The Real Monster

Chapter 6



I was having a rather nice nap when I heard that very loud and high pitched scream. There"s no need ask who that voice belonged to since it"s obviously Giselle"s. What I should probably ask about is why she"s being taken by guards and this "Evil Summoner A" standing outside the door. There are about 2 dozens of armed guards with spear and sword in hand and they seem to be on guard against something while facing this way. It"s clear to me they"re here for me. This Evil Summoner A just couldn"t help himself and prematurely reveal his plans.

I already had that suspicion of this being his scheme when he made me go to the princess to acquire the language when he himself could have done that for sure, he is a mage after all. However, I wanted to go along since this is how templates happened in novels. The protagonist would get close to the princess and they would fall in love and become inseparable leading the kingdom to prosperity. And there were also novels that specialized in ruining the common template and made their own template by making the meeting with the Princess a tragedy. I think this is one of those templates.

Evil Summoner A is not a good schemer, which I can totally see with just a glance. I could figure him out to be the first mini boss I"m going to face in this world from our first encounter. Now then after this I would probably be chased around by the royalty. I still have not met the first through sixth children of the royalty and even the king. So I don"t know if those people are even more of a schemer that this Evil Summoner A. Well then, the plan Is set. I will leave this place after taking care of this Evil Summoner A. After that.. nah~ It"s exhausting thinking about these things, I"ll let the events flow as they do, I want to test how my strength is compared to this world"s people as well, so these people would serve as a test.

Now then, I"ve always wanted to try punching through a wall. I wonder if it would hurt.


Wow! That was awesome! I feel like my body"s so light and heavy at the same time. The sensation of pushing the wall out of its place with my fist is still fresh on my fist. I feel like I could take on anyone at this moment. Let"s continue.

"It didn"t even last a day and you"re already bringing the climax to this scheme of yours Evil Summoner A? I was trying to let your scheme thicken, but is that extent of it? It"s very anti-climactic if I just went ahead and destroyed your plan you know. I wanted to see some drama and what not, who would have thought that you"re just an extra character not even good enough to get a name!"

Oh, there are guards coming for me, spears. You know, I don"t like to feel pain and I"m no m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t but I re~ally want to test if I also have the body of steel that my genes grant to one who was dubbed as the man of steel. However, when will their attack come? They"ve been in that motion for a while now. Holding the spear and lunging at me, it"s a simple thrust. There are three of them together and they"re frozen right now. Is this because of the speed that I have compared to theirs? This is really awesome to experience! I don"t want to wait for their spear to come, so let"s just leave the testing of my skin"s toughness later and knock these people out of the way. I have something to tell the Princess so let"s make this quick. I"ll leave that Evil Summoner A for now.

*Crack* *Bang* *Thud* *Splatter*

Continuous sounds of bodies being blasted towards the walls. Ew, some even splattered into meat paste. Did I use too much force on those guys? I"m only using the same force I did to hit the wall though. There are two guards with the Princess" they"re restraining her and foolishly waiting for me to arrive. If they weren"t extras they"d have already ran away the moment they heard screams and sounds of battle, too bad for them.


Both men unsheathe their blades. But hey, why are they moving normally compared to those other guys? I just don"t understand how to use my abilities yet, I guess.

[D-Don"t come near me!]

Oh! Someone"s found some courage, or is the better description someone"s succ.u.mbed to the fear? He leaps towards me with his sword, what should I do?

[Be as the heavens halberd, become the blade that culls the enemy in front of me, Excalibur!] I hear some chunni lines behind me. This is probably going to be one of the reasons I would hate my own hearing ability. His was a normal chanting but to me it was as if he really shouted in my ear on purpose to annoy me. Really, you do some damage even though you"re just an extra Evil Summoner A!

There"s something coming. I can feel a strong gust of air towards me, heralding something I don"t know if it would damage me or just bounce off. I want to find out.


Ah s.h.i.t! It really pierced through me! How come! Dammit, I have to hurry and tell the Princess something then go and recuperate from this. .h.i.t. Sigh. The light spear called "Excalibur," a spear and the name Excalibur just doesn"t fit in my mind. Anyway, as it pierced through me, it continued on and hit the floor just before the guards. Floor debris fly in every direction. I don"t think the Princess will survive that so, I don"t think I could tell her what I want to tell her anymore. s.h.i.t!

When the flashes of light vanished I found one of the guards with his guts spilled and a piece of the floor in him half-lodged in his stomach and leg. The princess was thrown back without a head. That"s a gruesome sight, too bad huh? She must have been hit by a considerably big debris and hit her head. I could have saved her, but you know she"s not really necessary for my survival at the moment, so na~h.

The guard"s still alive and he"s probably in pain right, I should help him. I"m like that, a man who helps a kind person. Fufu

"Ew. To be hit by a piece of the floor and have your guts punctured and gush out, that"s disgusting. Let me take you out of your misery then." I said that half-jokingly since it"s not likely that he"d hear me in his last breath right? I took his life by taking off his head. Sorry about this, but Ew, blood splattered on me.

Now then, since I can"t get the Princess to prepare dinner for me now… yes, that"s what I wanted to tell the Princess, "I want my dinner." Oh well, I"ll find food on my own later. Let"s deal with the hysterical Evil Summoner A first. Actually he"s been shouting a lot of things towards me since earlier when I was. .h.i.t and he was surprised that I was still able to move around. The hole in my stomach"s already closing up so I don"t need to worry about it, it"s just that I"ve become even more hungry now. Let"s not ignore his voice now.

[… you will be punished dearly! I will have the royal family turn you into meat paste by torturing you to death and have you eat your own intestines! You killed the Princess HAHAHAHAHAHA! You killed the Princess!] He"s totally gone nuts now. He"s accusing me of killing Giselle, bless her soul, even though he"s the one who did it. I don"t really care but maybe I should just kill him as well. I already took some lives anyway and surprisingly I don"t feel any kind of remorse or hesitation. Is this some sort of part of the blessing or am I really like this from the start? I don"t know, I don"t want to think about that right now.

I want to hurry up and go. First let"s take the head of Evil Summoner A. You know what they say: "A dead rat is no longer a pest," or something.

So I leapt towards him and took his head of just like picking rice grains from your bowl. It was that easy.


Breathing out and calming myself, I looked around the place where I went on a rampage for a bit, as if in an art appreciation mood, looking at a bunch of painting. On the wall, the floor and even the ceiling there were guards stuck. I don"t know if all of them are dead or alive, but they do look like art pieces from where I"m standing. I think it"s time to bolt. Let"s arrange something deliberately now. Take Evil Summoner A"s head, a spear and plant it at the entrance of the room. There you go a real art piece.

Returning to Giselle"s room – sigh – I went to the balcony, that"s where I will make my escape. I can"t stay here anymore. Whatever comes after this, I will have to face, but meh, let them. Let"s go!

I gathered strength in my legs and took a Superman pose for when he makes that awesome initial flight scene. Where pieces of stones and dust gather around me and swirl before I launch myself upwards. Although I don"t know if I can pull it off, I"ll just have to trust my knowledge and these abilities.

Let"s try flying shall we?

And so I leaped off of the balcony and managed to reach quite a high alt.i.tude. Let"s see, the castle looks like a small house from here, this is quite high isn"t it?

*Wind Whistle*

The wind here is a bit turbulent maybe I"m still not high enough for airplanes to stably fly like on earth right? What"s this part of the atmosphere called again, stratosphere? Is that even applicable here? Anyway, this feeling is awesome. I am not falling so this should officially be called flying. Yes, I did not say it wrongly, I AM FLYING!!!

"Whoo hoo! With this I can go anywhere I want with ease." This is truly awesome. Let"s spend some more time like this up here.


And so a few hours went by since I started flying and I am currently sitting at a barstool and drinking some kind of poor excuse for a drink. They call it ale, but this tastes just like water that was mixed with a little fruit juice and rubbing alcohol, yes, it tastes awful.

Where"d I get the money to buy this p.i.s.s-drink you ask? I got it from selling a monster corpse they called [Salamander] that looked like an overgrown lizard that had long sharp claws and a tongue filled with venom that can kill with a touch or so they say, but with my regeneration it just tickled a little bit before my skin started to look good as new. This is a town called Agera in the far reaches of the northern kingdoms owned by humans. The kingdom is called Igelias and I"m currently a vagrant. The Salamander are famed for being monsters that were hard to deal with even with a force of 200 trained soldiers and so when I sold the whole corpse to the local merchant hub, they sold it with a few bonuses. So my, ahem, that I cast, now has some things inside, although it"s mostly coins at the moment. I cast it while I was up in the skies after contemplating about my current predicament and the matter about that magic that Evil Summoner A used against me. It totally pierced through my skin and so right now I"m very afraid of magic hitting me. I am totally confident about physical attacks not harming me yet magic is another story. I finally remembered when I was flying around that even Superman can be hurt, badly, by magic. So I got to be especially careful with it.

That means that right now, I may be impervious to physical attacks but with this world totally relying on magic, I am just another guy with tough skin, meaning that I have no problem with Cryptonite, but I have a big problem with magic. To make it even simpler, my weakness to Cryptonite doesn"t exist here but magic may just kill me. That"s why I really let out a heavy breath of relief when I realized just how smart it was for me to choose regeneration and Superman"s genes. These two complement each other rather well.

Currently, I am probably very far away from the kingdom of Acadria and so am safe here. However, as I have killed a princess, as they would have believed by now, I still have to be careful. Give or take, it will be three to four months before they finally find traces of me here, hopefully. They might just send directly and be done with it, so I can"t be too careful. With the money I have currently, I can probably rent a room at any inn and stay for a very long time without doing anything. That"s the plan for now.

[Hey, hey, we have a new face here today and he says that he will treat everyone tonight and that the drinks are on him isn"t he such a nice guy?] A drunk person suddenly grabs my shoulders and tells the whole bar that I will be treating for their drinks just now. I don"t really mind but what is he up to?

"I wonder have we met, or do you know me?"

I asked the guy, but he suddenly increased the strength of his grip on my shoulder and squeezed it real tight. I think he is exerting so much effort and yet it does not hurt even a little it"s thanks to my steel skin. I don"t feel anything so, let"s ignore him.

[Look at this s.h.i.t! He"s ignoring Ja.n.u.s" grip like it"s a baby"s, HAHA!]

[Well what do you know; this new guy"s not just a pretty face is he?]

[Would you look at that? Hey Ja.n.u.s, have you been jerking your meat rod too much and lost strength in your dominant arm?]


A bout of loud laughter and jeers came down and got poured on the poor Ja.n.u.s, this poor sod who tried to intimidate me. Shall we exercise our Overpower a little?

"Overpower" I whispered, without taking my eyes off of my drink. I don"t like to be unreasonably disturbed especially by pompous people who don"t take people"s peace and quiet in to consideration. With my Overpower in effect and designating every roughed-up-by-work individual as my enemies temporarily, of course I had to exempt the bar staff and regular people from its effect, Ja.n.u.s and those who were laughing just now all turned quiet as the night. Only the steps of the waitress resounded.

"I like to eat in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. If you become merry on your own and not disturb anyone else, then everything will be Okay." I said and then drank the last of my drink, then leaving behind a coin for the drink and going to the inn where I am staying. My mood just got sour, dammit.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring me?