The Real Monster

Chapter 51


I went towards where the demon realm leaders were spectating and found them staring at me as if looking at something very pleasant. I know I"m quite beautiful but really to stare at me like this is scary, especially coming from men. Ugh!

"{I know what you"re going to say about me killing the hero you have summoned, however, I will not apologize for it. He attacked us unprovoked and almost killed my citizens. It"s no consolation to me that not one of my citizens died. If even one of them died, we would not be talking right now.}" Halfway through speaking, my temper flared and leaked a bit outside affecting the people in front of me. They stepped back while turning a shade lighter in thought of what I just revealed.

They may have thought that I would harm them at this moment. I have no such thought. In fact I want to capitalize on their mishap to effectively gain an ally out of them, secret it may be as the humans are still far from accepting other races as their equals; the egotistic bunch.

"{You don"t have to be afraid, but as this is a sensitive incident that was caused by a bit of negligence from your side as I have already done my job in fore-warning you, a certain kind of compensation must be given in payment. Are you in agreement?}" I won"t be slow with them and go directly to the point. First have them agree that they have been wrong and then push for an alliance so that our sides do not get into conflict, overtly or covertly.

"{If you understand your position, then I propose we forgive and forget by forming an alliance between our two realms. This alliance would benefit both our realms although for now in secret, in terms of resources and other such kinds. With us sharing a border with yours it"ll definitely be good for future endeavors on both sides.

"{I will not hide my plan, I want to open both our borders towards each other and slowly eradicate the feud between races to go for a peaceful co-existence. I will not bluff you in saying that as long as I live, there will be peace in the alliance, and I am immortal."}

Bluntly saying all these things, the paleness they had initially vanished and slowly turned a shade redder every item I said to entice them into creating the alliance. It seems they have been hooked into it. I might just good negotiating skills.

"{If you agree then I will have to trouble you into making the draft for said alliance. We"ll call the alliance, "Human-Demon Alliance for now as temporary name once we finalize it, I"ll let you name it accordingly. So, do you agree?}"

After I said that, {L-Lord Clay, is it really okay to just forge an alliance as easily as this without properly scrutinizing the other party? In this case us. That would be – forgive me for saying – quite foolish and would perhaps result in you losing more than you gain.} Agamemkeru took a step forward and made a bow before speaking and calling me "Lord" what"s wrong with him, just Clay would have been enough. I"m not going to correct him though. I am in a hurry after all.

"{Well, what do you think about a lion making an alliance with a dragon? Would the dragon worry about being cheated by the lion when from its instinct would fear the dragon and will absolutely not try anything that would lead to its death unless it finds another dragon to attach itself onto.}" I made an explicit show of how I see them as. In this case, they would be lions attaching themselves to a dragon that is me.

Agamemkeru opened his eyes wide and round as if wanting to deny my claim just now. "{I know it"s hard to swallow, but if you don"t submit to me now, then if something like this happens again I will not be lenient and met out a punishment I would not find pleasurable for anyone.}" I clearly told him what I think. If you don"t make things clear with others you will simply go on and on and on about things like being equal in the alliance and whatever.

With that said, Agamemkeru and the other leaders looked at each other and then their heads drooped as if in resignation. I find this favorable so I will wait for their decision.

{Lord Clay, just as you say, an alliance with you would very much bring both our realms great benefits. We have resources that not even the other races" realms can provide and while you would protect our realm from any outside threats and we would come at your call for help which you would do as well when the time arises. If we are both agreed on this, then as Demon Emperor, I would ask that we seal this alliance with something stronger than a sealed scroll of paper.

{In this case, a marriage would be the most appropriate. I would like to propose to have this marriage as a symbol of the lasting peace between our realms.} The Demon Emperor spoke as the representative this time and made a decision fit for his position. The Demon Emperor is a man the same height as me while he hides himself in his robe and a hood that totally hinders his face from being seen. His voice is hindered by a mask from the outside and sounds androgynous. However, with my eyes, nothing can escape the truth. The Demon Emperor is a woman, a lovely one at that. Just that her race reads [Ancient Vampire] and her skill-set is very colorful. She has strength that rivals Agamemkeru"s and the rest of the people in front of me.

Agamemkeru is a Great Demon Kappa, Agamemtasha is a Blood Witch, Agamemvolf is a Werewolf, Agamemken is a Demon Sword and the Demon Emperor "Jacquellin" is an Ancient Vampire, what a combination.

They are proposing a marriage; would it be between a daughter of the Demon Emperor and my son? That would be okay with me if that"s the case. However, they don"t know I have a son…


s.h.i.t, they mean a marriage between me and whoever they have in mind.

{A marriage between the leaders of both realms would be the most appropriate seal for this alliance. If that"s settled then I propose to this as fast as possible, in this case, a marriage between the Demon Emperor, I, and Lord Clay of the Human Realm.} When she said so, she took off the garments she had that covered her face and revealed herself to me and as if shy, she was fidgeting like a teenager meeting her first love on a date.

As if I did not know how she looked like from the start, I had to act as if surprised. They found my reaction satisfying I think, when they covered their mouths in their attempt to stop themselves from laughing out loud. Now then, should I accept the offer? It"s not like it"s going to be a loss for me. Weighing the benefits, I just can"t find any disadvantage other than this being what they would call "Political Marriage" of some sort.

"{Are you proposing that you and I marry? Is really okay for the leader of a realm to be tied to another as a hostage of some sort? I know what you"re probably thinking in making this move, but I want you to understand, I am immortal just as you are, you will be tied to me until even this world withers and burns to ashes. If you are resolved to really make this move then I will accept the proposal and immediately proceed to sealing this alliance.}" I said and then turned towards the other four behind her.

"{Are you all just going to let your leader become a political hostage because of this alliance? If you have an objection you should give voice to it now or forever hold your tongue."} I said with authority. It"s not like they"re showing resistance at this point. I wonder if my approach was too forceful and gave them a fright that"s why they keep on agreeing to everything.

{{{{We have no objections (whatsoever).}}}}

The four of them simultaneously answered back.

With their approval of this decision, I don"t have any room to dilly dally and think about petty things. A marriage it is. Love can just come naturally later, it"s not like that"s a must in these types of situations. I just never thought of marriage becoming a symbol for the alliance. Maybe I should have read some more historical drama novels or something.

"{Alright then, since that is the case. The wedding will be held month from now in the Demon Palace. Since I am still not the ruler of the human realm, it"s only a matter of time, I a.s.sure you, we will publicly show the people of your realm our official alliance. With that said, I will bid you farewell now, however first…}" I said and declared while also slowly coming close to Jacquellin and held her chin. I am taller than her by two heads so I could easily look down on her. While holding her chin, I gave her a close stare in the eyes to see how she"d react. Her eyes had the color of blood that felt so deep and red, staring back without wavering and wandering.

"{Good. You are resolved; I will properly take you as wife. Prepare yourself.}"


{Yes, my Lord Clay.} She answered. I already summoned a rift the moment I took my hands off of her chin and turned my back when I heard her answer. Stepping into the rift to get back home, I found the entrance to my own abode, the Love Nest.

Welcoming me was Lucretia and Dethy who are the current resident-maids of this house. Lucretia was holding our child Regis in her arms bowing slightly while Dethy was bowing her head almost at ninety degrees.

It"s good that they know their place so that we can all live peacefully and comfortably here. The Mother-daughter pair of Asha and Meridith are also bowing their heads and I patted their shoulders saying, "{Come, you don"t have to bow down to me as you are still guests for now. If you wish to work for me then tell me and I will a.s.sign you jobs that will better suit your abilities and natural gifts as demons.}"

{Please let us take care of you m"Lord. My daughter and I will dedicate our lives to your service. IF you need anything from us, anything at all, please don"t hesitate to tell us.} Asha said, she finally may have adjusted to the people here and are comfortable enough for her to speak this many words after another. Meridith was silently just bowing like her mother. It"s bad for a child to be separated from friends, but I can"t have them go about the place for now, at least until the people of the village get used to it.

"{Yes, I will a.s.sign you to take care of my needs then along with Lucretia. So that she can take care of our son even more properly and you will replace her from being my servant. She will then be in charge of taking care of our son.

Having said that, I turned towards the door and entered. Inside there were no else and the place was very quiet as opposed to just earlier when party was blowing over. The fact that it was quiet meant that the guys have yet to settle everything around the settlement and are working for it diligently.

I should wait for them to make their reports and then work from there towards how things were resolved. The invasion of other kingdoms shall start now.