entered super slow motion and left the Love Nest and went towards where the enemy army was camping, or at least one of them.

I found a camp just outside the range of any kind of weaponry attached to the walls. I guess I should take this one for now.

I showed myself at the camp and extended my right hand towards my left shoulder in a stance of making a claw with my hands. Waving my hands away from that position, a strong gust of wind kicked up but quickly, it disappeared and what was left of the tent were the pins that fastened it to the ground. One hand gestured had already made me someone that can be very dreadful to them for them.

With but a wave of my hand I already annihilated the whole camp, leaving not one soul alive.

That was me doing a very precise control simulation in my mind. Control for my strength which I currently am not confident at. However, it has done the job so I can"t complain much. I don"t need to speak to the commanders since they are already set on waging war on me anyway, I"ll just finish them off.

The people of the region already know about what the Empire has done here and it will not be long until they spread this to the whole realm. That will be the time for me to actually realize my first goal of uniting the human realm.

Without further ado, I went around and annihilated each camp that surrounded the Village and finally made the Imperial Army disappear in a matter of milliseconds. Now I"ll leave it to Isaac to do what he needs to do. My plan was to after all, have them manage the entire realm by themselves. I"ll just be their pillar of support, that power that backs them up without fail behind the scenes.

As if teleporting, I arrived at the Love Nest and turned to Isaac and the rest who seemed to have not noticed my disappearance just yet. I also found people who had skirmishes with the Imperial Army but I took them to consideration and just left them alone.

Now, it"s time to plan that party.

"With that said, Isaac, after you get the report of your men, immediately set up the party. To the outside, make it party for celebrating the divine intervention of a deity and the successful repulsion of the Imperial Army"s invasion, but to us it will be the naming of my son and celebrating two years" worth of birthdays.

"Make it happen, Isaac. I want the party to be celebrated by everyone. You know who I mean by that right? And you three prepare yourselves for invasion right after the party. I want you three to go to each country that surrounds us and make them submit to our rule. If they agree, they will receive the protection of my name. You will spend a few years in each country to reform it, so you better prepare for a long journey home.

"It"s not like you can"t return quickly with your current powers, but I want you to really learn how to take care of a country from scratch. Unlike Isaac who already knows management, I want you to create your own country with your own style of leadership. It could be a military-oriented one, a merchant-oriented one or a service-oriented country, whatever suits each of you but I just want to tell you that if your country prospers, then you"ll have to leave that country with a direct disciple of your own to manage the place without you.

"That"s the extent of my plan for now. Isaac will remain here to monitor your every decision, however, he will and cannot dictate how you would go about your business, what he can do is give advice not suggestion.

"Also, the three of you, I have created a new pill with the new materials I"ve procured while I was out on my journey. Its effect is that it can slow down your aging process by a margin of five to ten years each pill. Side effect is very severe though, which is that you will be able to live longer and have to suffer in this world longer than most people.

"I know I"m putting too much burden on you guys, but I need you for this plan to work. Also, I already talked to one of the Demon Lords that rule the south, which is north to us, about our Village and their realm sharing a border. I warned them not to try to include us in their struggle against humanity and that I welcome demons in my territory as well as long as they are not evil doers.

"I have a lot of things I need to tell you, so first, go ahead and prepare my son"s party. I"ll tell you the rest after the festivities, because at the moment, my son is top priority."

In my excited state, my mind already wants to blurt out all my plans to them and have them carry it out, but my head doesn"t allow me to become irrational to some extent and rash. That"s why and how I could stop myself from going nuts about the plans I have for the whole human realm.

[Yes Sire, but, what do you mean by "after I get reports-] Isaac could not continue his inquiry when he suddenly got a jolt and he sat at the edge of his sit. He then looked towards me with his mouth and eyes turning round. Maybe he"s looking at me thinking I have become a fortune teller or something?

[S-Sire! Did you do all that without us noticing?!] Isaac then startled everyone including the mother-daughter pair who were just eating and are at the moment rubbing their tummies because of being full, by almost shouting that.

[What do you mean Isaac?] Caltec asked with the other two giving huge nods as if telling him to fill them in as well. Isaac turned to me and I nodded to give permission.

[I just received word from my people that the siege is over and that the enemy has either been spirited away or erased from the place without a sound and with no bloodshed. It is giving them chills but they also reported that there are stragglers all over the place that needs to be hunted down. Shall I grant them permission to do so?] Isaac explained and then suggested chasing the stragglers to death, however, I need those stragglers to actually bring the message we sent through this ma.s.sacre.

"Nah~ It doesn"t matter, what takes priority right now is my son"s party. So you guys go ahead and set my house up for a bit while I go shopping at the city. Remember, we need this to happen now, so you better hurry up." Saying all that and turning around, I went towards the mother-daughter pair and granted them the Human Language – Basic, for them to be able to communicate with Dethy who will be taking care of them from now on.

"{Please speak in the human tongue from now on. I want you to help out this girl in normal housework from now on. Until you decide it is already unnecessary to stay here and want to find peace in this new environment. So please refer to her for anything that concerns you and your work.

"Dethy, do what I told you and you"ll be alright."