The Real Monster

Chapter 45


At the same time when the attack on the city was happening, a lot of movements were also in motion in the world. The Racial Battle Royale that was to be held at the center of the continent, Hark, which was being hosted by the Dragons, is already being prepared and everything will be ready come the next year.

With the coming of that year, representatives from each race would be sent to fight it out. Contrary to Clay"s initial thoughts about the conflict behind the races, it was actually made more peaceful by the dragons who proposed to make a tournament instead of recklessly going to an all-out war with each other. Although, at the start it was just exactly as Clay imagined the wars, it was only recently that the Dragons grew tired of even their G.o.d who made oracles with them to do this and that.

In fact, most denizens of Alleucanth have already abandoned their faith in the G.o.ds that rule them long ago. What they have is just following tradition now instead of really taking it seriously. However, not all of the races have abandoned their faith with their G.o.d. And that race of course is none other than humanity. They cling so much to their G.o.d that even when he sends them to their demise time and time again, they still think it to be according to his will, and of course it was according to his will without the purpose of it being for the good of them but for the good of his entertainment.

n.o.body knew this; n.o.body believed that their G.o.d would lead them to perdition. At least n.o.body from the humans… until Clay came along. By now, there is a whole big city that not only doesn"t believe in their G.o.d but are worshipping another as their G.o.d, which is Clay.

It wasn"t necessarily "Heroes" that were required to battle it out in the Racial Battle Royale, before heroes were summoned by G.o.ds through their specific races, the partic.i.p.ants of the Racial Battle Royal were legendary figures of each race, well except the Dragons, which always wins the exchange, the representatives for each other races change every so often. In fact, humans can only send different partic.i.p.ants each time because no human legend can survive until a century.

Seven hundred years ago, was when all this Racial Battle Royal started and since then it has been like this. Although generally, humans were seen as the weakest of the group, in fact they are the strongest when it came to total-war. That"s why the dragons schemed to cut that off by making them partic.i.p.ate in a tournament which only brought one representative each time and collaborated with the other non-human races to pressure them into agreeing into it.

The humans, as blinded by faith as they are, still agreed to it because they had so much faith that their G.o.d would not let them lose miserably and so confidently took up the challenge.

With that, the lose-count of humanity racked up since the last six hundred years, and the G.o.d of humanity finally snapped and summoned a hero that could potentially be his revenge to the other G.o.ds. He gave the Hero he summoned too much of an advantage and granted his ability which only G.o.ds have, he granted Clay a body with the ability to use any magic from all affinity as well. It was a crazy cheating.

What Safir did not know was that Clay was already pretty much powerful without him interfering further. That only served to make Clay as overpowered as he is at this moment.


A dragon kinsman, the lowest of the lowest in the dragon empire in terms of citizenship was gossiping with another dragon kinsman while working on constructing the arena for the tournament. The arena was proposed to be created a mile in width and length of marble blocks and with a height of at least two meters to allow spectators to fully view the fight between combatants. The marble tiles are also coated with Adamantine to further enhance its st.u.r.diness. If the shopkeeper from Village hears of this, she just might rage and do a flip of the table.


[] asked the other person.

[] An angry bellow then woke them up and immediately they scurried over other areas to escape the foreman"s wrath.

[] the foreman had a hint of pride and confidence as he thought of the Dragon Emperor"s might.


While the Dragons were doing their best to host a great Racial Battle Royale, the Elves also made preparations to depart from the great forest of the east separated by a great ocean, technically it was a lake but the scale of it could not be equated to mere lake, so they called it an ocean. The Ocean was called Eastdivide, simply because it separated the east from the rest of the world. The east"s continent was a lush forest, anywhere you went it was filled with forests. And in this forest, elves lived.

Many tribes of elves live here. The Ak"na tribe, most widely known as the strongest tribe of the 4 that rule the forest of the east, Fairy Forest; the Ak"ga tribe most widely known as the innovators of the forest; the Ak"min of the forest; and the Ak"sha tribe most widely known as the druids of the forest. Together they rule the forest in harmony, not once have there been disharmony in their four tribes.

The four most powerful elves in the Fairy Forest convened and met for the purpose of preparing for the Racial Battle Royale as well.


[(The last few decades have been peaceful for our race. We have not been bothered by those d.a.m.ned humans who wanted make slaves out of us, we showed them who"s boss and now, the peace is about to get threatened yet again by this Racial Battle Royale. If we send delegates towards that place, then nine out of ten, our sisters will only get in trouble, ambushed and kidnapped by the humans. Their greed and ugliness runs that deep. We need to address this properly.)] An elf with a face that wore war makeup spoke and slammed the table that separated the four of them.

Elves were generally women; in fact an elf never is a man, male, or whatever muscular way to say it. Elves that are born are 100% women. The way they procreate has never been known to the outside, so not one has discovered it. Even those that tried to enslave elves the humans could not as those captured by them either killed themselves or killed their captors and then killed themselves. It was that extreme of a secret to keep among other things.

So elves are women, always have been. That"s established. Now, it is important to say that elves also possessed beauty that just cannot be explained by nature. In fact, the elves were blessed by the G.o.d of elves to always be so beautiful and well-endowed in all aspects of beauty and aesthetics.

So to say, elves were naturally beautiful and the general elf had a great body shape, with round and cute face, red lips to match and the signature bright green eyes that just pierces your very soul, according to eye witnesses. They have contrary to the convention, red hair and very savage means.

They are barbarians mostly but very, very beautiful barbarians.

[(I agree we should address this properly, so I am proposing to bring the elites of each tribe to become delegates in the upcoming Racial Battle Royale. We don"t need heroes for this, the "Hero" that the G.o.d has given our druids as oracle, is just something that can be used when a time that we it comes. That"s what our G.o.d has revealed to us. What do you think about this plan?)] They were savage but their sense of unity was a level higher than that of those people actually call civilized and cultured.

The savageness they had was in terms of the violence and the brutality they possessed in battle.

[(I agree with this plan. Let us show those other races how we elves can handle them even without this "hero" that"s being thought of as a savior or something even by the G.o.d. It"s best to show them all that elves need no saving, especially from those monsters called humans, who kill their own kin just for a coin of gold or monarchs sacrificing a lot of people to make others follow them.)] Another elf with round eyes and a flower on her hair, holding a wooden staff agreed.

With every one of them in agreement the last elf did not need to speak anymore and just nodded her agreement. The elves further refined their plans and finished up their meeting.


In another part of the world, a prairie which extended from the edge of the continent inland were beasts and monsters that were being reared by people who had human-like looks but with animal ears, tail, and sometimes wings. These people are called Beastmen. They were endowed with the strength of beasts and monsters while having the looks of humanity, although they do not share their values and cultures.

The Beastmen are ruled by the Beast King who supervises the twelve tribes of the south. The south is where the beastmen rule and this prairie, it is separated from the rest of the world by the longest and steepest of mountains in this Earthen Wave Mountain Range.

In a certain plain there stood thousands of tents in formation with a central tent that is more grand than the rest which enjoyed the most s.p.a.ce, a beastman with a round ear above his head almost covered by his voluminous blonde hair sat on a seat power where he was facing two elder looking men who also had a head full of faded blonde hair.

These were the Lion Beastmen Tribe, one of the twelve great tribes of the south who rule the prairie, and in this case, they are the one who supervises the rest of the tribes to be united. The one who sat in the seat of power was the Beast King. He looked very imposing with his frame being wider than even the most of the strongest beastmen. His eyes had an intensity that just screamed authority and just makes those being looked at to squeeze their heads into their collars in intimidation.

[You men are implying that I the king of the beasts have to go and prove ourselves among other races? Is that not such a foolish and useless thing to do at the moment? The enemy of our race has recently awakened from the Void Sea and it threatens to invade us again and slaughter our people for food and you want me to abandon the place and fight some useless battle instead? I Refuse! I will not let the foolishness of other races to infect our heads. True there is glory in that, but glory is nothing but a piece of ornament like this crown I"m wearing. Useless without the people who acknowledge it!/] The beast king spoke in agitation and glowered.

[My King! Please trust your own people to achieve this task and go prove to the world that the beastmen are people who do not back down form a challenge especially of this scale. The honor of our race rests at your hands. The hands that defeated even the most powerful foe, our nemesis, the Argokraken that"s always been a plague to our race and our livestock. Believe in us King./] an old man who wore colorful robe that complemented his hair color persuaded the king. The king in response held his chin in thought and pondered.

They did not make any sound as they waited for the King to respond to their plea.

[Alright then, I Regulus Raglar, the hundred and tenth King of the Dodecagon Prairie will attend the great Racial Battle Royale. I will need nothing but myself in travelling across the Earthen Wave Mountain Range and into the center of the continent, Hark. There is no need to arrange escorts who will only die and make my mood suffer. I can take care of myself. Use the people wisely and do not let their deaths be in vain. Either kill the Argokraken or repel it with everything you have to be victorious. That is the condition for your victory. If you agree with my own condition, then I will immediately start preparations for my journey./] The King of the Beastmen, Regulus Raglar made his decision and gave his condition as if this was something that he had already thought about for a long time. Now, he gave his condition and awaited the answer of his people.

[Rest a.s.sured your Majesty, we will have Argokraken meat for meals every single day for a year when you return, that is a promise!/] The elder who represented the rest who was wearing the colorful robe a.s.sured the King, after which, the king started laughing out loud and slapping his thigh in a great mood.


[Good! A feast tonight and tomorrow I will make way towards Hark and make those other races continue to see us as the greatest warriors./] Regulus Raglar continued to laugh and waved his hands to dismiss the rest of the elders. The night was noisy as the party started and every one was enjoying the company of their king.