The Real Monster

Chapter 24


Rated 18+ scene ahead... just warning you guys~



[Ahn!] [Ah!] [Mnnn!]

[H-How is t-this possible Sire! This amount of pleasure to be given to me is such an h-hon~or!]

Lucretia"s voice full of heat echoes in the room. It hasn"t even been a full 5 minutes since Isaac left to further prepare a feast and we"ve already pounced on each other like dogs in heat.

Lucretia was not at all unwilling. I simply told her to serve me and she immediately undressed and came to me. What a daring girl. Although what I meant was to serve me with food as I am hungry, I don"t oppose this kind of meal as well.

Twirling my tongue on her smooth and bouncy hills and playing with it makes her soaked down there and her moans escape her mouth which gives me more stimulation to continue what I"m doing. Today I am applying all the science research I have studied on the internet about doing it. When I was still one earth I took to forums and discussions that promoted watching p.o.r.n "FOR SCIENCE" which was really fun and educational at some point and just plain stupid and vulgar at other times. However, as the great Asian actors say, "We may be behind on size, but we make up for it with Technique!" or so they say.

I"m not saying I"m small down there, but I"m saying that if I combine those two, size and technique, then any girl in this world would be addicted to me isn"t that right? These thoughts are swimming in my head as I fondle and caress Lucretia"s body as if it"s the fur of my pet dog.

[Mn!] She moaned when I raised her up and gave her hidden village a twirl of the [tongue twister]. After a second of initial movement, the momentum picked up and her screams became even more loud and hysterical. She couldn"t control herself.

Finally when I was satisfied with that, I gave her the rod.

*splat splat*

Sounds of lovemaking echoed in the room drowned by screams and shouts that depict Lucretia"s pleasure. I"m releasing so much pent up desire here after all. That"s why I had to be especially stern when I took Lucretia as my own personal servant. I"m not going to be some pretentious guy that would seem as if I"m not interested when in my mind I have already impregnated the woman. I promised myself I will be true to my desires. So here I am!

[Ah! Sire!]

She kept shouting "Sire" as if that was a chant and she kept on pounding me. Yes, it"s her who"s f.u.c.king me instead of me doing the work. The reason for that is that she may explode into a mist of blood if I tried to pound her instead. It"s safer for her to pound me instead of me doing that. Instead, I give her stimulus to the chest and kiss her all over the place.

We finished in about 5 minutes after we started. It was short, but I think that"s the real average of s.e.xual intercourse anyway so I might just be quite average. I can still keep going but Lucretia was spent after doing all the work, so I let her rest. If only she can train her body to Mythical level as well, then we"d have fun all day and night. Hahahaha!


After that intense first time with Lucretia, I wanted to take a bath on the pool in the bathroom. Lucretia followed as well but she already wore her servant outfit and is right now helping me to get cleaned up. She"s really good at taking care of me, at least for now.

"Hey Lucretia, was that your first time?" I asked out of curiosity and she was taken aback by thee question then she bitterly smiled and said, [I am sorry to say Sire, but it was not. I am sorry for sullying your body with this body of mine.] She was trembling.

"Hey, I was only asking. I"m not going to punish you for that or anything. I just wanted to ask since I want to be sure if you wasted your first time on someone like me. That"d be a waste." I said to at least put her at ease.

She chuckled and said, [Thank you Sire. It was my first though, to experience such a thrill and pleasure from doing that.]

"Well, as long as you"re okay with it then that"s fine with me as well. I actually wanted you to prepare me a simple meal earlier but you pounced on me as fast as I said "serve me" so that"s how that happened, but I"m not angry or anything. You"ll just prepare me food later. Since I"m waiting for Clatec, Jon and Mor to bring me a feast here, all I need is to know if you can at least cook me decent meals. Can you do that later?"

[Yes Sire, I will do my best. I"m sorry.] She answered and apologized. "No need to apologize. Why don"t you go now and prepare while I clean myself up so that I can eat right after I get myself out of this pool?" She then nodded in agreement and left with hurried steps.

I can hear her saying [What did I do, what did I do!] but I told her it is fine already, sigh.

Cleaning up my body, this feels like the first time I"ll get to soak my body and clean up thoroughly for a long time. I want to totally have my dead skin cells to be washed away… or not. I forget, my cells don"t die and I don"t even sweat, so the dirt in my body is all from dust in the air huh?

Anyway, I have to plan how to tell my people what I want to accomplish and the move I will take. However, I have to gather the reports of my subordinates first before I take things I planned into action. Doing something without accurate information will only cost me lives. Lives that I don"t want wasted. I"ve already wasted enough lives and I can only leave and carry the burden of those millions by using this city my people built up and protect it at all costs. I decided that when I saw how the people here live in peace and in joy. Although surely there would be darkness as well, it can be monitored and controlled.

A city that"s ruled only by light, cannot be called heaven, it can only be called pretentious and a.s.suming. What I want is a realistic kind of ruling, one where everything is under the palm of the hand while keeping the happiness of the populace in mind.

Keeping up with appearances sure is hard. However, I will abolish that and it seems that Isaac and the rest have already done so from the start. They have set themselves apart while also truly being themselves in the city. They are restricted by their roles they set for themselves but also free to do what they want unhindered by people who would want to control their actions.

Typical n.o.bles are like that. It"s good that Isaac has not used his n.o.ble-background to be a ruler but a leader. Plus, he is not cooped up in his office and is always going on patrols in the city. That"s something that a ruler would do. If it were me, I"d just roll around my bed while they do the job. Well, they do this under me so that reflects on me being a bad ruler huh? Whatever…

Since their strengths have become quite advanced, maybe I should permit them to properly train people using my method now? Plus they themselves should learn how to fly using their own mana. That should make for a fine trump card right? I have a lot of things I want to make them do fufufufu…

I"ve been scrubbing my body all over for a while now by thinking of those things and Lucretia has been making quite a bit of noise in the kitchen as well. I wonder if she"s doing well preparing my food. I looked at her stats earlier and she"s pretty much an ant if strength is compared by having STR at Common; INT Uncommon; MGC at Common; and DEX at Rare. I understand that DEX has a higher index than any other stat she has, those moves earlier she pulled… ooooohh!

Now then, this much cleaning up should be enough. I"ll have a more thorough scrub with my back from Lucretia later on when she"s recovered from the stamina loss. Although it"s not my first time, but it is my first time doing it with someone with body curves and a face like that; it hasn"t deflated at all since earlier even when thinking about other stuff. Like I was given drugs to keep it standing proud at all times. Maybe it really has just been too long huh? Although I don"t feel it"s too long since the last, my body thus know so this may be a case of having the mind at peace but the body in chaos, a so called: Disharmony.

It"s minor so I shouldn"t care too much about it for now.

I stood up and dried my body with heat manipulation and a small scale steam explosion occurred with a puff. Coming out of the steam is me looking refreshed with skin like that of a baby"s and face of an average long haired dude. I can"t cut my hair with tools here so I have to find a mirror to have my own magic cut it. It"s as they say metal against metal, diamond against diamond; so my body against my body, even though that"s not really the case with me. Whatever…

Taking out clothes from my storage and wearing them I took to the kitchen and had my mouth open wide. The dishes that lined up on the table were numerous as if it"s for a feast. I remember clearly that I said it"s only to alleviate my hunger until the guys finished their preparations but here she is preparing for an entire feast. Well, that"s better I guess, since there"s even more dishes prepared now?

"Uh, Lucretia, how goes the preparation for MY meal?" I slightly emphasized on saying "MY" and see how she"d react but it disappointed me. [S-Sire, I have prepared your meal. It is already placed on the table so you are welcome to it. Let me just finish the other dishes and I will be able to serve you promptly.] She"s turned into servant-mode already, and she"s too focused on it that she even mixed up my order earlier? Or is it the other way around and she"s being pressured too much by her thought of my expectations from her?

Ah, I don"t want to be ha.s.sled by explaining too much to her, I"ll let her be, it doesn"t really hurt me or anything anyway.


Just when are those guys going to come?

*click* *woosh*

[Reporting to Sire, we have arrived and fully prepared for our feast. All of our family members that have met you have come and left their tasks to other people they can temporarily put in charge. The public safety team has put in a request to the guild to temporarily put forth effort to watch over the city. Mercenaries have also been hired for it. Small scale crimes are expected to rise for a bit, but will still be in the manageable limit. The production team has already given instructions to the workers under them to procure orders and move them to a week later, all of them, so that they can compensate for it later.

[The city administration team has also put matters of the state on hold until further notice from the office of the mayor. Actually, we announced for the whole city to hold a festival celebrating the founder"s birthday or something… please forgive us in that regard, and that"s the reason for the others getting their leave without much fuss.

[Funds for said festival was taken from the city"s treasury, I hope you would allow for that and forgive me for a.s.suming you"d agree beforehand.] Isaac immediately reported to me even when he hasn"t even stepped fully into the house. Maybe he"s learned his lesson earlier when I told him not to shout since I can hear him even when he whispers. He"s putting emphasis on the wrong things isn"t he?

"Come in. I already started without you. I"m too hungry to wait for all of you slowpokes so hurry up. Lucretia put a lot of effort for the dishes in front of me you know." I said with a bit of substance in my voice.

[[[What?!]]] The usual suspects for noisily reacting are those three. They screamed in question and then sounds of hurried footsteps resounded in my ears as if they were running, no, they really were running as they it only took two seconds to arrive immediately.

"You rascals go and lay down the food! Let"s eat! Oh, and every one, you better hurry up and come here!" I laughingly said as I stuffed my mouth with bigger portions just to rub it in to the face of these guys.

Little did they know, this was calm before a storm, a respite before chaos and peace before a war.