The Real Monster

Chapter 11


The battlefield was cleaned up and those who did not come behind me after that one minute I gave were already considered as people who did not want to pledge their loyalty. I told them to go ahead and return to Hanerton to warn my pursuers not to continue their pursuit or I might just decide to give their castle another visit and they might lose important people.

As a sort of parting gift for them, I told them to bring with them materials from the monsters they think they deserve; only some of the more thick-skinned took something and the rest left without taking anything.

"I will not blame you for anything, you were doing your job and you were doing it for your families or just for your survival, however, I as well had done what I have for mine as well. So go and bring with you my warning to my pursuers. Stop now while I still don"t have a full-on grudge on you, because if I do, I will probably destroy you and your lineage. You will become the reason why your flourishing kingdom becomes dust. As for those hired just as you are; tell both guilds to cancel any contracts pertaining me, or they will have me as enemy and any adventurer or mercenary I see from now on will be killed on sight, unless they retract the contract. This realm will be filled with so much death and will become weaker and weaker, and I"ll leave all your enemies to slowly pick at you until humanity crumbles to dust." I actually want to see how humanity would crumble and face their ruin because of their own foolishness. I wonder if that can possibly happen.

"With that, you can now go. Whether you survive this cold weather or not and arrive at Hanerton is totally up to your survivability. Farewell." As I bid farewell to those who chose not to follow me, I turned to those who did and gave another speech.

"You should know that I am the Hero summoned here by the very people who hired you to hunt me. Acadria performed the summoning to have me as their slave and use me for their own devices. I rejected that and escaped, but not before killing the one responsible for summoning me whilst that person killed the seventh princess of Acadria. I had no choice but to flee and let them think I also killed the princess. I actually don"t care what they want to do for the country, people or whatever, but if they actually just treated me like any sane human would, I would have probably helped them even if only for the pretext of being the same race as you.

"I was really disappointed by their way of thinking and with the chance that I saw at that time, I escaped. Now if all of you here have plans of your own to smooch to me and then rat me out to authorities later, I will tell this to you only today. Cease your foolish thinking and leave my sight, if not and I find out of your betrayal, I will carry out a ma.s.sacre on my own to find your family and friends." I keep threatening them using such a childish threat, ma.s.sacre a family, yeah right, but if they believe me, good, if not then I"ll just have to keep my guard up, anyway the real goal I had in this are the guys I eyed since I met them; Jon the MonHun guy and the Snot-nosed kid.

When I finished the speech, strangely, almost all of them stepped aside and started kneeling down and asking for forgiveness. It seems my threat worked quite well and now they just want to return to their families and kids. I can"t blame them, family is rare after all. I told them to go and not show their face to me again in the battlefield. I keep spouting nonsense that actually worked as threat for them.

With the reduction of the people who only used me as shelter earlier – well I don"t really blame them it"s for survival after all – the only people left were Jon, Snot-nosed and surprisingly, Caltec. Immediately after the people left Caltec asked me seriously, [Is it true, will you really bring those under you prosperity and power even extending to my family?] to which I answered him with certainty, "I certainly will, only if you show me results worthy of my praise." And then he breathed out to kneel on one knee and declared [I swear to abide by your rule and serve you well, sire.] So I nodded and extended my hands toward him. Immediately after Snot-nose also kneeled and said what they said to swear loyalty and extended my hand to him as well, he told me his name was Mor. I"m sure now that this is a ceremony of some sort here; kneeling and saying that line then the one they swear loyalty to would extend their hand to them to receive them.

"Well then, Jon, Clatec and Mor. First I want to establish a place I can call my home in this world. I have seen that mountain over there to be the highest peak here, I want to settle there where people cannot easily come to. So tell me now if this is possible."

[Sire to us that would be impossible to achieve, however, if you can keep the monsters that rule that peak at bay or even kill them, then that would become possible. The problem then would be the materials to create a manor there. Labor would be hard and protecting the materials being brought there would also take brave men to actually accept to escort.] Caltec said. I don"t know his story but I will put him in-charge of the two for now.

"How strong are the monsters up top? Let"s talk about that first."

[Reporting to sire, the monsters that live atop that peak are mostly gigantic-flying type and are very territorial, they are ranked as Triple A cla.s.s monsters, very strong. So fighting them while we are on the ground would be very hard, however if you use your eye-ability like earlier, then I think you"ll manage. Then the next concern would be to maintain the peace in the area.] Jon pitched in.

"I see. That would indeed be very hard to do. Well then, since we"re still not sure about the possibility of really living there, I want you to bring your family with you. So go home and prepare in a month"s time we will meet up in Hanerton. However, where"s the nearest town next to Hanerton?"

[Sire, the closest town from Hanerton would be Glosier, a few hundred miles that would usually take half a month to arrive to from Hanerton.] Mor said with a face saying "I contributed as well."

"I see, then, we"ll meet up in Hanerton a month from now. While you are preparing with your family, I want you to find bring me more of this or like this that has the effect of burdening the body making criminals unable to move. I think this one with me is quite expensive, right? So find something that only restricts movement and bring it to me when we meet up later. Get as many as you can, here"s money for your trip, also bring books about this world for me as well I need it." I handed each of them a few coins in gold and asked if it were enough, they promptly answered that it was enough so maybe they"re just shy about receiving money without results for now. They have some kind of professionalism in them it seems.

With that done, I showed them that I could fly and left them to go on their own as I left for Glosier. A month later, I should meet them at Hanerton.


Three people were left on a b.l.o.o.d.y battlefield in a daze for a while. They saw a human being flying without using magic or any tools. It truly made them think of something outrageous, [Did we just agree to serve a G.o.d?] The three of them looked each other in the eye and saw that they were thinking the same judging from their looks of shock. They saw Clay fly towards Glosier, the place where Mor said was closest to Hanerton, but that place was miles away. He left them with a task and that is to bring their families together when coming back. They thought it would be to keep them from betraying him, but also thought that it maybe because it would be hard to protect them when they are very far away. So in the mind of the three people it was both a threat and a blessing. With their sire leaving them like that, after a few minutes of daze, they finally woke up and again looked at each other and chuckled. It is not known what that chuckle was for but it sounded happy.

[I think we really lucked up in this outing huh?] Caltec, the captain of this expedition said.

[I think so too. To have the hero be our lord, is as good as having a future of glory and prosperity.] Jon also agreed and said so.

[I as well agree, but to be chosen especially by the lord is a great feeling to have, isn"t it?] When Mor said his piece, Caltec and Jon turned to him and raised their brows. And as if a wounded animal, Mor defended himself by saying [It"s true you know! He helped me when I was in danger and especially took me in, so I immediately went to his side without further thinking about it leaving behind the battle.] To which, the two could not deny because the saw this happen for themselves. There were only two reasons they could think of to explain this. One is that when the lord told Jon earlier to wait for him to find his companion, he was already pre-selected, or that the lord preferred young boys to consume, which immediately got rejected. And in Jon"s mind after that thought, he also linked that he was also pre-selected because he was told to wait for "his companion" so then they turned to look at Caltec and the person shook his head indicating he probably wasn"t. That meant that he was the odd one out.

[Well, no need to feel bad about it captain. At least you"ve already been given charge over us again. So he probably trusts that you would show him result that would be praiseworthy, right?] Jon and Mor agreed to say this.

[I guess so, so the pressure is on me for not being selected beforehand right? I just have to show my worth to him by doing the tasks that he gave us.] Caltec said as he also agreed.

[But then, just how wealthy is our lord, to give us 10 gold coins each just to buy something that only criminals are supposed to wear? I can"t understand what he wants to do with it.] Mor asked in wonder.

[Well, we don"t have to question that, we only have to show results that are expected of us. This might be a test after all. And aren"t we forgetting something? These materials we cleaned up are worth a fortune as well that would actually amount to a few gold coins as well, so shall we first sell these and go our separate ways?] Caltec said and then he started to wonder how his family would react to the news.

[Oh yea, let"s do that for now. I want to have that Minotaur hide to improve my armor but then, I"ll stay my hand for now, since I just might get to have the materials of those Triple A monsters at the peak of the Moribor Mountains, home to the deadliest monsters in the human realm. Fufufu] Jon, the person that Clay calls the MonHun guy seemed excited at the prospect of having monster materials.

[Shall we go then?] Caltec asked for confirmation.

[[Yes. (Yeah lets".)]] Jon and Mor agreed and then they slowly went their way towards Hanerton, to sell materials and go their separate ways. This very moment was how [Trinity] started, a group of men that were tasked to save humanity led by the hero"s subordinates. However, that is a tale for the future.