The Real Monster

Chapter 56


An explosion happened and the people all over the venue wondered what it was. In the arena, the test coordinator was left with a few bruises as debris after debris of stone and marble hit him when Clay punched the stone for evaluation. In his excitement from hearing a potential friend and ally"s evaluation of him even without knowing how powerful he really is, he totaled the evaluating stone and wanted to show off. Like a kid, he tore the whole thing and even made a hole in the walls of the arena itself. The evaluator was on his b.u.t.t and was lighter than earlier by at least three shades after witnessing what just happened.

Conventional means of explanation would be lacking in trying to explain what happened. Even if the Dragon King that they worship was to exert his full power on the stone, it will certainly shake and tremble yet it will only show a violet light that is so bright it could be eerie, yet this seemingly weak guy punched the stone lightly and it burst into a thousand pieces. Just how impossibly powerful is that punch?

"Hey, did I pa.s.s or do I need to find a sparring partner for a next test or something? I need to catch up to someone inside you see." Clay spoke to the evaluator as if annoyed and turned towards the entrance without waiting for a reply because from the eyes of the evaluator he could already see the tacit approval he had.

From the entrance"s direction came the receptionist and then the guards. They all looked to Clay precursory while running towards the site where the explosion happened totally ignoring the fact that Clay was coming from the site itself. They totally ignored the possibility of him being the cause for such a thing to happen.

While they were running towards the site, Clay entered the arena from the entrance and found someone waiting for him there. It was the blonde-haired lion king, who commented on the receptionist"s foolishness that resulted into Clay being excited. Surprised a bit, Clay waved a hand towards the lion-king and approached slowly.

The lion-king was also looking towards him intently as if trying to uncover the limits of his power but after a while gave up and shook his head because he just couldn"t see through Clay"s limit. When Clay was but a meter away he broke the silence and greeted, [Let me greet you, I am the beastkin"s representative and would be honored to make your acquaintance.]

Clay was satisfied and felt the need to reply so he did and said, "Emperor of the Human realm, or at least in a few years from now, my name is Clay, the pleasure is mine." Clay gave his name without second thought to fully try to connect with the beastkin lion-king but the lion-king remained in the stance of defense. Clay was not offended and continued the conversation, "Will you be fighting for the Beast Realm then?" Just a question thrown out without much thought but is a great ice-breaker between two people.

[Yes, I have to represent the whole realm, even though we are currently facing a greater threat to our people than this tournament, I have to do this. It pains me to say this, but I really am unwilling to be here at all.] He was pouring his feelings as if a child to a stranger but he did not notice this. Clay was actually naturally a friendly guy when he was on earth, without his aura of intimidation; he"s just a naturally easily approached guy. Hence, the lion-king was getting chummy with him.

Clay was not surprised when the lion-king was talking to him this friendly, since he already knew this guy was someone that could at least sense something about him even without real proof of it, a beastkin"s senses might just be the greatest out of all the races in Alleucanth. The dragons have become very arrogant that they neglect what their senses or instincts tell them.

With this, Clay was confident that he"d make a friend out of this guy and maybe form something like an alliance with them. He just has to know what the beastkin think of the demon race as a whole before deciding. Either way, he"ll have a friend in this lion-king.

"That"s very n.o.ble of you, what would the problem be anyway? Maybe I could help with that after the tournament? I need to finish up here fast so that I can go and live a life without worry anymore. Of course you know what I probably mean by me wanting to help you right? However, let"s not ruin the moment of acquaintance with talks of boring politics and standing by the entrance, let"s go inside." Clay said to the lion-king and without further ado went towards where the rooms were located. Clay chose a room on his own since he was without a guide. Anywhere he was, he could monitor the place so he did not need anyone to guide him at all.

So he chose the furthest room from the entrance and sat cross-legged on the bed. Closing his eyes, he meditated and simulated what would have happened if he fought those thugs earlier. He saw how he would have countered the attack earlier and totally turns the guy into mist with just one attack. The mist would surprise the rest and that would be an opportunity to also turn them all into dust. Recently, Clay has properly evaluated his strength through the knowledge of his previous world and the a.n.a.lyzing ability of his current body and he came up with the result of him having the ability to generate enough strength to actually turn a simple punch into a world destroying punch, and that is not an exaggeration!

Clay"s strength is backed by his knowledge in physics and his understanding of his body. While training is based on manga, anime and novels, the trainings would not be possible if he did not know basic fundamental physics knowledge. With that, his growth became easier and faster.

"The tournament will start shortly and I will be facing prominent figures of this world. Maybe I"ll get to meet someone from the demon realm as well. I"d like to really build a relationship with that lion-king guy. Now that I think of it, I don"t know his name. What a blunder."

Clay was having his stupid moments when he worries about other things than the fact that his registration has already caused some kind of rage within Hark, where the Racial Battle Royale is being held this time.

Standing up upon the thought of this, he made use of his awareness to survey the whole place. The skill has already been influenced by the evolution of his body and the progress of its growth according to its present state of strength. His awareness has already grown to be able to cover at least a whole continent if he truly focused on extending his awareness to that extent. In the end, his abilities are only suppressed by his own limited thinking and his notion to maintain his own principles.

A few hours of waiting and gathering information at the same time, the time for the tournament to start was already under-way. The partic.i.p.ants were one-by-one called out to the arena"s ring and were led by other people, except Clay. Clay was a phantom even when he entered the arena.

"I don"t know how strong the partic.i.p.ants may be, but it should be beneficial to me in the long run if I don"t hurt them too much, especially in terms of honor and dignity. Humiliating them too much would be detrimental to the future dealings I may have with them."

"Since this is a tournament, I"ll have to hold myself back. It"s good that I can control my strength to some extent already, but whenever I get agitated or irritated, I tend to get my control over it go haywire. Testament to that is the wall I shattered earlier. Whatever, I"ll just go to the arena and fight a good fight without revealing too much."

With a goal and a method in mind, Clay went towards the Arena where all other partic.i.p.ants gathered. The elves were there, the beast king has already been led to his spot, while the rest of the races have already been situated properly.

The Arena was wide as 50 football fields. It was big enough to house a small Capital inside. While almost half of the s.p.a.ce was taken by the audience seats and at the center was the ring that is to be used for the Battle Royale.

[The Battle Royale was called as such, because in the first place, there was no such thing as a tournament type of progression. Every representative will fight against each other and the last one standing will be crowned the winner of the Battle Royale. It seems easy enough, but the toughest opponents will not go down easily. And all representatives have undergone a strict testing which further testifies how powerful each representative will be.

[Fighting to survive or fighting to win, I wonder what motivation would push these people to a grand height?!!]

A dragon kin was announcing the start of the Battle Royale and giving hints to those that have partic.i.p.ated in this for the first time. Clay was only listening to the rules and then lost interest after hearing that they will be fighting all at the same time. He knew that alliances would be made and that dealing with those people will only get bothersome so he plans not to make a move as long as possible and let them be eliminated.

[And now, without further ado as all fighters have come up on stage, fight to be the best!]

With the shout that announced the beginning of the Battle Royale, the ground trembled, for as many as a hundred partic.i.p.ants led themselves into the fray by fighting those that were closer to them. Those that were wiser positioned themselves nearer to the weakest looking guys in their immediate reach and successfully dealt with most of the other partic.i.p.ants, making their numbers dwindle by the second.

Unfortunately, people also targeted Clay, people who looked at him as if easy picking.

[Blame yourself for being unlucky in positioning yourself among us! Hah!] A dragon kin attacked Clay fiercely and relentlessly. Clay on the other hand kept himself from attacking, dodging any attacks that came his way. One attacker became two and two multiplied again and again until almost twenty individuals were simultaneously attacking him.

Thanks to his current status, those attacks normally would just be ineffective against him, but dodging attacks also comes easy so he chooses to dodge instead of showing off his resilience. Clay intends to win the Battle Royale but also keep it low key as possible.

Shouts and battle cries resounded all over the place and the picture of chaos is painted all over the arena. Huffs and puffs also cannot be taken out of the picture that Clay painted on his side of the arena.

Finally after a few minutes of bringing to him the attention of many alliances, he found the demon kind"s representative, the Demon Emperor or as Clay already knew, Demon Empress. Clay greeted her with a nod and went behind her facing the other direction to form a battery with her. She was an ally already even though it"s not known so they needed not any formalities especially in the middle of battle.

"Empre- I mean, Jacquellin, how do you want this battle to end, with both of us standing or would you like to try your luck with winning against me? Personally, I want to try having a fight with you to measure just how powerful you are at the moment compared to the others, what do you say?" Clay sent the Empress, Jacquellin, a mental message through thought transmission made possible by his high MGC and INT stats.

The Empress reacted when Clay was about to call her Empress. Jacquellin had already become his fiancée through a political marriage arrangement, so it was natural for her to establish her place. Noticing this, Clay changed his address and only then did Jacquellin"s facial expression noticeably change, even in the middle of battling a lot of small fries.

[I also want to know how strong you really are, even though I know you are stronger than me just from your battle with Azael-on, I really am curious about your strength, my Lord. So please let me battle against you after you eliminate the rest of the compet.i.tion.] Jacquellin replied through thought transmission as well. The thing about Clay"s thought transmission is that once he opens up a channel on an individual, they will also be able to utilize the connection and speak using their minds.

"Good. Let"s do that, but I want you to help me befriend that lion-haired beastman over there. I think we"ll get along well if I manage to make an ally out of him. And this time, I"m not asking." With that, Clay ended his talk with Jacquellin and headed straight to eliminating all those who gathered around him. After Jacquellin"s nod, he released a fluctuation of energy and those that were surrounding him were blown away and were either rendered unconscious or pushed to defend themselves.