The Real Monster

Chapter 22



[Dammit, his body is not here! Someone investigate this matter immediately!] An angry shout followed by a command resounded at the peak of Moribor an hour after Clay got up and made that huge crashing sound by hitting the ceiling. These people immediately started moving as this mountain was quiet all throughout the years and now there was a disturbance, of course they"d go and take a look.

[Yes Sir!] A subordinate of the angry person immediately moved away. He disappeared from where he was standing on as if a ghost.

[To think someone would be so bold as to take away the body of Sire, where he sleeps.] Of course it was Caltec. He was wearing an armor that resembled a lizard"s scaled skin. It was from one of the monsters that lived on this peak at a time a long time ago.

[Uncle, what do you think happened? Do you think a monster took Sire and left or is it humans?] Jon asked the question calling Caltec his uncle. It was naturally said and uttered as if he"d been calling him that for a long time already.

[I don"t think it is humans. There are no traces of human activity here except for that hole on the ceiling that might have been the remains of what caused the explosion we heard and then there"s the prints in the ground that seemed as if it was just put there to make it look like a human was here and walked towards the direction of going down the mountain.

[It just doesn"t add up. When we actually trace it to where the prints began then we can see that the ground shows signs of caving in and some are even cracked without a trace of human footsteps in it. It"s confusing.] Caltec deduced and was confused. If the enemy is human, then they must have been very cunning to cause this confusion to gain more time to escape.

[Maybe it was a bad idea to take the rings off of Sire a long time ago?] Jon pondered and his voice was tinged with regret. [If we didn"t take it off, then maybe Sire"s body would still be unmovable at all like this mountain.] Jon continued.


[What are you talking about? If we tried all four of us, then with our combined strength we can actually move this mountain you know?] Mor inserted into the conversation as soon as he came. He was wearing his usual smile.

[What are you smiling about Mor, this is a matter that"s even more important than our lives, you know that right?] Caltec scolded.

[Come on, Uncle. Maybe we"re looking at it quite negatively from the start. What if Sire woke up and actually went into the city we so painstakingly raised for him to have a place to return to. We should instead take this time to try and find him instead of trying to find an imaginary enemy right? What do you think?] Mor persuaded the two, [Plus, the Acting Mayor should be quite capable of spotting someone new who came to the city without alerting his presence right? We should instead look for Sire inside the city.]

[He might be right Uncle. If Sire really, truly woke up, then the first people he"d expect to meet are us. And if he surveys his environment and finds that the camp he once established is gone and a city in its place was erected, he would surely come to the city to investigate right?] Jon further reinforced Mor"s hunch.

[Okay, fine. I will station some men here just in case he comes back. We will conduct a covert operation with the goal of finding traces of Sire. Is that clear?] Caltec said with a commanding tone to which, [[Yes(Yeah)]] Jon and Mor answered.


This city is quite big isn"t it? I think it covers the mountains in its entirety. I mean, it surrounds it like pubic hair on a p.e.n.i.s. Well, aside my dirty a.n.a.logy, the city itself is clean, but can be improved still. I wonder if this camp is still that same camp that Caltec and co. established. I don"t think it would just spring up after sleeping for a day, so definitely a long time had already gone by since I slept and kept lazing around in that place.

Well, even if it isn"t I"ll still look for my people. I can rely on them to tell me what happened while I was doing my power nap.

Walking for a while I already entered stone slab-ed ground or should I call this floor already?

It seems that the people of this place made this city very beautifully and seems to be quite a rich city at that. I can guess from this that this city was probably brought up by selling those potions that I taught the alchemists. I wonder what this city is called.

After walking towards the center of the city which seemed to be a large square with a fountain at the center, I encountered the first people I have seen since I had my slumber. They were wearing good looking and n.o.ble-like clothes. Plus warriors, as I see them are wearing what I would only find on Jon. There are also painters and musicians here and there in the square. What a lively city square.

A person brushed past me and I grabbed them to ask a question. [!] The person was alarmed but calmed down right after seemingly remembering something and heaved a sigh of relief. What"s wrong with this guy?

"Hey man, sorry about that. I just need to ask you some questions. I hope you"d answer them for me. Please." I asked very politely. There"s no reason to act like a jerk and be treated by one even if you feel superior in the strength department right?

[Ah, I knew it. I knew you were someone new here, a traveler maybe? Anyway, go ahead and ask.] He also lightly answered me with a smile. This guy"s not bad. Usually people who look good like this with clothes that look expensive are pompous and full of themselves. I"m starting to like this city now.

"Ah, my name is Clay by the way, I"m new here. Well first, what you just said; how"d you know I was new here?" I asked the most obvious question while maintaining my gentlemanly style of talking. People from my world who are integrated to politics even when we don"t realize it are so good with this, Acting.

[Oh, it"s actually a no brainer. I saw how you are dressed which like ages ago trending. Nowadays, it"s already very affordable to buy clothes like what I"m wearing so it"s most probable that you"re a new face here. And I"m Gunter, a pleasure.] He said.

Wow, should I be relieved or sad to be called a relic? Wew~

"Oh, that seems so. This city is very prosperous isn"t it, anyway, who founded this city?" I asked to follow up.

[That"s even more telling if you don"t know the founder. Now that I think about it, you have the same name as the founder of this city. His name is Clay, the master of the Trinity and the Acting Mayor who paved the way to making this once dreadful Moribor Forest into the most prosperous city in any human dominated place. It"s such a rich story…] He continued to tell me the story of how I and my subordinates did this and that, which I don"t remember happening. Those guys must have included me in every of their bragging to have this kind of outcome.

Gunter kept on talking and telling me the story and it became too long so I had to stop him to remind him that he seemed to have been on the way to somewhere when I grabbed him earlier, "I know you really like to tell the story of how the founder and all that but aren"t you supposed to be somewhere else right now, friend?" It was a gentle reminder and so abruptly; [Wah! I need to go, I"m sorry for leaving you to yourself Clay, but I am needed elsewhere for now. Come meet me at the Inn close to the adventurer"s guild, called Moonreach.] And then he ran off.

"Thank you!" I shouted and as if affirming my shout"s receipt, he waved his hands without looking back.

"Acting cool, that fan of mine." I admit, having a fan even if just one is a good feeling to have. Well, this is not a bad thing if those guys really created this city. However, to think that almost 5 years pa.s.sed since I pa.s.sed out. That"s a long time to sleep. Still, that"s still too short a time for a city to be established and made this huge. Is this Isaac"s ability to govern his territory as a former n.o.ble?

Questions keep popping up in my head. They never mentioned I was the hero to anyone else which is good. So after all this time, they might still be loyal to me despite leaving me in a mountain and enshrining me to a cave, stupid fools, just wait till I give you a piece of my mind.

Thanks to Gunter that guy I know the general idea of how this city was erected. He said to visit his Inn called Moonreach which sounds rather familiar to me. Where have I heard of a name of an Inn that also sound like that? Moonpooch? Moonhigh? Moonsmile? It"s at the tip of my mouth… AH! I remember, it"s Moonwink in Agera that border town of the human realm towards the demon realm.

What could be his relation to the owner of Moonwink in Agera? Let"s leave that for later. I will go and visit Isaac for now. It seems they have done well all this time. Let"s give them a surprise shall we?

So I asked around where the Mayor"s office was located and headed straight towards it. If I remember correctly, the location of the current Office is where my hut stood from that time. I turn around and see the past arrangement of our little camp then.

"I don"t feel presences here. Shall I wait for him inside?" As I found myself in front of the Mayor"s office, I found that I could not feel anyone"s presence from the room in front of me. I met some people who amiably led me to the Mayor"s office and told me to just enter.

*open* *close*

I opened the door and made sure to hold my breath for as long as I can and wait for Isaac to come back.

If I manage to surprise him, then I will try to ambush the other three and see how their training goes or if they have grown complacent and stopped adding weights since I pa.s.sed out.


Finally, about three hours of waiting, I felt signs of a familiar presence. Still holding my breath, I hid behind the door so that when it opens, I would not be noticed easily. The door made a sound of being opened and the hinges screamed. I turned my vigilance on and further awaited the Mayor"s arrival.

I did not need to wait further when the Mayor stepped into his office. A very familiar face appeared in front of me. I don"t think he"s noticed me already since I"ve been holding my breath and I have been suppressing my other discharges like mana and whatever else. However, I don"t really need to hide since I did come here through the proper channel and asked for someone to lead me here. I have another goal in hiding, and that is to surprise Isaac, if it is him.

And I have not been disappointed at all. It was the same Insane-guy that I met some few years ago minus the mana leakage and add-in instead that composed and dignified countenance of a typical n.o.ble. I can feel him exuding authority here.

[Mayor, your guest should have been waiting for you inside for hours already. If he is not here anymore then maybe he got tired of waiting.] The same woman who led me here reported.

[What did the man look like?] Isaac inquired of the woman.

[He looked like someone new to the place, so I thought that maybe he wants to introduce himself and ask for help with integrating into the city as always. Although, he did wear his hood all the way inside so we did not get to take a look at his face.] She answered again. How confident of the all-around security of this place are they to let people who wear hood all the way inside to be this complacent?

[You may leave then.] Isaac suggested.

[Yes Sir.]

*creak* *click*

Suddenly, after the door closed, Isaac went on all fours and immediately mumbled before shouting out loud, [Sire! It is the most glorious and wondrous event that you have awoken from your deep slumber. Please punish me for not being there to greet you as you awoke. Caltec, Jon and Mor should be on their way here already. I am so happy to know that you are now alright!] Isaac said in voice so loud that it actually made my ears ring in saying his apology.

"Dammit man. Did you really have to shout so loudly? You know my hearing is not normal right, I would have heard you loud and clear even if you whisper." I complained for his action and continued, "…plus, you"re facing the wrong direction anyway. I"m behind you." Then I smiled when he turned around without getting up.

[S-Sire, it is good to see you!] He said. "Well, it"s also good to see you. It seems you have a lot of things to report to me. So let"s wait for the three to come here quick. Let"s see, would it be alright to release some killing intent here, they might recognize my killing intent more than my mana right?" I jokingly said in order to lure the other three here but to my surprise, Isaac answered positively.

[That would be the fastest way, I think as well, Sire. Please do so.] What"s wrong with this guy"s mind? He"s really gone insane from the time I was gone?

"You"re really asking me to do that knowing the incident I caused and the damage it all added up to?" I raised my eyebrows at Isaac and exuded a bit of my hostility. Although I have accepted that it was entirely my fault, that incident is still fresh in my mind as I kept mulling over it in that place I was in for all this time. The scar is fresh, so to say.

[P-Please forgive me Sire. I did not think hard enough about your own circ.u.mstance and let my emotion rule my judgment.]

"Sigh. No need to make this a big deal. Just send some of your shadows to grab the three of them right now. I see you"ve trained some people to work under you. That"s good thinking man. Let me see their strength later." I told him and then smiled again when telling him about the shadows. You see, when he appeared earlier I happened to sense some more stable heart beats and calculated controlled breaths around the vicinity. So I figured it must have been his personal guards, even though he doesn"t need it. As I see it, his strength right now has already grown to Legendary level and I reckon those three as well have made it this far in their training. If that is so, they can use that strength to conquer land right? Haha!

[Y-Yes, right away.] Isaac moved his hands to dispel the spell and gave his table three knocks on it. Immediately afterwards those shadows disappeared from the vicinity. They have quite a good coordination there huh?

Now we just wait for the three people to come in a hurry.