The Real Monster

Chapter 15



There was a cute but loud cry of an eagle coming from the direction where the lion-head came from. And from knowledge I have gained from the three people, a cry of a bird that is loud and clear is definitely not that of a bird"s but of a dragon"s.

It amazed me how a dragon, something so majestic sounding and awesome in power, could sound so docile as to sound like an eagle when it "roars." However, what I heard cannot be denied. That sound was definitely that of a dragon"s which is why, I have to tell my people to stay alert and the two s.p.a.ce magicians to set up separate spells to create two layers of defense for us.

"I"m not sure if you heard what I just heard, but hurry up and take up your posts on the watch tower and use like how I taught you. Understood?"

[Yes, sire!]

"Good. Now, keep it up until I come back."

Immediately I left them and went towards where the dragon is. I can still hear it clearly in my ears. I need to see what it"s up to and where it"s going. It"d be very troublesome if it were to go towards where my camp is just like that lion-head.

Flying for about five minutes I finally saw the dragon in question. It"s quite big, it is. And let me get this straight, dragons in this world are part of the dragon race that the G.o.d of dragons has under its protection. So this big-a.s.s dragon right now should be on of the enemies of the human realm. As evidence to that, I have found the source of that stench of blood. I did not bother to listen to humans fighting so I did not try to locate them, but to think that these people were fighting a dragon; are they able to do it?

Giselle once said that a single dragon can still be bested with numbers, or something along those lines, but to think they really are holding their own against something this big and powerful… hm?

What the h.e.l.l?! The stat on that dragon is very low. STR, INT and DEX at only Rare while MGC goes way above to Legendary skipping the Heroic rank, it"s so imbalanced! Is this the reason as to how dragons are able to harness almost all affinities of magic? And the G.o.ds still say that the G.o.d of humanity is cheating? Well whatever, I don"t know the story here and even if I did, using your own people to play a game with lives on the line is just plain evil in my sight.

The dragon has wounds all over its body but it"s still standing and shooting tons of magic towards the army below itself. The army it is up against should be numbering about 500 to a thousand including those who are already sprawled on the ground bleeding and dead. If this keeps up, they"ll only get wiped out by the dragon.

[Oh light, pierce the veil of heaven and rain down upon evil thy holy judgment. Holy Smite!] The dragon chanted a spell of the light affinity but how come I understood it when it sounded very guttural incomprehensible?


Dragon Language – Basic acquired.

Well, after this, I swear I won"t be surprised again. So that was dragon language huh? I want to keep watching their fight to learn whatever I can for my survival later on so let"s just watch from afar. It"s not like I need to get close to watch, my eyesight is good for that.

The spell the dragon released landed on the ground surrounding him and casualties kept piling up on the side of the army. The dragon though, also sustained quite a few more wounds just from that spell channeling stunt it did. Then,

[Oh light seal the wounds that plague mine body and let chaos clear from your sight. Holy Heal!] The dragon released another spell but it was self-targeted. I understand now, seeing as no one from that army could kill it in one blow, it just let them acc.u.mulate damage and counter attack with mental damage to them as seeing the damage they dealt previously heal in an instant. That"s a cruel way of handing things but its effective so I approve. What else has it got on its sleeves?

As a counter-attack, the human army brought out a prisoner. What are they doing now I wonder?

They released the chains attached to the rune-band similar to mine and then released the band as well when they were already a distance away. Let"s listen to their dialogue shall we? [Are we really going to use that lunatic against the dragon, what if he turns his attack towards us instead?!] A nervous sounding voice, hmm, this is a bit interesting. I wonder why they call him a lunatic. [That doesn"t matter now. Either way, we"ll die by that dragon"s hands even if we don"t release him. So releasing him or not does not matter; what matters is that if he were able to defeat that dragon then it"ll be a victory for humanity, although we"ll probably lose our lives as well after that when he turns his attention to us.] The one standing next to him said. Oh. This is really getting interesting now. To stumble upon a template of betrayal that leads to vengeance here, that"s really unexpected, or rather, expected huh?

When the released prisoner finally felt freedom from his leash, his aura shot up like a spear to pierce the heavens and a very frosty atmosphere replaced the warmth of battle. This guy is very talented it seems. His INT and MGC go beyond the normal people in the army with Legendary on it, however his STR and DEX are Poor level, maybe that"s why he went insane, because his body can"t contain all that power he has in his mind? That"s a possibility I can deduce using information from my years of acc.u.mulated novel and manga knowledge, plus video games in between. If I"m spot on, I will take this guy with me and add him to my people, given that he"ll be able to get better though, if not I"ll just end his life when that time comes.

The dragon sensed the power of the "lunatic" and took a defensive stance. Oh, it can feel something dangerous from this guy as well. That"s an animal"s instinct for you. Insane-guy made a very loud shout that was incomprehensible not even with my language acquisition skill. So I"m pretty sure that was just a roar. Then what happened next gave me goose b.u.mps. The temperature in the air rapidly dropped to even below sub-zero and continued to plummet while the clouds above where I was actually gathered above the dragon"s head. Something big Is coming. I wonder what this guy intends to do? I can"t get caught up in that so I have to fly higher than these clouds. Either way I can still watch clearly.

The moment the shout ended, the whole place that centered on Insane-guy was already frozen. Too bad for the two who chattered just now huh? Let"s see, if I were put in that situation and that that magic could have the potential to kill me, then I would probably yep, the sky is the first obvious choice but that is the most dangerous place to escape to and that dragon knows it so it dug the ground underneath it and sealed it up as it continued to dug deeper to stabilize its body temperature. Good thinking, but that just isn"t enough at the moment. I can see the freezing of the very ground faster than the dragon"s digging and it"ll catch up in two seconds… there.


That was some nasty way to kill your opponent, freezing it underground where pressure is multiplied by the thousands just as pressure above surface gets higher the further up. The pressure alone broke the ice-cube which is the dragon and killed it instantly. I like how this guy works. Clean, but still, he is insane huh?

[…] Insane-guy just pointed his finger towards me even though I"m up here above the clouds. He must be able to feel me or something; I will ask him about that later. Shall I greet him? Freezing shouldn"t work on me if I use heat to the fullest right?

"Greetings fellow felon" I greeted him with a bit of a smile and humility, just like how people here weren"t it when they are greeted. […] He was unresponsive. What a good way to use your powers and intelligence.

"I see that you are formerly a felon, so why not greet each other friend, it shouldn"t hurt too much should it?" I asked again and probe at the same time.

[Why are you here and how come you can fly?] He asked. I thought he was full of nonsense. So he wasn"t even insane this guy. "I was just checking out the battle and pa.s.sing through. What about you, why"re you in cuffs like mine earlier?" I did not answer his question and asked my question and this should give us a tacit agreement to talk about this over a drink. [Hrmm] He nodded and started to walk.

"Are we not going to collect that dragon"s corpse?" I asked since it seemed rather valuable. He answered with a shrug so I took it as him saying, "if you want to take it then get it yourself." So I extended my eyesight and used xray vision then took all of it to my storage. The body should be completely intact, since it just healed itself. The money I"ll be making with these will probably shoot out of the roof. Hurray for looting!

[So who are you really and what are you?] He asked while taking a walk towards our camp. First I had to make sure he absolutely is not harmful to my subordinates. Then ask truth about him. That"s the plan…

Flying got me there in thirty minutes while when we walked it took us almost 2 hours. During our little stroll I asked important questions to our Insane-guy. Like, "I noticed they had you on one of these before they let you go, are you a criminal?" I asked as I showed him my own rune-band which I took off ages ago. If I wear this now in addition to the rings I"m wearing then I just might get buried on the ground.

[I"m not a criminal. I took myself into their custody to avoid hurting other people because of my power.] He"s not chatty like that, so yeah, "Oh, so you can"t control your power, then isn"t it dangerous for you to be walking like this leisurely with me, I might get hurt you know?" I told him. To which, [You"re not someone ordinary. I have already been emitting and leaking my power from the start and you don"t even feel it. You"re the one who"s dangerous.] Dammit, he"s already been leaking power; it"s true I can"t feel it. Now that he says that and looking at our trail, the path"s been reduced to icicles. Shoot! We have to do something about this first before we arrive.

"Uh, will you wear this for now, just until I can find something to replace it?" I handed him a bangle from the collection the three of them gathered. Caltec"s collection came to us a week later since it was brought by cart escorted by mercenaries. It took a long time but it had the same designs that Jon and Mor had collected, just more numerous. [This is… a criminal band?] He was doubtful and so I had to explain fast, "I"ll inscribe it with a spell to suppress your magic for now until we find a solution to why you keep leaking your power. It"s only temporary." He seemed convinced and finally wore it. I then used my laser vision to inscribe [Seal Mana Movement] to it and he was surprised by the effect of my inscription. The gravity bit is working just fine so I did not touch it and left it deactivated.

[R-Really, what and who are you?]

"Asking that question again, we"ll talk about that when we arrive at the camp, just chill for now, man."

So like that, we went to our camp. In tow was another potential subordinate, but maybe I should remove "potential" since I"m pretty sure I can make him mine. Fufufu