The Real Monster

Chapter 54


After five months of grueling training we proceeded to the next phase, physical grinding and conditioning of their bodies. What I did was to break and grind their bones personally by sparring with them. They developed their own ways to cope with the situation when presented with it. As an example, I broke Jon"s legs and arms effectively immobilizing him, making him unable to heal himself without someone else"s help, but to my surprise, his body healed up just a few seconds after being broken. I observed his body and found that he must have kept a pill somewhere in his mouth and immediately popped the pill the moment he felt damage to be severe. It"s a good idea to always have backups. Unlike me, they can"t automatically regenerate.

Within those five months prior, they already made advances to the neighboring kingdoms via envoys and emissaries even though we are not actually a kingdom, yet. The first two kingdoms close to us were resistant and sent back our envoys without heads, no, that did not happen. They were resistant but they could not hurt our envoys as they were no ordinary people. They are part of the elite guards of the city, the three"s family.

When they were threatened by the rulers of the kingdoms they visited, they showed my emblem. It was a simple corsage-like gold plate with an engraving of a lion and a dragon bowing down towards Mount Moribor. It was a design I made and they materialized it through the blacksmiths of the city. In the city, this emblem would serve as my proxy, which means that whoever has it would be my envoy and therefore must treat the envoy with respect the same as they do me. Only Isaac owns it and so we used it as the emblem to initiate diplomacy with other kingdoms.

When he showed the emblem, they knew it was the Acting Mayor of Moribor"s city that sent this man and thus was speaking through this man. They know how powerful the influence of the City under Moribor is and how the Imperial Army who invaded that place disappeared almost instantly as they arrived. Some of the stragglers already came through here and spread the news of their annihilation from the reports of the envoys. So it was expected that they would give in peacefully and hand-over the rights to their kingdom but as expected, they resisted. The first response was to threaten us with a show of force through killing the envoy, but as expected as well, the attackers died and as a final farewell, the envoy called out to the king and said, [You have made your decision, I came peacefully to offer you a new age and now you have turned me into an enemy Let it be known now, that three days from now, your rule will be over through your death and everyone in your line including those who ally themselves to you blindly. This is our Lord"s decree, hear, O mortals] which I taught them to make them look cool.

The first and second kingdom"s kings who resisted met the same fate, dying by along with the n.o.bles who openly and covertly supported them. Those who did not became more amiable to the idea of being va.s.sals to our nameless kingdom.

I then told them to not continue invading other kingdoms and make the first two kingdoms to stabilize. The news of what happened spread like wild fire and it took us no effort to annex the next kingdoms that were close to us. Just sending the envoys made them surrender rights yet they kept their lives and their position of power, for now. We will be controlling them through a different method except those kingdoms that we will be holding for ourselves.

Plan was, to annex kingdoms that were close to the borders of the Human Realm, which means, that after doing that, the Human Realm will be closed off from all sides and the other kingdoms will not be able to run away from the Human Realm except through some other means.

After postponing the invasion for two months after the first two, the rest of the kingdoms were less resistant and only needed a demonstration of power in the form of fighting the best warrior they had in their kingdom. They were all bested by the envoys. Imagine, an envoy who not only was powerful but also diplomatic, just how scary would that be if this were earth?

It took us close to a year for all of the kingdoms bordering the Human Realm to be under my direct command, and currently still progressing.

Currently in front of me is a fist full of force behind it making a beeline towards my face. Caltec is using his all to try and hit me with all he has. They have been sparring with me for the last six months after overcoming the pressure of my presence overflowing with intimidation. The first month after that, the sixth month, we had a sparring which made them unable to move for the next two days, literally. Their bones were literally powdered when they guarded against one of my attacks each. They immediately were given pills by me but even that needed them to rest for two days. So lesson learned since then, they avoided my strikes as much as possible instead of blocking it. This is what I already told them since, but they thought they could just block my attacks. A very wrong decision for sure and they learned it the hard way again.

From then on, they made various improvements to their own unique fighting style and different derivation of the Turtle Destruction Wave technique I taught them. It was awesome just looking at it, but it needs mastery and so they have continued practicing it until they at least were able to bring out half of the real damage and power of the art they learned.

The punch came at me in slow motion and so I had all the time I could in life to just wait for the punch to arrive, when it finally did, I took the punch with my face. It"s not that I couldn"t dodge; it"s that moving away would require me to exert effort so I don"t move. After his. .h.i.t, it was my time to counter and so I threw a punch so slow that it should have been possible for him to dodge it as well. Too bad, that I locked him in s.p.a.ce the moment I decided to counterattack.

I developed a new spell for the Specialists who I personally call "Spatialists" who have affinity towards s.p.a.ce magic. It was a spell derived from which I call in the sense that it locks the target into place while channeling magic to the spell. Making it an effective way of exhausting your mana, however, I taught them this and said that they will find ways to use it but still retain mana for a fight. So I left them with it.

The spell took effect immediately and Caltec groaned loudly because my fist made a hole in his stomach. He won"t die immediately but that hole would take at least five seconds to regenerate even with the pills I made, so that"s ample of time to actually kill him if I were his enemy. He should be able to realize this.

While I was in the motion of throwing Caltec away, *Bang!* my back produced a sound reminiscent of a hammer hitting a solid wall. Mor was behind me with a glowing fist which had the glow flickering and fading already. It must have been his Turtle Fist of Destruction or something.

I received no damage obviously, but Mor was holding his fist as if he was hurt instead. Just thinking about the rebound in force once you hit a solid wall is going to destroy you. "Mor, remember, hitting something with force that even you cannot handle will only result in simultaneous damage both for attacker and the target. If you produce a punch with over 100 tons of force behind it, then be sure to be able to handle 100 tons of force on your fist as well. That"s the basic principle of physics. I will teach you about the basics of it later, but remember this for your own safety later.

"Just remember that whatever you throw will also bounce back to you, always. I know you felt your arms go numb from the attack you pulled off when you faced the last fiend right? That"s what I"m talking about. So go and reflect!"

I was speaking because I had the leisure to do so. It seems that having consolidated my strength to a degree where I am confident to control it properly has granted me abilities I never deemed possible at all at first. However, that"s another story to tell. What I want to emphasize is the ability to actually ignore any damage that cannot go past my body"s current make up. Meaning, unless the attacker was of the demi-G.o.d level or above, my body will nullify any damage at all. How do I know this? My a.n.a.lysis of my own body has reached – let"s just say – a whole new level.

Right after that, Jon initiated another attack utilizing a Big Bang Attack-like of one Prince of the Saiyans, compressing a lot of mana in a short time and then expanding it abruptly to attack a target. It looked awesome, but again, it was nothing for me to just receive it. The attack hit and the ground was totaled without me being affected.

Mor was already away and Caltec was taken by him as well. Good teamwork. And as if knowing that I would be unharmed, I felt a huge signature of mana being gathered at one point in front of me, directly. It was Isaac and from the way the mana was moving, he was preparing a Turtle Destruction Wave… and without further delay, he fired it. The result was that I was pushed away by a step.

The ground was gouged and the trail I left was like art. Two lines that paralleled each other were left from where I was standing. Feeling a bit bothered by the dust, I wanted to start dusting myself when Caltec suddenly appeared again and this time he was holding a weapon materialized from mana. This is something I never taught them but they already formed a concept of having a weapon materialized from just their mana. This is the first time that Caltec also used this so it caught me by surprise.

Just thinking of receiving this attack is making me excited even though I know it won"t do anything. Well, I should answer his attack with mine as well. Just based on the movement of mana, I can reproduce the weapon he made as well and enhance it by a step.

So I did reproduce it and matched his sword with a bigger sword to block his attack. I"m not a swordsman of any sort so I don"t know any other move except the usual slashing motions. Caltec"s mana sword was destroyed as soon as it collided with my own and my sword continued towards him. Suddenly, a new weapon appeared out of nowhere that looked like a hook with chains which efficiently hooked him out of my sword"s reach and away from injury.

It was Jon who made the weapon and the weapon has great potential as well. This must have been planned carefully, isn"t it? I have to a.s.sume that all four of them know this technique and that they will be using it against me in this spar. I can"t wait to see all their hidden trumps. Fufufu.

Isaac had an ice sword attached to his arm and Mor was holding a tower shield for support. They are well balanced as well when it comes to weapon and fighting concepts. This keeps getting interesting the more time