The Real Monster

Chapter 12


"I see you"re all here already. Have you settled on whatever tasks I left with you? Caltec. Have you properly canva.s.sed materials for building our base? How about the bands I told you about?" I had to ask as soon as we met without minding the people that gathered behind the three men I took under my wing. I realize they are their family and don"t need to ask about their circ.u.mstance. I"m excited about the bands though since I will use them to train my body further.

[Reporting to sire, I have successfully procured the materials and it is currently being stored in one of the mercenary warehouses that we have here at Hanerton. I tried to show my face around the place and it seems they welcomed me without much resistance. I also investigated why they have taken such a stance against us, your followers, and so I found out that they don"t want to have a bad relationship with the hero that they have no idea how strong is.

[Furthermore, they said were threatened by the royal family of Acadria but even Acadria cannot threaten the mercenary guild whose power goes not just from the human realm but extends to other realms as well. A single royal family just cannot dare to openly oppose the guild.] Caltec answered promptly and kneeled to show sincerity, although I don"t care for formalities or whatever. He said he procured the materials but no word about the bands did he fail to procure some?

[About the criminal bands, it will take time to gather it sire, as the largest prison nearest Hanerton is a distance far greater than Glosier, so I reckon it will arrive after one or two months. They will deliver it to this place"s branch for safe keeping later. Since these items are smuggled, they have to be extra careful.] He added, which is good for him I guess?

Jon also acted strange with his lowering of his head and not looking at me in the eye and also kneeling, but that isn"t required at all. Looking at how Jon was tapping a bag beside him as he spoke was a huge tell that he already had some with him. How diligent. While Mor was already kneeling when I looked towards him and he already extended his hands with a bag hanging from it which he was holding. I"m sure those must be the bands I told them to gather. So they individually looked for their own ways to procure it huh?

"Let me take your entire luggage, I think my storage can handle this at least." I extended my senses to encompa.s.s our group of about 40 to 50 people and took their luggage. With that done away with, I told the three of them to lead the way to the warehouse Caltec was talking about. As I did not want to reveal my ident.i.ty, I"m right now wearing a cloak with a hood that covers my face with its shadow. They only recognized me when I took it off earlier.

A few minutes of walking the three of us arrived at the warehouse. Their families just stayed at that square we were earlier since this will be quite fast to accomplish. When we were at the entrance of the warehouse, what greeted us were guards who looked very strong from their intimidating muscles even bigger that those of the most famous body builders on earth. It was intimidating yes, but nothing can deceive my eyes. When I saw them I already saw their status and they are weak with only Rare on STR and Poor on INT or MGC, they are not balanced is what I want to point out. I could probably knock them down with a blow of my breath not even relying on my innate ability to blow huge amounts of air that could also be used to freeze stuff.

[Halt. This is the Mercenary Guild"s Warehouse, if you have no business here, then scram!] One of the guards said with a hoa.r.s.e voice. I like how he spoke without any kind of respect, being real. I looked at Caltec to take care of this matter and he did his job.

[Hey, is that any way to address your own people? You already don"t recognize me from just wearing a hood on my head? Tsk.tsk.tsk] Caltec had the tone of sarcasm in his voice while he revealed his face to the guards. With that gesture, the guards immediately stepped aside and paid respects to him saying:

[Sorry for that captain, surely you understand how seriously we take our job as.] The one from the left said while the other asked [Are you here for your materials captain Caltec, all of it are ready to be delivered we are only waiting for you to give us the go signal to proceed.] It seems they are also part of the escort for those materials huh?

[There will be no need for the escort lads. All we need are the materials and the wagon able to sit 50 people. Have you already arranged for that?] Caltec asked as he also cancelled the escort. I guess he"s trying to keep the people who know about where we are going as low as possible, or that he"s confident I"ll be able to protect them all the way to the top. That"s a lot of pressure if I look at it that way yes?

[B-But captain, you already paid for the escort right? What will we do with that money when you know the rules of the guild; paid money is no longer refundable and money has been allocated to each and every one of the people who took the escort job including us.] The one on the right said to Caltec.

[Oh, you just keep that money. Just do continue to do what I"ve asked the guild to do on the guild exclusive quest okay? That way, not one of our brothers will die from meeting with a stranger that kills mercenaries on sight, right?] Caltec said with a hint of threat and worry. He really is a captain figure for these people aren"t they? He might be worth keeping with me, continuing to watch over the two; MonHun and Snot-nose. With all that business taken care off, I took the materials for building the manor inside my storage as Caltec pointed them. We finished that task in a mere forty seconds and are now coming over to the square we left their family over. When we arrived, I asked Caltec if he had already arranged for food for several days enough for the people that are coming with us and he affirmed it. With that, we went forwards and found a few wagons that can sit 10 to 20 people on each; it numbered four. The extra one was supposedly for the luggage, but I already took care of that so I told Caltec that I"ll be taking it for myself instead.

I could fly all of us towards that mountain, but then, that"d be too boring as I already found some fun just ahead of the road, hundred miles away from us at the moment. That"s between the road to Hanerton and the Moribor Mountains; I guess we"ll have fun later. I need to wear the rune-bands first.

The rune-bands that they have given me were the type that only made use of controlling gravity for restriction. However, in my hands it becomes a rather effective training method without making my muscles bulge to an ugly look while also having my mana unhindered. Their types varied and I chose twenty rings that fit all my fingers two for one; I also chose two bangles and two armbands; then also took a pair of anklets; finally a choker. I fully look like a very high-profile criminal at the moment and the horse carriage showed signs of breaking apart after putting each of the ring so I got off and completed my set while the people with me were watching.

Looking at the rings made me smirk, why you ask? It"s because the maximum gravity these rings can dish out is five times this world"s and this world has a stronger pull than on earth, since I actually can"t fly too fast or too high without suffering some tear in my muscles if I force it.

Then to add all that up, I"m wearing 20 of these rings at the moment. I"ve been feeling the change in my body since I"m not trying to move or anything, but the ground has been sinking beneath my feet for a while now. If I don"t move, then a crater might just form here. Before that though, 20 of these with five times gravity would total what, roughly 100 times the gravity here? The changes are mainly painful tears in my muscles that totally heal as quickly as it tears replacing the old weak muscles with new and more powerful muscles that can take the burden of this weight. And I"ve not even worn the other accessories yet. I wanted to move to avoid making a crater in the middle of the road but I couldn"t as even though I"m commanding my body to do so, it does not have the capability right now and I can"t remove the friggin" rings because I can"t friggin" move!

"You guys, try to set up camp away from the road for now and protect yourselves for the night. This foolishness of mine might take a day to go away. I currently can"t move so, go and make camp for now and wait for me." I commanded and also called the three of them closer to add "There"s an ambush for us maybe a few hours of travel towards our destination so especially keep a look out." Then I closed my eyes to focus on my own healing process.

The first muscles that developed to a degree that it"s amazing are my toes, ankles, calves, thighs and then b.u.t.t. I felt less pressure from the gravity there after a few hours had pa.s.sed. Caltec along with Jon and Mor also masterfully told the travelers coming this way to avoid the road right now since there were high level monsters prowling about attracted by the smell of blood from a few miles away, the position of the ambushers; its good thinking and very clever idea.

"Whose idea was it to divert the travelers path by telling them there"re monsters ahead?" I asked out of curiosity and they all pointed at Jon. This MonHun guy is really useful when it comes to cunning I see. Caltec has Authority while Mor has innocence, these three really complement each other and complete a triangle. The strongest shape there is in geometry.

[Sire, are you feeling alright, you have been bleeding from your feet down since earlier.] Finally, Mor asked me if I"m alright, to which the other two had their mouths twitching as if they wanted to knock some sense into the Snot-nosed kid. Of course I"m not alright; I"m in pain for Pete"s sakes! So I did not answer him. My b.l.o.o.d.y legs have already adapted to the gravity and my muscles in the feet have become even more resilient which made it as strong as it gets. Next in line to it was of course my own torso. I lost count again on how many times my intestines have been crushed to a pulp and wanting to vomit it, but before I could puke, it will heal up and then get crushed again. Finally when the moon above was shining very beautifully, my torso also recovered and I could probably move considerably well now, but not to the very peak state I guess. Following which, came next were the arms and fingers then my neck then my head. When it came time for my head to be evaluated, I screamed like a baby and cried out in pain. It hurt so much to have nerves being crushed and connected again and again until you want to collapse, however, as this happened, my mind would clear and then get blurry and then clear the next second. My body also wanted to collapse but my healing kept me from experiencing that collapse I so waited for.

It"s true what they say, "No pain, no gain" and I can attest to that.

After about a whole night of suffering to expedite the growth of my strength which by the way was successful, I immediately leaped out of the small hole I made in the road. It"s a little crater five meters in diameter and just three feet deep. Since my body can now handle the weight of 100 times the original gravity of this world. As dumbfounding and stupidly ridiculous that actually is for me who can roughly calculate gravity as a person of earth and a university graduate, I don"t know how to explain how my body did not just turn into mist the moment I wore all these rings, plus added to that my run-band-turned-weapon. I can just take jabs at maybe my supernatural strength able to actually withstand that amount of pressure aided by my supernatural healing and then other factors I do not know about at the moment. Just thinking that there are ridiculous numbers involved is making my head ache figuratively. However, who can explain magic and the supernatural on post-modern day earth anyway?

My body being able to handle the weight meant that I did no longer require the help of the ground to actually carry the burden of that weight. My body alone can handle it and thus my steps seem light yet are actually so heavy that if I chose to channel the weight I"m carrying to the ground I"m sure it"d break apart or even make a large fissure or continental break. Oh, I like how that sounded like a technique! I"ll make a skill out of that name later, Fufufu.

"How are things on your side?" I directed that question to the three and what came back to me as answers were [Nothing in particular to report sire,] [We have dutifully watched over you for the whole night sire,] and [Sire, are you finally okay?] Just what have they been doing for the whole night?

"Whatever, pack up and let"s go you have ten minutes!" I yelled. Dammit these guys, they worried about me instead of their own families, what if the ambushers found out about us making camp here and made their ambush in this place instead? To worry about me whose body is immortal, dammit, they"re clever but they"re stupid as well.

We continued our exodus from Hanerton to the Moribor Mountains again and this time, I did not foolishly wear the accessories I chose earlier. Dammit I don"t want to be put in that situation when I can only move my eyes and mouth as I"d remember my time with Imhoteph again. Just thinking about it is making my blood boil from the remembrance of the pain I had to endure.

After a few hours of journeying, we finally arrived to a few hundred meters to where those ambushers are. My nose is picking up their scent and my ears are picking up sounds of hearts beating with controlled frequency as well as their breaths. These people are professionals it seems.

"Halt!" I told the convoy. Behind me the three relayed my order as if their families were soldiers they also stopped immediately. I continued then, "There"re people ahead, thirty in total, trained and are equipped really well." I could also see them and what they were wearing from this distance with my eyes. With that said the three put their hands on their weapon"s handles and made a serious face. I stopped them and said, "Let me take care of them, I want to exercise for the time being."

I moved towards their ambush and called out, "Come on out. I want to ask you guys a question and you will answer or die. Whoever has sense in you, come out and I will spare you." It was a good proposition wasn"t" it? However,

[It is good to see that you are young and arrogant, "Hero", we will properly take care of you and bring you to your place.] A voice rang out while hidden weapons flew towards me with twice their numbers. I commend them for not bending to threats, but really, this is one of those times when you should bend and let your pride not get in the way between life and death.

*Ting* Sounds of the weapons colliding with my flesh broke out and I could hear a few gasps from the hidden enemies. Well, they"re not really hidden from me. According to the enemies are part of the [Royal Shadow Elite Troops] that is part of Acadria. So I reckon this must be the royal family not taking my warning as a word of truth.

"I know you are sent here by Acadria, but I still want to ask if your leaders are in the right mind and are you the same as them; people who I cannot reason with and talk some sense into? I clearly warned them not to further pursue the issue they themselves made up and now they want to send groups to silence me. If this is not blatant disregard for warnings, then what is?

"I shall pay a visit to your kingdom in the near future, so if you are still sensible, go back and report to them what I said, or if you are what I think you are, stupid big-headed buffoons, then by all means, attack me again and die. This is my final mercy on you." I said. Although I really want to have an exercise with them, I"m not in the mood to kill them. Plus, I know how they"d react anyway, so my sentiments don"t matter and they will still die by my hands today, except for maybe one or two people.

[Attack] That same voice came from the forest they were hiding in and attacks promptly appeared targeting me. Since it"s like this, let"s exercise. Pushing myself off the ground, I leaped towards a tree where I found two people hiding in. They were surprised for a second but they recovered and used their tools to try to escape and as a result as obvious as it may have been, I took their heads away from their body. It"s the easiest way for me to kill at the moment and just punching them will not give me satisfaction. Plucking their heads gives me the sensation of actually taking their lives so I prefer it over killing them through blunt force. When I did what I did, I heard another bout of gasps and finally a reaction I was waiting for appeared; the sight of someone with enough sense to run away. With that first one, the rest followed and I could only chuckle at their fleeing figures. Of course the moment they did that, turning their backs on me, they already forfeited their lives. "DIE!" when I shouted that word, the effects of Overpower actually activated and those who were in the position to run away slowly collapsed one by one while some died on the spot. The only one left was the one who had the guts to speak to me as if we were equals earlier. He must be important right.

I came to him slowly. He was not running away like the rest and just stood there as if he was afraid I would not notice him if he did not do that. When I was in front of him, he moved and laughed while pulling some kind of rope attached to some traps I reckon and it activated while he was drowning in his laughter. I wonder if he became insane when I killed his people without too much effort.

The trap exploded around me while he was safe in that place he stood at. It was a good plan and the execution was pa.s.sable however, to place a trap that would not take my life was akin to draining an ocean with your hands, close to impossible. What the trap did was actually to irritate my ear drums and annoy me. That"s just great. Let"s get this show to end.

I approached him and plucked his arms and legs while simultaneously heating up the area around the wound for it to cauterize by cooking it in heat that could boil metal for two seconds. After that, as he was fainting, I shoved a gla.s.s bottle filled with red colored liquid in his mouth to bring him back. As if he fainted successfully, then I"d have to wait for him again to wake up which might take a long time.

"You can"t faint, no sir, I can"t allow you to. And don"t even think of biting your own tongue because I"ll heal that in no time if you do, so your pain will only last longer. If you answer me truthfully and honestly, I will let you die quickly right after, do you understand me?"

[How can you be so cruel?] What"s this guy up to, calling me cruel and all when I"m totally being nice to him?

"What do you mean by cruel I wonder? Let"s talk while we, or yeah, I walk towards my subordinates."

[Do you enjoy torturing your victims? Some hero you are!] He says, but I don"t understand what he"s saying. First he comes to ambush me then when he"s like this he resorts to trying to hurt me mentally, I"m a bit hurt though, since my ears are close to his mouth while I carry him like luggage.

"I don"t understand your nonsense so could you make that clear to me how I"m cruel and all?"

[Is your brain so full of evil that you can"t even understand what I"m talking about? You could have just rendered us unconscious and not kill us if you were this strong. As a hero you are a symbol of peace and strength for humanity and to think you are using your power for evil, how deplorable! You are sc.u.m!] What he was spouting was as if a fanatic"s lines.

I"m not really in the mood to argue with his nonsense so I"m not too inclined to answer. When after a few more tens of meters went by and I did not answer him, he made a ruckus and screamed his indignation, [Now you go silent as if you are mute. It"s too late for you to regret sc.u.m! My men are already dead, and you, the Hero that everyone is counting on were the one who killed them! YOU KILLED THEM! You hear, you!] Dammit, my eardrums feel like it"s bleeding from his screaming.

"You can"t provoke me to kill you before I ask questions, man, so you better stop your nonsense now and just answer my questions okay?"

"First question, who among the 6 siblings want me dead in Acadria?" I asked the most pressing question for me at the moment, to which he answered with what was expected, [You think I"ll answer you? Dream on.] Well I never really expected him to answer anyway.

"What was order you received? Catch me or kill me?" again he answered with nonsense.

"Well, this is the last question for the series, how do you want your family to die?" When I asked this, he turned silent. You see family really is a big factor for people to live right? When men like these refuse to tell you information at the risk of death, then that means the one ordering them have a hold of their family or something important to them. So I"m guessing the royal family holds the family of this man in custody. "I can help you release your family from the royal family"s grasp you know. You just tell me their names and their most identifiable features then I can protect them and take them there." I pointed at the Moribor Mountains as I finished my sentence and he also followed my hand. "I can handle living there because I"m strong and with my protection, your family too could live there in peace for the rest of their lives." I continued to coax him with the lives of his family living in comfort with my protection in the future if he answers my questions.

[Will you really take them with you and protect them? If you swear, then I will answer your questions.] He finally broke after that. Why does it feel so easy? Well whatever, so he told me about his family and what not, he even pleaded to include those of whom I killed earlier. Well, some of them are still alive by the way, so there"s no need to really be so depressed. I only took you so that they can take a message for me when they wake up.

"I will promise you that if I find them in the royal castle, I will personally lead them out of there and protect them and let them live with me." I promised him, and then he finally answered my queries.

[Thank you. Please, keep your promise, hero.] Oh I will keep my promise alright. And I promised you to have a swift and painless death so rest in peace, man.


I took his head off swiftly. It was painless for him, I"m sure of that at least. With that done with, I came back to the camp site and told the three to find the ambushers and take those not dead with them and gather in the camp. I want to personally give them the message I have for the royalty at Acadria.

"I know you"re all awake. So listen up and listen well. Take my message to Acadria and to whomever you are answering to. You have now infuriated me and I will come for you. You do not listen to reason and would rather sacrifice people for your own stupidity, and so I will give you a taste of what they call, regret. I will come to you, so you better hide or run or whatever, because when I come back, you will lose important people.

"Oh, and leave the family of these men you sent in the castle grounds because I have something special waiting for them when I come back. If they are missing even one person then I will kill off the entire castle town and capital and bathe the streets with blood." After finishing up that message, I told the elite troops delivering my message to their superior, as long as they do that, they"d be spared from my wrath later. And they readily agreed to it.

Now, I wonder how the important t.u.r.ds in Acadria will react. I can"t wait.