The Real Monster

Chapter 31


So right now, we"re walking towards the hideout they have. I expected it to be underground in some sewers but surprisingly, he took us to a pretty well-built mansion. The guards of the mansion seemed as if they knew who the guy was but was surprised with his state and he talked to them a bit and then gestured to me to follow him.

The guards looked at me with disdain and contempt. Don"t you worry you guards; your families won"t see you live come dawn. Fufufu.

So I followed the guy whose name I won"t mention since everyone in this mansion"s going to kick the bucket anyway. I just need to secure every hostage they have taken and take them to the mayor for him to take care of later.

*sniff* *sniff* I smell s.e.m.e.n, drugs, smoke, p.i.s.s and s.h.i.t inside that mansion"s bas.e.m.e.nt and all over the place. Dammit, is this place one of those syndicates or something dealing with drugs and all? My grip on Asha got a bit tight as I thought about possibilities just from the smell alone. I don"t want to use my xray because I just might lose my grip on myself if I do and go on a rampage here. {Ahm}, Asha made a stifled noise as she felt my grip on her get tight a bit suddenly.

"{Sorry about that. I got a bit tense.}" giving her a warm smile here would calm her down I hope, as her voice also woke me up from thought.

She only nodded and buried her face on my chest. I wonder if I should continue to hold her like this, maybe she"s embarra.s.sed, but I don"t really feel her weight as all so it"s okay.

{The boss is on the top floor. So we"ll just walk a bit more.} It seems that this guy already gained some of his confidence back when we stepped into their territory. Does he really think he"s already safe and I"m doomed because I foolishly followed him here? I can hear weapons being unsheathed just beyond that door and hushed whispers about getting ready.

The mansion was big as the name implies. The main entrance was barred by a door that looked really expensive with lion-heads as the knockers. The were golden in color but it might be bra.s.s, the wood used for the door must be st.u.r.dy right? The deep brown color of the door compliments the brick styled wall of the mansion. It was three stories and a veranda is above the entrance with the pillars for it acting as an arch for the entrance. A good setup even if I say so, someone who has no knowledge of architecture.

"{I want to give you a heads-up, if anything funny happens here, I will not be blamed for anything okay?}

The guy, after hearing me say that stood there like a candle planted on the ground, if that makes sense at all. And so I opened the door to see, no surprise at all, twenty or so men holding weapons and ready for some action. I turned my head to the guy behind me and he showed a smile, a confident smile when he saw the people that I was facing.

"{Fellows, I am searching for your boss to make a deal with him regarding this woman"s debt and that of her daughter"s. So if you would be so kind as to let him know that I, Clay, have come to visit to negotiate, then that would be peachy. I shall wait here for good news.}" I abruptly announced my business to them before they start attacking even while knowing that it"s no use. I"m just getting into character for this. It"s been fun you know.

{Men! Attack!} Someone shouted among the group, someone of whom I do not care for just shouted to attack me without even answering my request, whatever, these rude people. Fufufufufufufu

A smile naturally bloomed on my face as the first three people to attack me came. A slash from above, a thrust for the body and a sweep from below; they clearly know how to deal with someone huh?

*Ping* *Ping* *Ping*

I made use of my body and turned around. Each sword strike made their way to their targets; one to my shoulder, one to my lower back and one to my right leg.

That"s a good sound. Well then, this would count as self-defense right? I moved.

*please stand by*

After a minute of moving faster than their moves and sounds of bodies flying through the air and smashing to the walls resounding, the whole lobby was clear. Without saying anything I broke the leg of the leader-thug who brought me here by kicking it. *Crack* {Agh!} Again he screamed. This is not a sound that"s new tonight as he has already been flooding my ears with his screams since earlier and then there are those guys just now. They"re most probably dead each one of them. I don"t know how much stronger my feet are compared to my fists. After all, it is my legs that are supporting my whole body with gravity that would make even Goku and Vegeta make a run for their money.

"{I told you I would not be responsible for what happens right? Now, crawl through the stairs and bring me to the boss upstairs. If you don"t hurry, I will slowly take one finger off of your remaining, and make you suffer just as I intended from the start. Capich?}" I show my real thoughts for the first time tonight.

"{Hu}" refreshing.

Walking while steadily following the crawling bug in front of me is boring but it builds up tension so I like it. The boss-man above is probably getting ready to defend his life with the remaining elites of his gang. Maybe even hold a hostage against me, maybe even Asha"s daughter. He"d be making a grave mistake if that happens though.

After waiting for the insect to crawl all the way to the last floor where the boss-man or boss-demon whatever the case it for a while, he"s finally arrived huffing and puffing. He"s not bleeding so much since I only broke his leg and by broke, I powdered his bones, so there"re no splinters or sharp bones sticking out of him.

"{I"m not going to repeat myself. When we face your boss man, tell him to stand down and give me the daughter of this lady here. Do you copy?}" I warned him before going into the room. I feel like I"ve been giving this b.a.s.t.a.r.d a lot of chances to redeem himself, has he become reliant on it I wonder.


Opening the door to the room, thug-leader came inside with his mouth blaring as if he"d eaten coal and is unable to keep his mouth shut. Of course I already expected him to blabber to them. Who would he trust a man he doesn"t know and threatens to end his life or his comrades who"d kill him later for bringing trouble to their hideout? It"s obvious he chose the latter which granted him more chances of saving himself.

"{I have given you your last chance man. You should have taken it.}", after saying that I took his other limbs and cauterized it on the spot. The pain it must have produced rendered him unconscious but I can afford to let him have some rest, I"ll give him h.e.l.l later.

Seeing what I did to him, the people inside the room turned to look at me, the man who"s coming to greet them outside the door. I have yet to come inside but they already have faces as pale as death. That is, if their faces can grow pale and if it does, then I absolutely cannot distinguish it from all the fur, scale and whatever it is that their skins are made off. The fear and shock from their faces though, that"s a surefire tell that they know I mean business now.

{Wu-Wh-Who are you, what did we do to you to deserve this?}

These kinds of questions are one of the reasons you don"t talk to those whom you"d kill anyway, since it"s useless. What a gentleman would do here is to actually get to the point of his business and finish this side-quest.

"{Hey man, I"m not here to play 20 Questions with Clay and hmm… what"s your name, never mind. What I"m here for is, well, you see her? She has melted my heart and I have come to her aid and she requests that you return what"s hers immediately and tell me who protects you from authorities in this city as well as your connections in other cities. To that effect, if you do tell me this things, I will turn my back and forget that everything I"ve seen or heard from you or what I"ve done, everything. Oh, and don"t let me repeat myself, if there"s something you don"t understand from all that I just said, then ask. However, you will have only one chance to ask, so be so wise and use that only when you have something worth asking about.}" d.a.m.n that was a long speech. With this, I have given them fair warning and threat as well as given them a.s.surance that they will be rid of me as long as they comply. That"s as clear a message can be, they simply can"t be so foolish as to turn my kindness away right?

Boss-man and I came to a staring stand-off to which I am not inclined to back down. I"m up for the challenge I think, just have to control the urge to use the lasers.

After a few minutes of contemplating, I think that"s what the stand-off was about, he gestured to his men and they all left the room in a hurry. Then Boss-man shouted, {Bring the child here, post-haste!} while flinging his arm.

*Whistle* I whistled.

"{You"ve made the right choice. A choice you will not regret at all in your life. Now, about the other things that I demanded, I"d appreciate it if you also gave that to me as well post-haste.}" I mimicked his way of saying "post-haste" earlier. I know it"s not very mature, but hey, I"m just having a bit of fun.

"{Don"t you worry miss, after all this is over you will be able to embrace your daughter without fail, after all, I am a man of my word.}", giving away yet another smile to calm the lady"s nerve.

I did not have to wait long for his henchmen to come back with a child in her teens to arrive back to the room. The other henchmen must have gone to inform other guys to come and reinforce them, well, all according to expectation I guess. It makes cleaning up easier I guess. After all I"m a man of my words.

"{Is she the child you seek miss. Tell me if there"s anything wrong and I will seek to rectify the problem for you. Now, tell me, is this the child you hold dear?}" Without even a shred of hesitation she jumped off of me and rushed to the child while shouting {Yes.} She must really miss her a lot. Looking at her, she seems unhurt, but it doesn"t hurt to check thoroughly, some men have nasty preferences after all.

I used xray on her and examined her sensitive areas just to be sure. And well, I"m certain now that she is unharmed, albeit a bit too fetid but that"s nothing a soak in the bath can"t handle.

*Clap Clap Clap*

I clapped three times towards the Boss-man to show him my admiration. After which I have to get the rest of the things I asked from him of course.

"{I don"t want to sound so demanding man, but isn"t it already long enough to make me wait for the other things I asked about? Yet why is there hesitation in your face at the moment. Have my warning not seeped to your brain after all?}" Well, I"ve been p.i.s.sed all night already so yea, I should probably release some of my killing intent and rage on them.

I did nothing but Overpower is already pa.s.sively giving them the effect to intimidate with killing intent. I designated all of them in the room as enemy. I have discovered that if I designate enemies, the overpower skill would encompa.s.s everyone who"re my enemies and make them suffer. If I do not designate an enemy, it will only become a huge pressure that would choke anyone who cannot take it in merely a second of exposure. So I understood why those millions died even though they were not my enemies. That"s why this skill has even more killing potential than my magic or even other abilities, at least for the moment.

{{Gah! (Oof!)}} the two people together with us in the room that"s become my enemies struggled to get up as they abruptly kneeled to the ground and started huffing and puffing for air.

"{I was hoping you"d resist you know, so that I can kill you without a dent on my conscience. So now that you did not heed my warning, I see that as resistance and resistance towards me means death. So I have to thank you for making this easier. Don"t worry, since you did bring me the child immediately, I will set you free, all of you as I am a man of my words.}"

*Laughter* I began laughing out loud. This is a nice feeling. As if I"m a psychic while predicting moves from a randomly generated character. Different from NPC"s that have fixed roles, these RGC"s can be replaced or in other words expendable in RPG world settings. Like the thieves, the robbers and murderers, they are randomly generated after some of them are killed. After all, who would make the hero stronger if not them? In DOTA, they were once called "mobs" but then gaming terms evolved and they were then called "creeps" by the new generation players; these randomly generated characters.

{N-NO!} Boss-man shouted, while I gave a swift death to the one who brought the girl to me by breaking his neck… off. The scene was something unfit for a child to look at but the look on the child"s eyes were priceless. She was grinning; as if excited by the fact that her captors are being picked off one by one. Oh! That look gives me shivers!

"{Hey man, don"t you worry I"ll kill you last. Don"t worry I won"t let you suffer pain when you die, after all I keep my words. Fufufufufufu}" My laughter is giving me the creeps, but I can"t help it. The feeling of satisfaction, even for a fleeting moment might as well be a tonic, wine or even a drug!

"{It might be better that you come with me, walk slowly and walk at my pace okay? Can you take your mother with you child?}" I child Asha"s child, Meridith, to take her mother with her and support her cause she might still be week in the knees from seeing all the blood spilled.

My Overpower a great area so anyone that I deem enemies would be rendered a chance to kiss the floor or the ground once they come into range. Using my xray, I have already marked those who are my enemies and using it in combination with to distinguish from friend, foe and bystander.

{P-Please, I was wrong. Please give us another chance.} Boss-man pleaded. I ignore him. Leaving the room with my own pace followed by Meridith and Asha, I saw the leader-thug still unconscious right where I left him. I have to make sure to not kill him so I exempted him from the enemies in my mind.

*step* *step* *creak*

Every step that I took and those of the other two behind me gave even more suspense to those who are awaiting their deaths below I"m sure. The place had gone utterly quiet once Overpower was amplified by my will. It will probably take at least 10 minutes for all the people to choke to death, yet I can"t have that, so I lessen the killing intent and just gave them enough breathing s.p.a.ce to well, breath. They"d still feel the pressure of my presence though so it"s like Haki, without the willpower or something and the fainting with foam on their mouths. Fufu.

*neigh* *clip clop*

I hear horses outside the mansion. It seems cavalry has arrived for these motherf.u.c.kers and it seems to be someone important. I wonder if my hunch was correct that it was the Mayor Kangkuro and Graccus who"re protecting these and making a deal.

To my disappointment from being wrong, it wasn"t them. However, he sure looks very important to be wearing fancy clothes that just scream, "Notice me senpai!" I hate pompous jerks like this the most. Looking at his status his name is k.u.mir. He"s not important so probably won"t remember his name, but, he"s actually the Vice-Mayor of this place Atbangkeru.

{Whoever is inside, hear me! Release the hostages immediately or we will have to use force to bring you to justice! You have been warned. I will give you 10 minutes to give your answer. Failure to come out with an answer and we will shower you with enough magic to wipe out half the city focused solely on your location!} The Vice-mayor uttered a warning but well, it sounded to me like a challenge or a threat and I don"t like threats from people who can"t back themselves up and their words. Let"s ignore him for now.

Finally we arrived at the bas.e.m.e.nt after slowly advancing. The smell here is very rancid and I am about to lose my mind to the smell. However, there are people here that have no affiliation to the Roughwind group and are purely here because of debt or being kidnapped. I have to take them away somehow.

"{Hey, do some of you happen to know where the Boss-man upstairs hides his valuables? I have searched his room, but there was nothing there, see. And if you"re able, go and fetch it will you?}" I see human faced demons here all. I wonder what the deal with this is; I found the city crawling with animal-faced demons and I would probably call them more of beasts than demons but they call themselves demons. This is confusing.

{I know. He stores his valuable right there.} Someone from the group of 10 maybe 15 who are still alive, from the iron cell they were in, pointed towards a wall. Of course I already knew that there was a room beyond this wall. Really, I do. Fine, I did not use my xray here so I had to ask.

"{Hey, help this man get the valuables that can be sold or used. Leave the dangerous stuff like drugs or whatever that"s inside and burn it. If you don"t follow my instruction and get greedy I will personally kill you instead of saving your a.s.s. Understood?}" I gave the instruction as I melted the locks on the cell.


"{Here, share this among yourselves to regain enough strength to run away later.}" I tossed them one bottle of pots. They hesitated to drink it but finally succ.u.mb to their curiosity each took a sip by which their strength should have been regained.

"{This one"s for you and your mother. You drink it first since your mother is just probably nauseous. You on the other hand have to be exhausted and quite weary. Go on, drink it will help.}" As usual, I give a very warm smile; the kind of smile of a pedophile about to a.s.sault a loli. Not that I"d a.s.sault her in any way.

She drank it slowly and visibly, her complexion has turned for the better. While she was drinking I already opened up the wall that obstructs us from taking away the valuables of the Boss-man. That should give them something to rely on to rebuild them self a life again.