The Real Monster

Chapter 32


It seems that the other men that Boss-man sent away directly went outside when he ordered them to go get the child and only one came back to actually show the girl, Meridith. The Vice-Mayor"s right there outside counting down. I have to go and face him to buy sometime for the other captives. I can"t let this mongrel see their faces or they would become his targets as they leave.

So I went outside and gave a stretch.

"{I see it is someone of authority. What seems to be the problem with my mansion sir?}" I asked towards k.u.mir, the Vice-Mayor.

{Who are you and what have you done to the poor residents of this mansion?! You"re a human, so surely, you killed them with your hands am I right? We will not let you get away! Men, arrest that man!} He immediately commanded for my arrest without even trying to negotiate or converse with me. Of course I understand that he needs to show off and show the population his good side for politics.

"{First mistake you"ll make tonight Mr. Important.}" I said to him as I spread my Overpower towards those he sent and immediately they started to kneel; each one while holding their chests, including Mr. Important.

"{Stay here please. No one will bother you as long as I"m here okay?}" I told Meridith to stay as going up again would be a ha.s.sle. I took Boss-man and made him cough up the lists and names I asked him earlier. With this, I no longer need him to be alive.

"{Thank you for your cooperation. As promised… *Crunch*}" I took his head, right clean off. He had a face of discontentment and even maybe indignity as I plucked his head off. After all, I am a man of my word. Isn"t that right, leader-thug?

I also took him with me and took out a choker that can handle words inscribed to them. I made him wear it and prepared two bars of iron from the prison cells in the bas.e.m.e.nt and dug through the skin of his back to attach the two iron bars to his back, supporting him. Then another two bars to make it square by attaching it to the corners using laser to weld and cooling it via blowing it some freezing wind.

My masterpiece is not finished with simply this. I took a st.u.r.dy rope and cut it into two, tying two corners that were leveled to his shoulders and properly make him as if a backpack.

With that done, I inscribed the choker with the rune word [Auto-Recovery], then another at the back which was, [Decompose], then lastly for good measure, [Curse] for the final touch.

While inscribing each word I put in an image of [Auto-Recovery] to kick in when it"s six in the morning, nine in the morning, 12 high-noon, three in the afternoon and then again at six in the evening, and then lastly nine in the evening; every single day.

[Decompose] had the image of being active constantly, eating away at the life of the leader-thug without rest. Then [Curse] would activate a curse with the image of suffering extreme heat the moment it is touched by anyone other than me and also warding off potential scavengers.

You see, [Decompose] works as something that would finally give him rest. However, the rate of decomposition is only enough to get him to near death until the appointed time that [Auto-Recovery] is programmed to set off which would make him recover to full health each time so imagine the frustration. Plus, every the [Auto-Recovery] activates any nutrients he needs would be provided to him making him unable to die of hunger, thirst or any other causes. [Auto-Recovery] also activates when damage to the bearer of the chocker from external sources is received. So there"s no use in trying to kill him as well.

With that, my masterpiece is born. "Live-alarm" that"s a good name isn"t it? I"ll find a place for him later when I finish dealing with the others outside.

I turned towards the boss-man and tossed his body outside his window which was separating the winds from outside the veranda and his office upstairs. His body fell abruptly and the sound of falling gla.s.s resounded. That was the signal for the vice-mayor to now back off and not meddle any further. However, he seemed to have lost his mind and instead,

{Murder! Murderer! You have murdered a citizen of Atbangkeru and by the power vested in me, I order you to stand down and accept your arrest!}

"{Another idiot is here.}" I couldn"t help but curse the little b.u.g.g.e.r. He really must think that everything will still go according to his plan huh? So I can only mumble. Just because I did not include you as enemy you get to have a lofty stance outside pointing fingers huh?

It"s not like the only one I killed was the boss-man, so it must be that he"s very important to the Vice-Mayor. There can only be that I guess.

With my preparations done, I took leader-thug and carried him like a backpack. At the entrance I saw the mother-daughter pair huddling at the corner of the entry porch. They were scared of the Idiot that kept shouting murder earlier.

"{I advise you both to close your eyes no matter what may happen and no matter what sounds you hear. Okay?}" I can only tell them that. Those who were tasked with taking the valuables of the boss-man from the vault have already finished and are currently standing by inside the mansion until I clear up these "stragglers."

"{Hey man, would you settle down already. I still need to do something so just stay there quietly okay? I have a gift for every evil doer here in this city. After this if there are still those who would resort to theft and other crimes because of reasons like poverty, blackmail and other common reasons to turn to a criminal life, this will serve as reminder to them… Ngh!}" after that speech while ignoring the Vice-Mayor I put leader-thug on the floor and extended my right hand to the ground to use a bit of magic.


The ground trembled and rumbled as if something was threatening to burst out of it. It"s not really wrong though as at the next instant a tall and thick pillar extended from the ground towards the sky just enough to exceed the mansion"s height. This mansion is a bit away from the center of the city so I think it should be good enough to put it here. The tall pillar then branched out at the top to form a "T" and from there I put leader-thug and fastened him to it. If he struggled too much that would be troublesome so I have to fasten him real good.

After such an arrangement aside from the sight of me flying and of leader-thug being put into a pseudo-cross, the people who turned up later because of the commotion all gasped cold breaths. The mother-daughter pair had their eyes closed and their ears covered obediently so I feel at least a little relieved.

"{Now, you look someone important, so what"s your connection to the people I just executed? Please tell me you"re not someone called a protector for these criminals, because of you are, I will include you in what"s about to happen now. See those men kneeling on the ground and barely able to move? They"re suffering for their crimes. So, tell me, important man, are you one of the criminals I have to clean up?}" I think my demon language is getting along nicely. I wonder why I still haven"t mastered it yet. In fact almost all my language skills are just advanced. Hrm.

The Vice-Mayor had a livid look on his face. Ah Man, don"t make so obvious that you"re actually one of them will you, if you do that the fun in this will be lost.

{How dare you accuse me of being a criminal protector? I will have you hanged and fed to the dogs.}

Yep, he"s one of them, even without me knowing first hand. That"s too obvious man.

"{I have here a list of a.s.sociates that the boss-man that guy wrote in paper with his signature just before he kicked the bucket. So would you please tell me your name so I can move on and leave already?}" I asked the Idiot what his name was. If he doesn"t answer, I can only include him in the summary execution I"m about to do, if he does then I can give him to Kangkuro to put him on trial. Yes, that"s a good plan.

{Y-Y-You! You"ve been accusing me since earlier. Who do you think you are? You think a Vice-Mayor like me is powerless and only has position? You"re a human so you definitely don"t know. Officials in each city are not selected for their influence in politics but because of their strength. I will have you kneel down and apologize for trying to stain my reputation you stupid human!} Oh, a declaration. I know his strength through the stats, but they"re on par with the Mayor so I don"t exactly feel threatened, only amused.

"{Your denial of giving me your name, can only be interpreted by me as you trying to worm your way out. I will read a few lines and if your name is here, the people will be my witness. Cram, Kreish, Maugre, k.u.mir, G}" I intentionally mentioned his name after a few so that people feel tension. And when I mentioned his name, the people made a large noise as almost all of them reacted to the name.

"{I am sure now. You are one of the a.s.sociates that boss-man was paying for protection. For that, you will be included in this coming show. Those who are faint of heart, you better go away now because blood will flow from now on.}" I made that remark and slowly stepped towards the Vice-Mayor, who was then clenching his fists and teeth and was seething in anger looking towards me. Come on man, don"t be too embarra.s.sed about your deeds be proud. It is your deed after all.


{I will have you die!} He leaped towards me with force as the ground where his feet were earlier was gouged and broken. He really has considerable strength compared to normal humans but his strength is only on par with the Mayor so I"m not worried.

I extended my hand towards him and gestured to point towards the ground and said, "{Stand down, kneel before me}" just to have a bit of flair and drama, immediately including him to my enemies of course. And thereby plunging to the ground from the pressure I was emitting. It"s always a good scene to see right?

"{For crimes against the citizens, I hereby sentence you to death along these other criminals."} I again raised my right hand and the moment I intended to kill them, my killing intent was mixed with the intimidation and the pressure intensified to the point as if a real heavy object was pinned on their backs. This all happened spontaneously with my how I closed my palm as if I was grasping something, creating the effect that I had used my mysterious power to kill all of them.

{Wah} The reaction of people watching mad the mother-daughter twitch as if they are really holding themselves back from actually opening their eyes and listening to the hubbub of the place.


{Argh! No it hurts! No! Please make it stop! Arh!} A shout that was as if from a siren resounded from above, it was no doubt leader-thug. With my estimate, it must now be 9 in the evening which means, his healing process is starting. This will last for a minute but that minute would feel to him as if millions of needles the size of a finger is poking him from the inside. That"s how painful the healing process he"s going to endure from now on. [Decompose] makes the body rot at a fixed rate while [Auto-Recovery] will heal those rotting parts of his body, which starts at the inside and those two conflicting forces will fight each other with the healing winning every time to make him recover to the most pristine condition of his body in only a minute. Then his body will start to decompose again. After 9 in the evening"s "alarm" the next interval would be at 6 in the morning which means the decomposition rate would become so slow just to make him last till morning.

I know, I know it is torture but I did promise him earlier. If he just followed my instructions and kept to his words, I would have also kept my word of killing him painlessly. Now, I am keeping my word and killing him softly, with so much pain that he would wish for death every single time. Just thinking about the hate and resentment he would feel towards me makes me smile. However, he will realize all the things that he did wrong through this and would regret that he did not follow the words of the mighty. Regret and sorrow would plunge his heart into accepting this fate. He will forget his grudge against me and happily suffer for all his foolishness.

Well at least that"s what I want to happen. If it doesn"t then it doesn"t matter as well. The people of this city will learn of how dangerous it is to play with other"s lives. If they don"t learn through this, then I will also deem them unredeemable. I will destroy them.

The Vice-Mayor is dead along with the rest of the criminal gang of the boss-man, it wasn"t a very showy death and can easily be forgotten, but leader-thug"s fate will always be remembered. Suffer for me sc.u.m. Fufufufu.

Without further staying in the mansion, I told those who were captives to come with me to the Mayors along with the mother-daughter pair. Of course the mother-daughter pair I carried on each my arms. They"re very light so it"s not even called a ch.o.r.e.

A few minutes of walking I arrived at the entrance of the building of the Mayor"s office. I"m sure he can already see me so I"ll wait for him here below.

Again, another few minutes of I"m sure, thinking, Kangkuro and Graccus came down with frowns on their faces. I"m sure they want to know what I"m up to. So I only summarized to them what happened as quickly as I can and left the details unmentioned since it is a bit b.l.o.o.d.y. Then,

"{So that"s what happened. Will you take care of this people? These two will be under my direct care, so you don"t have to worry about them.}" I gave the responsibility to the mayor to take care of the people who were held captives. If their family is alive then they can go back, but I know Kangkuro will do a good job, knowing my power, he won"t be doing something stupid like disposing them instead right?

"{I"ll visit some other time to check on them so don"t worry Mayor.}" I also told the mother-daughter pair to stay at the most expensive Inn in this place so that they"ll have the best reception while I"m away. After all I"m going to Agamemkeru"s nest to have a good fight.

{Will you really come back for us sir?} The daughter, Meridith asked innocently. I pat her head while saying "{Of course I will. Your mother captivated me, of course I"ll take you both home.}" It wasn"t a lie. Asha did captivate me with her beauty but there"s another reason I want to take them with me. All will be revealed at a later time.

After all that happened, I immediately went towards the direction of the Nest of the Lord of the Swamps, Agamemkeru. Our rematch is something I have begrudgingly desired. Kukukuku