The Real Monster

Chapter 23



The three others arrived at Isaac"s office rather very fast. It surprised me to hear their heartbeats come close so fast. So those louder than drums heart beats were theirs from a distance away?


Caltec went on all fours as well and Jon and Mor followed. What"s this has it become custom for them to bow down like this? I haven"t heard.

[Sire, your three most trusted subordinates have arrived. We are terribly glad to know that it was you waking up instead of others harming your body where we left it to rest. To see you in the flesh after all this time is a sight for sore eyes!] Caltec almost to a shout said. Jon and Mor also nodded vigorously.

"Hm, there"s no need for this kneeling and whatever you know. It"s not like I made you do these things from the start, right what"s with the formality and all?" I could only scratch my head. "I want to know everything that happened while I was asleep; however, as I just woke up, I need some food. So go and hunt something good and have it cooked will you? I know you built me a place I can call mine, so bring me there and all of your family members. Isaac, did you ever bring your family here while I was asleep? If so, bring them as well, I want to meet them.

"Oh, also, as you will be reporting to me for some time, it may take us days to catch up so do you have people you can entrust your duties to while you are away? If they are your family, then don"t bother, and bring them all here, if not then let them handle matters for a few days. Maybe even announce a holiday feast or whatever to last for days or whatever.

"For now that"s all we need I think. So go ahead; I"m giving you time to prepare. Isaac, you will take me to my place for now and you will leave me there to rest. You three, immediately prepare the food. I could eat a dragon right now, figuratively speaking. Well, whatever, I don"t know how many people you have under your command now, so just do what you need to do as fast as you can. I"ll see if they are worth keeping with this. Kufufufufu" I was having fun commanding my subordinates for the first time in a very long while. And knowing that they have people under them as well makes me feel as if I"ve become some big boss or something. Now that I remember, people just started calling this city as the City of Alchemists or something without actually naming the city, I wonder why?

[Sire, this way please. I shall take you to your palace.] Isaac had a face of mischief. I wonder what he meant by palace. "Oi, oi, oi! A palace you say? You think I want to live in a palace of all things? Do you perhaps want me to knock on your head you insane guy? "


I could not help but laugh, but seriously if they built me palace I would live a life so comfortable that I would not need anything else right? But living in a palace is very boring as well. So I don"t particularly want that kind of excessive spending on useless things.

[Don"t worry Sire, you"ll see what we built later on. Fufufu] I think this kind of laughter has been inherited from me. They get to laugh like that when they have plans or pranks I reckon. Well, at least now I"m really interested in their "surprise."

It did not take us too long to get to where they built me my place. We actually went and climbed Moribor again and at the very peak of the peak, I saw for the first time what Isaac meant with what he said. It was one room and one room alone. The place was made from thick gla.s.s that reflected the sunlight and made it invisible others when not looking at it from an angle that you can only see at the entrance.

"What the h.e.l.l did you make?" I muttered.

[Fufufu. It seems our efforts are not in vain. To see you surprised like this. This is the finest room we have ever created in the entire human realm; the thickest gla.s.s to shelter you from the rain to serve as walls; foundations made by the Elementalists you so trained that cannot be toppled even by our combined strength. The roof, made from the finest sheet of Oricalchum that we have mined in this very mountain Sire.

[All to become the most splendid one room to house the greatest comfort we can offer. We actually wanted to bring you there to rest Sire, but with you being asleep and us not knowing the condition of your body when you did awaken, we ran the risk of it being destroyed just like the ceiling of that shrine we created to rest your body. So forgive us for that.] What a long explanation!

"Very good! Very well made!... Did you really think I"ll tell you that after showing me this?!" I finally knocked the head of Isaac with as little force as if no force at all. I had to do it in a very slow and stupidly light manner to avoid having his head explode from the impact.


A slight brush of my fist to his head and it already brought Isaac to the ground. Sigh. This is the tragedy of strength. "Hey, are you alright there man?" I nudged him with my foot.

[I-I"m fine Sire. It has been a while since I felt this weak in front of anyone. It is nice to feel once in a while.] I think Insane-guy finally turned "M" after all these years. What a pervert.

"Whatever, but is that really my abode from now on? That"s too small to house guests isn"t it?" I asked out of curiosity. Then Isaac chuckled as if his prank is not over yet.

[Sire, what are s.p.a.ce magicians good at, that"s of course bending s.p.a.ce to their will! And as such after a long time of b.l.o.o.d.y research, we have come to produce the result of our hard work! A new spell unique to our community we named it . We took the concept of being a spell that folds s.p.a.ce to bring one location just a step to the other and reversed this through various trial and errors. Thus, after further findings, finally we managed to stretch the s.p.a.ce of a room that can only be occupied by 3 people into a s.p.a.ce that can host thousands of people. Thus, was made.]

"Again, what a lengthy explanation, I think I"m gonna have my ears rot later when I hear all your reports isn"t that so, Isaac?" I mumbled quietly. Isaac did not seem to hear as he was still engrossed in his victory pose.

So we entered the room and I saw for the first time the effect of the spell it really is a whole new world inside. There were different kinds of furniture fit for a king here. There was a living room, which is what can be seen from outside if you happen to get the right angle to look at it and see. There"s a kitchen here as well and a lo~ng table that could actually fit a hundred or so people in it face to face, to eat at. After the kitchen I saw the bedroom. Oh, I want to take a dive at my bed. It"s the size of a whole room with a lot of pillows and all the stuff you need to sleep. The closet is a whole room as well, although it"s empty. Then the bathroom and comfort room was next.

The comfort room was unusual for me as it was not the same as the Inn"s I"ve stayed at. It was actually a smooth looking bowl close to looking like porcelain which is the material used for the bowls on earth in my time, although I"m not sure if it really is porcelain. The second most exciting part of the house is the bathroom after all. A pool was inside where I can stretch my whole body, no, no, that"s an underestimation; it can actually host more than a hundred people inside the pool. And hot and cold water can be produced through different faucets. Awesome!

"I got to admit, this is awesomely done Isaac. I reckon it was mostly your idea right, as a former n.o.ble and all?" I asked as I pat his shoulders. He chuckled and rubbed his nose like a protagonist in a shounen manga would when complimented. Fufufu

"It seems you really did your best at making this residence huh? How long did it take?" I asked again out of curiosity, [We had to get the spell ready first so the actual time that the construction took was just a few months. We were utterly delayed by the spell you see Sire.] He explained. So it really was the spell that made them slow huh? I guess I can take a look at that spell later to review it. Plus, I have a lot to teach them all later, plus I want to tell them my plan of action from now on. They may not agree to what I have made my mind up on, but even without their agreement, I will carry it our without fail.

After having the tour, I told Isaac to go ahead and prepare what he needed to prepare and told me he"d send for a servant girl here to serve me exclusively later on. I told him there"s no need, but really I want to select my own servant, you know, to be compatible with me. Fufufufu

Having seen all the improvements on the once little camp, it came to my mind that I want to name this city after all these years. I want this city to be named after my aspiration one time when I was out. "I will establish a village" or so I said, or maybe I did not actually say it but whatever. So now, I will name this city, a Village. HAHAHA!

However, I need to have the guy"s agreement first. It was their hard work to raise this city after all.

It did not take too long for the servant girl to arrive at my place personally led by Isaac here. It seems no one other that the five of us can enter this place without permission, since it is my abode after all. Who he brought he introduced as well.

[Sire, this girl is named Lucretia, she will be your personal servant until you deem her unfit anymore. She is from a fallen n.o.ble"s lineage as well. I have already checked her background and found it acceptable. She will work well for you with the training that she received from the Service Guild. She knows how to cook elaborate meals as well as do ma.s.sages. She should prove to be useful to you until we find someone better to serve you should you wish for it.] Isaac was wearing his authoritative look while introducing her to me. It seems no one knows that I am the founder they so adore yet. He had to use his authority to make her follow here?

"I do not need people who have been forced to serve me, you know this Isaac. If she is unwilling, then I will not bother with her. I don"t want potential backstabbers close to me. You get what I"m saying right? Any misconduct or misdeed she does will be reflected on you and she will not receive the punishment and instead you. Do you want to risk this with her?

"If she tries to kill me and fails, then that attempt would be reflected to you, which means that you tried to kill me using her. Do you have that level of trust towards her Isaac?" I warned Isaac.

"I don"t take to having to force people to follow me. Even when I took Caltec, Jon and Mor, I did not force them. I let them choose their fate. I also did not force you but offered you salvation instead and you willingly served me since then. Do you get my pattern? If she fails me, I will not touch her but punish you instead. And my punishment for betrayal is not light. Your death could even be made possible by her. So tell me now, are you absolutely sure she will not do things that I would not like?" With a stern tone, I gave a final warning and chance to change his mind.

The servant girl he brought was actually very beautiful. She had red hair and sparkling blue eyes. Her bosom was full and her waist was fine. Her hips take the most alluring shape and her b.u.t.tocks give me the impression of a super models". Also her face has the shape of Korean beauties if their made up faces were real, unlike them, she has no make-up on and she already looks gorgeous.

Well, I know it"s rude, but I already used my xray on her and man, my libido is awake. Still, I have to make sure to look dignified for now.

[Sire, I am absolutely confident that she will be able to serve you without complaint. However, may I speak to her first before she officially becomes your personal maid?] He pleaded. He might have become a bit nervous because of my stern warning. Haha!

"Go ahead." I dismissed him. He just turned around and whispered things to the girl. I can hear it very clearly but whatever. It seems he just wants to convince her of something… and there he goes, telling me that I am actually the founder of this place. Just the adoration alone of those who were originally my people is great to such an extent because they know me and owe me their lives. However, to these "fans" I am more than just a founder I am also a subject of worship. Or so that Gunter guy said to me. I wonder what that jolt in her shoulder means after the words [he"s the founder, the Trinity and I"s Sire. So you"d do well to serve him well.] Whatever, this guy Isaac has the brains of a fox.

Then abruptly, the girl lost her cool and with a flushed face, knelt down on all fours and declared, [Please allow me to serve you Sire! I will devout body and soul to your well-being from now on! Whatever you desire I will willingly undertake, if it"s for you!] Why does it sound as if a confession of love or something? And her eyes have this glint of fanaticism on it that actually scares me a bit. She"s not some Yandere-type is she?

"If that is your wish, then I will not refuse. However, from now on, the world you know, forget about it and forget your own connection to the world. You are now mine, my property; and my property will follow my whim without fail. If you can do this then I welcome you. Apart from the four of my subordinates, you will be my first servant. Lurcretia, I welcome you." I declared as well.