The Real Monster

Chapter 43


{You will die a horrible death! After your motor functions cease to work, I will tear your skin away from your body, your limbs into thousand pieces and feed you to my summons. Yes, that"s what"s going to happen to you. Are you imagining it?} Azael-on was still hiding in those tornadoes the size of a nuclear plant"s width. There are five of those funnels shifting and surrounding Clay.

Clay was still motionless. It was already two minutes since Azael-on poisoned his opponent, he should be convulsing on the floor by now if he was normal, but since at least Azael-on accepted Clay as someone not normal for a human, he still did not think he was strong enough to kill him.

The way he administered poison was through touch. That one punch that connected to his face was not expected but his poison was his body itself. He had gotten this nifty ability from a descendant of a death G.o.d on earth some thousand years ago. G.o.ds on earth were weak as f.u.c.k and they were only able to grow strong through having people believe in them. This was a typical pseudo-G.o.d scam. They"re actually just monsters pretending to be G.o.ds. They needed souls to survive and so in festivals they would require sacrifice to be made for them. Virgin blood was most delicious.

Seeing as this fish was not biting sooner, Clay made movements as if he was struggling. His acting skill was non-existent so he simply just shook his body like a vibrator and clenched his teeth. His face became red from doing that as if he had constipation. Looking at his state, Azael-on gave another laugh and said,

{HAHAHAHAHa! Finally the poison is going to incapacitate you. The moment it does, you will suffer and I will show you my might!} Once a narcissist, always a narcissist, this line truly fits this demon. Clay was losing patience as this guy was still not coming out to fight him. He can actually just release some of his power and disperse these tornadoes but that would probably scare the heck out of this guy and he"ll escape. It"s a ha.s.sle to chase after a fleeing foe after all.

Once Clay decided to kill him, he really was going to kill him. That"s how Clay is, he"s a man of his words, even when those are unspoken. The Rulers of the Demon realm also arrived at this spot if only a bit of a distance so that they don"t get in the way or get caught up in the crossfire. They saw the funnels of tornadoes circling Clay and they also heard what Azael-on said. When they noticed Clay"s unmoving state they were worried for some reason. They should be happy if this human died right? However, at this moment they were more concerned about this demon that they have as hero. He was someone they knew was pure evil.

The moment this hero was summoned the first thing he did was kill the people around him and then said, {Oh, this body is quite good. I like it. I should give it a bit more test drive. Kekekekeke} which really gave chills to the Demon Emperor present at that time. When he was just summoned, his strength was on par with the Demon Emperor already and that was something they should have rejoiced about but the Demon Emperor could not rejoice over the death of their people.

Finally, when Clay finished his farce and made a feint of going down and falling over, Azael-on suddenly appeared beside him and gave a scratch with his claws. The way he looked at the moment was hideous. His arms were longer than his own body and it"s reaching to the ground. Instead of fingers he had claws and the skin on his body was blackish-purple. His golden look from his humanoid form was totally gone. He also grew horns on his head with black flames sitting at the center of those horns. His eyes were blazing with purple light and were quite creepy.

Before the claw reached its target, Azael-on was already flying away and crashing on boulders and gouging out the ground from the force of his flight. Looking back at Clay he was in a stance as if he finished a strike already, which was the truth. The moment Azael-on moved, he was already clenching his fists and gave Azael-on a punch. Azael-on was still tilling the ground with his face when Clay moved again. From the Demons watching"s point of view, they saw Clay disappear again after his unseen punch and then *BOOM* *BANG* consecutive booming sounds resounded in the place as large holes in the ground appeared and dust clouds were being cleared by the tornadoes. The scene was as if giants were gouging out holes with their fists but in reality there was only a monster"s body to blame for the holes, heck, it"s not even the ragdoll"s fault but the force behind each punch that made the ragdoll gouge holes. Finally, Clay pinned Azael-on on the ground and kept hitting him squarely in the face time and time again as *BOOM* booming sounds and *CRUMBLE* earth shattering behind each punch. The hole that once was just a few meters big became tens then hundreds and then it went all the way to thousands of meters as each punch landed squarely.

{Sh-Stahp! Shtop, pweash} Azael-on was begging for the beating to stop but Clay did not let up, as Clay was pounding on, his mind was actually on another matter.

"Yep, I really can"t spare this guy. My instinct just tells me to finish him off before anything else happen "cause of him. I"ll kill him."

When he finally made up his mind, Clay stopped pounding and as getting the chance to talk made him energized, Azael-on yet again spoke, {Kekeke You"d do well to listen to me fool! If you let me go now, I will promise not to show myself in front of you anymore} However in his mind he was saying, I"ll not show myself but I will still get my revenge through some other ways. After all, I can use a lot of means for that. Kekekeke.

"{You still have the energy to speak like that I see.} *BAM* another punch landed and made Azael-on"s head planted on the ground. "{Now shut up for a bit and stay still. I haven"t practiced this move since coming here so I might have gotten rusty.}" After saying such and looking at the twitching legs of Azael-on, Clay took a bit of distance and stood sideways, bending his legs then stretching his arms forward with both palms opened and facing each other as if holding a ball. Then he abruptly pulled his arms into his side in between his right leg and ribs. He maintained this stance for at least a few seconds then finally he gathered energy into the center of his palm imagining a ball of pure energy.

The ball of energy had a bright blue glow that from afar had frills on its edges. The rays of light that it emitted also penetrated the earth as if they were solid substances. That was evidence of how great a deal of energy has been gathered and condensed into this single ball. As seconds pa.s.sed by the ball also grew to a considerable size.

This was Clay"s first time really using this iconic technique that would cause this web novel to be called out to take the content off and his way of doing it is very slow as well. That just shows that his mastery of this technique was close to nada. Although he"s mastered the stance, as an ordinary human from his previous world, moves like this weren"t possible to execute. That"s why he was so excited about trying this technique out and teaching the others. He was actually making the others as experimental subjects and if they can execute it then that would mean that he would be able to. And as fate would have it, using mana as an alternate source of energy instead of Ki, they were able to replicate it. However, it also showed how ridiculous it is in terms of mana consumotion. The first time Caltec and the group fired off this baby, they were nearly exhausted of mana, although power-wise, it brought out something that even the pale in comparison.

He was actually looking forward to using this technique to compare to Agamemkeru"s in their rematch but noticing that he"s already grown more than Agamemkeru can dish damage out, he just gave up on a rematch.

Now that he had the opportunity to use it, he"s going all out.

"{Hey, demon, I know you think that you"re all that great, but really, I think you"re just an ordinary grunt even when you were an angel. You know why I think that? Because your name, I don"t think I"ve heard of it before in any writing. You know what that means? You"re an insignificant p.a.w.n that isn"t worth writing about in any of the Holy Scriptures. Let me send you on your way now. I don"t know where you"ll end up in after dying, but well, if there"s h.e.l.l here as well, enjoy your time there."}

Finishing up his speech simultaneously with the gathering of his energy he then made a chant in his mind. He never taught this chant to his retainers because he just might get called out by the Intellectual Property suits for using it.

The chant was exactly how Roshi taught his disciple with. Clay chanted, "Kame… Hame…"

"{HAAA!}" and loudly yelled as he finished the chant and abruptly extended his arms outwards aiming his palms towards where Azael-on was still planted. Clay knew Azael-on wouldn"t be able to hear his speech but he still did it since it was the only time that he could say cool lines in the middle of a fight.

Contrary to how often he found it foolish for fighters to chatter while exchanging blows, he found that speaking really is impossible while fighting and opening your mouth to talk is only available when you"re not engaged in defending yourself from getting killed.

He made that speech earlier because he knew as the status of Azael-on made sure for him that he was in fact unconscious and that few seconds that Clay had to gather all that energy was enough to blow Azael-on to smithereens.


With the release of his attack, the ground beneath his feet sank as the energy released was too much for it to bear. The head of the blast found its target and effectively rendered the target non-existent.

According to Clay"s memories, if the Rasenshuriken effectively cut up its target atomically rendering its core to be totally cut spirit and all, then his stolen technique was enough to reduce its target into nothingness. Totally erasing the existence once known as Azael-on with just pure energy is just too far a stretch even for Clay, he actually took the inspiration of experiencing Agamemkeru"s and added in some Null affinity magic into it imagining the shot fired to be an eraser.

In a way, Clay is really just stealing techniques and making adjustments and innovations to it as he goes. Although some may see it as an insult to the original, why would Clay care, as those people are from Earth anyway; he"s in Alleucanth now and their – as Clay would say, "b.i.t.c.hing" – won"t reach him.

*PSSH* Sizzles and rumbles then the sound of crumbling rocks and earth resounded. The whole valley where they were situated in turned silent except for those sounds that broke its silence. This place was once an elevated plane that had rock formations and earth formations that got destroyed from the beating earlier, yes, beating… not fighting.

Clay was giving Azael-on a beating and now he"s annihilated him out of necessity. To bud evil from its roots to prevent future troubles, this is what superheroes were unable to do with their huge-a.s.s hypocrisy going around their heads. Superman"s the one who fed them that idea as well.

"Now then, what should I do next? First I should check for energy fluctuations that belong to Azael-on thoroughly. Not to let slip any small amount so that I prevent something tragic from happening while I"m away or something, next, talk to the Demon realm rulers and third go back home and plan our own campaign to bring terror to the world. I guess that"s all??"

Clay pondered what he should be doing now that he"s done dealing with Azael-on. He decided on talking to the Demon Emperor now that the opportunity presented itself. And to be safe, he started to utilize all of his senses to detect any fluctuation of mana with the same signature as Azael-on to make sure that he totally got rid of him. You never know, maybe Azael-on can also regenerate even when only a drop of blood remained from him. Isn"t that a tad bit too much of a headache to deal with?

"d.a.m.n, I just realized how vexing it would be for my enemies to know that I am basically un-killable as long as a drop of blood remains from me. In battle, blood splatters are always present, unless you got defense as good as mine which can totally neglect damage, then with that said, if a strong enemy appeared in front of me who"s capable of wounding me, then that means that that enemy has the potential to destroy my body as well. So those blood splatters will be my saving grace if that were to happen would that not be the case? Just thinking about it is making me feel pity for my enemies."

Clay realized how stupidly OP his ability to regenerate was, even though he knew that Deadpool"s healing factor was something even more desirable than Wolverine"s, he still did not think that even if it"s just a drop of blood, he"d be able to regenerate, but now, that he thought about it, it made sense. Because how would Deadpool regenerate even his head when he"s blown to thousands of pieces by explosions that he encounters in his daily showing.

After sweeping up the whole area where they battled and even going beyond that scope, Clay finally felt relieved and stopped his over cautiousness and relaxed. Then he turned his attention to the audience that bore witness to the death of their own "Hero." Obviously, Clay was coming to them with the mind-set of facing an angry group of people for killing their representative or well their G.o.d"s representative.

"Now then, let"s have a little talk with them. Gulp."