The Real Monster

Chapter 85

Ryan was left by Clay for a year with the Vampire Ancestor Elkanor.

Elkanor was reluctant to even touch the baby at first after Clay"s order she received but when a day had pa.s.sed and Clay had yet to come back, the baby woke up and started crying, disturbing every soul inside the Throne room.

Elkanor was at a loss for what to do. On one hand, she should be able to feed this baby proper nutrients to help it grow, however, she was the leader of undead and harboring a human mortal child was not something that she is expected to do.

When she was under such a heavy dilemma, she botched it and just blamed everything on Clay, the person who threatened her with overwhelming strength and magic without her being able to resist at all. If that man returned and his baby was dead from starvation, then she could only imagine the consequences. So instead of getting rid of the child, she reared him throughout the one year that Clay had gone.


Father was gone when I woke up from my usual sleep. I thought that he just went somewhere for the time being and left me somewhere safe, however I was scared s.h.i.tless when I found out that an undead had me under custody.

The problem was, I am currently unable to use magic or any other arts as a baby to protect myself. Although father"s barrier is still erect, I don"t know how long this thing will last.

Waa Waa

And I started crying the moment I felt anxious for my own safety. My crying seemed to have disturbed the quiet atmosphere in this room I was in while a lady was holding me in her arms. I knew she was undead the moment her eyes opened and looked at the crying me.

This was Elkanor. She was already well known throughout Evernight when I was alive in another life here. She was a Vampire Ancestor. Most of her underlings were sired by her as well. Different from other undead, the Vampires were of n.o.ble descent. Elkanor only turned those former n.o.bles from the high society to be part of her coven.

Waa Waa

I continued to cry and Elkanor"s face continued to change expressions. One moment she"d try to smile and as if she realized that her fangs may scare me, she retracts her smile. I"m confused as to why she"s doing this. Usually, it"d be better for her to kill a baby than to take care of it, that way she could still taste fresh blood.

However, she"s acting weirdly. First, she is trying to appease me and calm me down, which is helping by the way, minus the fright I have of being held by her. Second, is evident in the way that I am still alive.

I get it, maybe father made a deal to spare her to take care of me for the time being, but father really doesn"t know how hard to rear a child does he? How will this undead feed me from now on? My worries started from there even until a year pa.s.sed by.


In the Forbidden Chamber, the glowing golden ball of flame suddenly flickered and was animated.

A kind of energy burst out from the ball of flame and enveloped the ritual circle made by the Lich G.o.d. It still contained the energy that the ball of flame generated even without him.

Suddenly, the ball of flame flickered and slowly lost the flames that enveloped itself to form a smooth golden ball that glowed brightly, like a pearl. This was Clay"s soul vessel. And the next moment, it was enveloped by what seemed to be a forming ribcage that enclosed it along with the flesh that went with it.

Slowly, this bone and flesh grew until limbs and even a head was completed. However, its growth did not stop there. It went from 6 ft, to 12 ft and all the way to 20 ft. It was hulking and soon, the face was taking shape revealing Clay"s face.

However, his growth still had not stopped. Instead, his body started to melt… or at least that"s what it would have looked like when he started to catch fire. A golden flame enveloped his body without burning him, in fact, he seemed to have turned into an incorporeal being. Only having the shape but not the substance. The golden flame lit up the whole room and heated it up.

All this time, Clay had his eyes closed and when his transformation ended, his eyes snapped open to reveal flaming eyeb.a.l.l.s that glowed brighter than gold close to being red.

"Finally. It is done." Clay spoke, however, what came out from his mouth were not words that humans in this or even Alleucanth could understand. This was the Relicts Language. A language that was used by ancient beings that ascended to their evolved forms, albeit still mortal, it enabled them to distinguish themselves from other lesser mortals.

"My son!" Clay looked towards the direction of Elkanor"s castle and saw that Ryan was okay. Even his barrier persisted. He was not worried that Ryan was going to be hurt by any attempt on his life, however, food was still needed for his growing child and he had neglected that for a year.

He was able to know how much time pa.s.sed with the help of the new and improved UltiCo who refused to be called UltiCo. Clay switched from his Spiritual Body to his physical one and manipulated it to make it more normal. Back to his original height.

Before leaving, Clay left a message to the Lich G.o.d that he"ll be back.

Clay only needed to will it to have his skills activated for him. And his senses jumped miles to reach Ryan. Clay moved instantaneously and arrived inside the same throne room where Clay had left Ryan a year ago, to Elkanor.

The room was dark, as expected. However, there was a portion of the room where light was present and was illuminating a crib. This crib housed Ryan, Clay"s son he left for a year.

He had already ascertained that he was alive and well. Which meant that Elkanor took care of him while he was away. That was gratifying. With a better mood, Clay felt less guilt stricken for leaving his son.

Scooping him out of the crib, Clay brought Ryan to his bosom and a smile appeared on his face.

"It"s good that you"re alright son." Without waking him up, Clay summoned Elkanor telepathically.

"Come." With just one word, the chill that it gave Elkanor made her feel that her life would perish if there were any hints of resistance in her.

Not longer than 1 minute, Elkanor had already appeared in front of Clay as he sat on her throne, holding a position that she remembers all too well like it was yesterday. Clay held the baby Ryan in his arms while he sat there leisurely looking down on everyone in his sight.

However, this time, Clay did not deliberately think of himself as superior, it was natural for him to emit an air that would make anyone in his presence know that the one in front of them was superior in any way.

"Let"s talk."