The Real Monster

Chapter 48


Caltec jumped up to the highest he could rise and used the momentum of falling to deal his most devastating attack. He did not think of this attack but was also taught to them by Clay. They had already sets of skills for attacking and defending in this world, however, they did not have techniques to use for those who had power so overwhelming that the uses of techniques were overkill. And so Clay taught them some stolen techniques from anime and manga. It was a simple and quite frankly barbaric technique that just used a bit of physics to make possible.

Clay told them to name this attack as Ground Slam or Earth Shaker, so they chose Earth Shaker as it sounded cooler than Ground Slam, and so Caltec performed the movement for Earth Shaker and his momentum increased by the second that he was falling. The height he rose up to was close to three thousand meters which was almost equivalent to j.a.pan"s Mount Fuji by a few hundred meters.

One can imagine how great that height was and to fall from that height, a normal human being would die; however, this was not a normal human being. The bones of this person were tempered and ground to dust only to be healed and renewed forcefully by potions and this kind of strengthening led to this person"s body being harder than even the strongest known metal in this world known as Orichalc.u.m – at least until they discovered the new metals inside the Moribor Mountains.

Caltec thought that he was too light to bring about enough damage to kill the b.a.s.t.a.r.d and so he took out his accessories that he kept after he drank the potion when he prompted himself to help Isaac, to arrive there, he had to use his fastest speed and so prompted to not wear it, he then hastily equipped it, thereby granting him weight that could not be weighed by a scale anymore. This further enhanced his attack to become something akin to a meteor falling into the earth.

The noise of this attack attracted the fiend that was chasing Isaac who damaged it quite badly with that earlier attack of his and the fiend found him very loathsome. Isaac kept on dodging left and right to avoid its attacks while luring the fiend to be where Caltec would land. With the attack incoming, the fiend noticed Caltec and was about to dodge but Isaac was one step ahead of it and already accelerated enough to again give it a huge damage and make it kneel on the ground yet again from his attack.

*BAM* and the ripples from his palm damaged the insides of the fiend again while Caltec was already only a 15 meters away from the ground.

15 meters was a rather short distance already and the fiend needed a bit more than twenty seconds to fully get up and dodge the attack by a hair"s breadth.

It was trembling as it seemed to want to spur its legs to move, but the damage it received was far too great for it to stand in such a short time, 12 meters…

10 meters,

9 meters,

5 meters,

2 meters,


Without being able to move away from the spot, the fiend roared in agony before it turned real quiet in just a moment. The shockwave even disrupted the dance that Jon and Mor was performing to avoid the colossal fiend that they were both facing as well.

Clay who was up in the sky watching over the mountains, had frown on his face, not because he was worried but because he was getting annoyed that these guys were working too slowly and enjoying their fights instead. "Why I ought to give them a piece of my mind later these d.a.m.ned battle hungry maniacs!" Clay shouted in his mind. Even if he says that, he was actually feeling quite good seeing that these guys are fighting like beings with power instead of using techniques that are useless on this kind of opponent.

A dust cloud wanted to form, but the shockwave blew it all away and immediately the result of Caltec"s attack showed itself. The fiend was nowhere to be found replacing it was a blood splatter that colored the crater that Caltec"s landing created; it was a crater of over twenty meters in diameter and a few meters deep in depth. Caltec was at the center, his knee broken, his hands also powdered inside while his face was pale as death. That was one scary attack to do, for both attacker and the target.

Isaac, who witnessed all these close by, was covered in a layer of think ice to protect himself. He was worried that the shockwave would also blow him away. Seeing as the result was good enough, Isaac called out to Caltec and said, [Hey, you did great, but mind if we don"t use that when there are allies with you? Dammit, that scared me to death! If that fiend wasn"t there to cushion the attack, then this place would have only become a crater as great as the entire city and as deep as a few hundred meters, understand?!] Isaac was a bit paranoid, but his calculations are more or less correct. Without that fiend"s resistance and st.u.r.diness, that force of having that attack directly to the ground would have left the city in danger as well.

Clay was up there just frowning, also knowing the danger to the city that that attack just brought. "d.a.m.n Caltec, these guys" offenses just keep on piling up huh?" Clay with gritted teeth said in his mind.

[Since you can"t move let me give you a potion and just wait here to be fully healed before coming with us. I will leave the closing of this hole here to you and help Jon and Mor first, as this hole might become even bigger and an even more dangerous monster comes out of the hole. We have to do this right! I will give you a signal of when you should close the hole here and when you do, also send a signal. That way we"ll be prepared. Then immediately come to us and help us deal with the monster that comes out of the last black hole okay?]

Caltec did not reply and only nodded ever slightly after drinking the potion that Isaac put in his mouth. He then closed his eyes and as Isaac froze the hole to prevent another fiend to get out from it while he recuperates. It was risky but it was the only way of dealing with it without losing one of their comrades.

In another area where Jon and Mor were dancing to the fiend"s tune. As both of them were of the counter-attack type of fighters, they did not have a concrete means to deal with the fiend. They both saw how Caltec fell from the sky and using the Earth Shaker move, but that was too risky as they had their companion with them, they knew this and prompted out of using it.

[Dammit! Where are those guys, that fiend they were facing should already be dead right? If it can survive from that then we"d have to call on Sire to deal with it then right?] Jon was feeling stifled and scared. Who wouldn"t be scared, when all their attacks just got shrugged off by their enemy? If that was all, they"d still have confidence that other attacks are going to work but seeing as that meteor-like attack might not even work, they both felt a bit more scared.

[Well, would you forgive us if we said sorry? I got delayed giving Caltec a potion. He powdered his hands and legs from that attack just now and couldn"t move. So yea, I"m late.] Isaac sarcastically answered Jon"s query out of the blue. What was supposed to be something said as a joke was taken seriously by Isaac, so Jon was having a wry smile while he dodged another stamp on the ground by the fiend.

[Well, just distract it for now and I"ll prepare my attack. Mor, help me with it, go to the other side and also attack it with palm strikes like this, to damage the insides and so that we can take its head off that way.] Isaac showed Mor the attack to use and then made some distance from the fiend just like earlier. Mor also did what Isaac did and ran in the opposite direction.


Jon dodged another attack from the fiend and that became the signal for both Mor and Isaac to initiate their attack, a double flanking attack aiming for both sides of the fiend. This was what Isaac did to enable Caltec to launch his attack earlier and this time, he plans to finish this fiend without using that dangerous attack at all.

Isaac propelled himself towards the fiend that just slammed its front arm/paw to the ground to crush Jon, it was the golden opportunity, and Mor, without missing that chance as well as if telepaths, also launched himself towards the fiend"s side. In their palms was the gathering of power pure raw power.

Finally when they arrived just beside the fiend"s sides, Isaac and Mor let it rip!

*BAM* *BAM* the fiend was. .h.i.t squarely and it roared like mad, *ROAR* and made Isaac and Mor move back out of caution.

Jon seeing that as an opportunity he was waiting for, for the first time in his after learning the move, finally he can use the most devastating attack that Clay personally taught them; The Turtle Destruction Wave.

Seeing Jon taking the stance after taking a fair distance away from the fiend that was kneeling on the ground and was stunned out of its mind, they also imitated him and took the stance for the Turtle Destruction Wave.

Jon gathered mana into a ball and the visual effect of having the energy outside the body and gathered into one point was a sight to behold, it was a technique that not even the most celebrated magician of the human realm can imagine and the destructive power it had was on par with the most deadly of spells from magicians.

Three attacks of Turtle Destruction Waves had the greatest possibility of totally making the fiend disintegrate. With Jon having finished his gathering first, he immediately fired it off in a direction where Mor and Isaac were not in.

[Hnn] He grunted as a reaction to the sudden outburst of energy that he unleashed. The fiend already felt the danger of the gathered energy all around it but it did not have enough time to move as the double flanking attack of Mor and Isaac immobilized it completely for at least twenty seconds. And twenty seconds was plenty enough to finish preparation for the Turtle Destruction Wave.

Soon enough, Mor and Isaac finished preparing and also fired their shots. Mor had moved away from the opposite direction of Isaac when he ran away out of caution earlier and so Isaac was not worried of him being caught in the crossfire.


Three bright blue beams of energy shot straight towards the fiend and this resulted in an obvious death for the fiend. It did not stand a chance at all. As the brightness of the beams slowly faded, the scene in front of them terrified even the three of them. The ground where the fiend was is now a puddle of blood and some pieces, while the trajectory of the beams formed a claw-like impression on the ground right in front of them.

[Just what did Sire teach us as moves? This is obviously a secret technique that should not be taught to outsiders. Does he not consider us as outsiders then?] Isaac was over a.n.a.lyzing the reason why Clay taught them this, in fact it was just a stolen technique so he taught it to them without thinking about it being a secret technique.

[Yeah, just look at its destructive force. And this is just the bare minimum isn"t it? Sire taught us to gather even more from the outside mana energy by drawing them in through it, but if this is already this strong, just how strong is a full version? A really scary thought indeed.] Mor was amazed. While he panted as the energy within him was almost depleted, more than half was taken away just using it to the bare minimum. Isaac who has been using his innate ability from the get go was already on the brink of losing consciousness as he was already very close to being drained of mana.

[We have to protect this secret technique and keep it among just the three of us unless Sire wants us to teach others with it. We also have to tell Caltec later.] Jon agreed with Isaac and Mor and suggested this technique be sealed among the four of them.

Finally, Jon, fired a small fire into the air to signal that Caltec could now close the black hole on his end.

A second after that flare, Mor already started sealing the hole, however, just as it was showing signs of closing already, it abruptly expanded as big as the gates to the city and this sight frightened the soul out of the four of them as they could clearly see something bigger than even the fiends earlier standing beyond the hole. It was moving to take itself out of that other side and appearing here.

Mor wanted to hurry up and close it by pouring almost all of his mana into the gate-like hole, but it was not enough and an arm as big as the earlier fiend"s whole body emerged out of the hole trying to grab Mor. In panic, Jon and Isaac moved to get Mmor out of the way as he showed signs of Mana Drain.

Caltec also arrived at that moment only to see that they have failed to truly be in synched in closing the holes at the same time.

[d.a.m.n!] Caltec cursed. While Isaac, Jon and Mor were staring at the arm that now was bracing itself by holding onto the edge of the hole and pulling itself into this world.

[Hey, hey! Wake up and get the h.e.l.l away from there. We don"t know how strong that fiend is so let"s regroup and observe it for now!] Caltec commanded them in a loud voice to wake them up. While Caltec"s warning was heard clearly and it did really wake them up, the behemoth beyond the hole finally had half of its body out of the hole already.


Despair suddenly took its grip on the hearts of the four and maybe even the people of the city, as the pressure and intimidation they felt from the fiend was enough to make their breaths stop for a second and continue to shiver even after a while. This monster was not something they could hope to face. They knew that and they despaired.

[N-No… This is too f.u.c.ked up to be a joke.] Caltec, the one who was trying to make the rest wake up and be on guard also flopped to the ground on his knees and hopelessness was evident on his face.

Finally, the monster from beyond this world took its first step out of the black hole and gave a roar and then laughed sinisterly.

*ROAR* *Gugugugugu*

This was a fight they would not be able to come out on top off even with their powers at all.