The Real Monster

Chapter 67


It took no longer than 20 minutes to squeeze the remnants for information. It didn"t even take that long.

They all spilled the beans when Clay displayed what happens when they would lie or try to deceive him at all. He had the ability to know lies from truths told by others through their micro expressions. They may be good at hiding it, but it was as if they were displaying it in a museum for Clay when he activates his enhanced perception of everything.

So, Clay was confident in getting nothing but the truth from the remnants that were close to 200 people. Close to 50 legions of more than 200 thousand soldiers per legion. The numbers they prepared that now have been reduced to not even a fraction of how many there were, all wiped and would become fertilizers for the entire Moribor Mountains vicinity.

"You four. Listen and listen well. No more mister nice guy. Kill the leaders who show even the slightest resistance and replace them with puppets that would not dare to even have their hair shown in front of me. There will be no exceptions. Those who obey my call to come under my banner, take from them their first-borns and send them to the Village for education. When they come of age, they will replace the rulers of their kingdom immediately. Apart from this order, do what must be done to ensure that by the end of this month every human kingdom will come under my rule and either respect me or fear me. I don"t care that they don"t love me, I have my own people who do. Now take heed and go."

Clay looked utterly serious as he gave orders telepathically to his four retainers. The people he had detained were free, but not really. He released them and gave them each a message to take to their own kingdoms. To civilians, get out of the kingdom and go to Moribor Mountains, to their monarchs, your death has been decided down to your fourth generation!

And these men were able to follow and fear him as such because he made an example out of someone that had died in front of them. He extended his hands and released a non-attribute magic to cause the corpse to implode and turn into mist to be flicked away and carried by the wind. It was a horrible sight for anyone who witnessed it for the first time. It was appalling that they could become like that, a soldier that would not be remembered because there was no body that was left to be buried.

"I have tried to be very amiable and gave you chances to peacefully become my subordinates, yet you think it"s wise to oppose the one who gave the orders instead of those that executed the order? You want to see a monster it seems, then a monster you will get." He whispered to those soldiers. He wanted them to take this message to their monarchs as well, when they arrive. Clay made them eat a pill that he created. It was a pill that contained nothing but poisonous substances that will make a dead body implode and release the poison into the air. In their case, Clay was sure the monarchs would kill them. And he knew that they will first come to their families and warn them so their families will be safe. However, when they come to face their monarchs, the monarchs will kill them after hearing the message for sure. When they die, that will be the trigger by which the poison will be spread.

Clay was not so keen as to use such means, but he cannot be too soft in a world where dog eats dog. He understood this. If he gave them a chance to think that he was a pushover, they would get ideas. However, if he shows them that he cannot be messed with easily, then they"ll die simple.

After taking care of the place. He went home and asked Lucretia to take care of the matters in the Village for a bit until they can operate normally again. He trusted that it will go back to normal, quickly as this city was very well managed by Isaac.

After spending a wee bit of time with his child, he flew to the skies and back to the Dodecagon Beastmen Prairie.


Turning back time to before Clay flew away after sending a punch to the Red Death.

His fist collided with the octopus and there and then turned into mist while the excess force that the octopus" corpse could not contain spread evenly in a spherical direction. Hit with a force that can shatter stars, the only outcome was the octopus" death and corpse-less nonexistence. However, the excess force that Clay left so hurriedly also caused a bit of damage to the prairie. The camps" tents and structures were hit by the shockwave of the same impact as a nuclear warhead exploding, reaching more than tens of kilometers in diameter. Downwards, it caused the depth of the lake to expand by more than 5 miles. While upwards, the only victims were the flying creatures that were unfortunate enough to be pa.s.sing by the area. The Dodecagon Beastman Prairie"s residents were not completely unharmed as some were injured and were blasted along the structures. No one died among them. Unlucky for the sea creatures that were of the same strength or less than the Red Death, they all died from that same radius of the blast. The energy that Clay"s punch contained really could be considered a superpowered nuclear warhead. That was just one punch, of not holding back.

Regulus was utterly worried about his people when the blast reached the encampment, he saw it and his rash nature took over. He ran towards the encampment as if he could brace himself from the blast as well. The result was as if should be, he was blown away together with the rest of his people while the late comers Kaiser, Ak"Aina and Jacquellin all suffered the same fate but with less distance.

When the matter settled, they all found themselves with a few scratches but nothing fatal, only those that were closer to the blast really suffered some impacts and were spewing blood from internal damage. It could be remedied immediately with traditional medicines, so it was not life threatening.

Imagine the noise that it also made with that impact. The ears of the sound sensitive beast folk bled, and some were rendered deaf. Overall though, no one really had life threatening injuries. Regulus was relieved when two hours later they have already accounted for everyone and have somehow administered first aids. Those with more serious injuries had to wait for a bit so that they could gather the required herbs to make medicinal pastes and potions.

The tremors that followed such a big explosion of energy did not stop completely until three hours have pa.s.sed. It was no surprise, since the earth even shook from just the release of energy from Clay, when he forcefully released a focused acc.u.mulation of that energy, then the gang could only imagine what would happen, in fact they witnessed it and still thought even until now that it was surreal.

So that was the real strength of the man that defeated all of them? Was this something to even try and compete for? They thought.

Even just one punch would render them mist and cease to exist even as a corpse. How dominating was this? If he was fighting like that with them on the arena, they would have regretted it to death and again. In fact, they could not regret it because by then they"d be dead.
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After regrouping and recuperating for the most part, Clay arrived from the sky and was surprised at the change in the topography. The prairie"s vast amounts of gra.s.s disappeared and were replaced by scattered pieces of tents and buildings. There were even some animal corpses that were not bleeding externally but with his sense of smell, he knew they were dead and were drowned by the blood that they"d acc.u.mulated inside. They died from internal organs rapturing or being bluntly hit numerous times with great force. Who would be so cruel right?

"What the h.e.l.l happened?" Clay asked in murmur to himself then came towards where Jacquellin and the rest were.

He immediately greeted them and said, "what happened here? Don"t tell me this was caused by the Red Death, when I left it after punching it? I thought that punch alone could take care of it. I must have been wrong. How many people died from its rampage? I"m sorry about that. There was an emergency back home that I had to take care off."

The rest were speechless. He really did not realize that all these was caused by none other than him.

"It was you who caused this you know! You monster!" Everyone"s thoughts were in agreement for the second time.

"Lord Clay, let me explain. It was Kaiser who volunteered to explain the events that transpired.

"WHAT!?...? Clay paused there and would have completed his exclamation with "…again?!" but promptly held himself back from uttering it. He looked equally surprised but he did not kill anyone and so he was relieved by that fact.

"I"m sorry about that, Regulus. It was not intentional. Let me help fix this. The seriously injured should be given these for full recovery while those that have knowledge in synthesizing medicine or potions should gather with me later. I will teach you a medicine refining that will be helpful for generations to come. Let"s begin with you, ma"am!"

Clay extended his hands towards a woman who had the ears of a cat and tail that were slim and had shot fur. Her fur"s color was orange and had a tinge of grey in it already. Her hair was also colored orange and her eyes were blue. She wore an old common Englishwoman styled clothes that extended all the way to her ankles. She weakly took Clay"s hand and receive whatever Clay put in her palm and then she heard Clay say, just eat it without hesitation please. You"ll get better immediately. You guys, help me distribute these!"

Clay even managed to order the emperors of their own respected races to be errand boys and girls. Regulus, Kaiser, Ak"Aina and even Jacquellin could not escape this fate. Clay handed them each a pouch which contained hundreds of round pills that could be consumed to be healed instantaneously. These pills were personal creations of Clay and were not by the pharmacists and alchemists he trained.

After an hour of that. He called those who had experience in synthesizing medicine to learn from him how to coagulate a potion into paste and transform it into a pill that can be stored in even more extended period. He also taught them how to refine potions from simple medicinal herbs. However, those whom he taught in this place had to swear that they will not make a profit of his teachings but use their skills to help their own tribe instead. The learners agreed to it and they all learned a great deal from him. When all of them finished their lectures with him, they had transformed into alchemists" worthy of taking on the t.i.tle and practice even more through the same method that Clay imparted to them.

Clay did this not just because he wanted to compensate for the losses of the beast folk. Instead, he did this so that the prairie could survive from any kind of threat outside of the prairie from now on. And they"d have advantage over those that wanted to hunt them in fighting.

This was a revival in the beast folk prairie. A new start to a brighter future for sure. With Clay as their protector and ruler.