The Rebirth of Deceased Consort that Astounded the World

Chapter 13—

The Princess Death


Bang bang, lid crashed open. A woman was quietly lying inside, looking pale; apparently blisters have been swollen and deformed. Only that round eyes, revealing previously experienced the fear of death, suffering, and struggle, obviously very unwilling to die. Despite the changed clothes, on the woman’s cheek a trace of severely slap, his neck, still visible deep finger pinch marks..

Rong Xi glance, at the moment her pale face become white as a sheet , the mind reeled hit, she barely held onto the coffin, due to suffering she forced his eyes to close, only to find raging anger within the chest, anger made it difficult for her. Her hoa.r.s.e voice, difficult cried: “Jing Wan! …… Check carefully!”

Jing Wan chest ups and downs, scared of angry eyes, quickly step forward to lift the woman’s sleeve, saw the pale skin on the arm, shocking purple bruises everywhere …… all attest, that she has suffered the ravages of abuse before her death.

Air, as if in a flash stagnate, choking silence, like relentless, to let the person to collapse. All eyes are fixed on the woman’s body in the coffin, the former first beauty in the country which the pretty face is incomparable, because the death of abused, and deformed, like beautiful flowers blooming already ravaged have not yet withered.

Dongfang Ze frowned; to think that Miss Li, is widely famous known during his lifetime, these circ.u.mstances after the death! A closer look on the appearance of her face, why does it feel a bit familiar? His heart has a little doubt, unconsciously turned around; he looked in the direction of Lisu.

Lisu painfully close her eyes, that day is clearly biting, like a knife that stabbed her heart, and made her almost standing firm. People around, what is the reaction, she already not take into consideration.

Jing Wan gently lifted the woman’s clothes and to discover that she was clearly really was been violated at the scene, could not help the sadness and hate. This infidelity of sin, in the end where it comes from?  Now looking at this body, fear that checking is not unclear

Rong Xi saw it today, the body was violently startled, eyes pupil suddenly wide open, heartache can no longer afford to hold back, stagger to step back.

She was about to fall, Lisu surprise, quickly stepped forward to hold her tightly. Urgently said: “Princess be careful!”

Rong Xi hardly close her eyes, the avalanche of anger and pain her body quivering, rapid anger in hearts and minds, her illness is pelt and her blood is uncontrollably blurting out in front of the coffin on the white streamers.

The deathly pale of coffin banner has speck of scarlet color that shine than the most desperate written of human life.

“Ah -!”

Unable to hold back the shrill scream of sadness suddenly pierce the air of long tranquility. Rong Xi fingers hardly tightly grasped the coffin, his head and groaning. That sounds almost shook the entire Regent Palace. She holds her daughter’s hand and cover it with her both hands, she’s mostly grown up from childhood under her protection…. But unexpectedly die in this tragic way! How can she endure it? How can this be endured!

Painful blow of deep sorrow, Rong Xi suddenly collapsed, Lisu heart startle, in frightened and panic she tightly hold her body, however, she unable to stop this body on falling to the ground.

Two people fell to the ground.

“Princess Mother!” Lisu choked cry, she was drowned in Lian Er and Jing Wan exclaimed loudly inside.



Jing Wan horror is over, going to Rong Xi to hold this body, but unfortunately one hand is already holding the body to save..

“Jing Wan!”  Rong Xi hardly call, breathing in gasps, Lisu hurried help her up, hand behind her back. It doesn’t matter now if she got the attention of others, Rong Xi open her mouth but still speechless.

Lisu desperately clenched lips, but extremely sad emotions of fear, will firmly clenched her heart, made her breath stagnate, panic anxiety. Even dead, she has never had such a fear

Jing Wan quickly both Rong Xi hands, choke with sobs: “Master, what ever you say, Jing Wan, is vow would do for you!”

Heavy grief is instantly flooded with this little hall, only to hear rapid breathing. People’s heart tightly enveloped of unwilling anger and smell of death

Wish to die of suffocation.

“Investigate ……” Rong Xi uttered for several times, she struggled to spit out a word with grief resentment that filled in her face and voice, so desperately open her lips, on her weakness it seems not for a long time for on her last breath she demand: “she….must … clear”

Innocent word, has failed to discharge, the hand has been unable to slide down. The beauty, who over the years have unwavering affection as a Regent Princess, turned out to be in front of her daughter’s coffin, to swallow her last breath! However, although swallowed the air, her eyes suddenly widened at the last minute, looking to the direction of her daughter,to die with a remaining grievance !

“Master!” Jing Wan and Lian Er sad screaming, crying uncontrollably. Lisu just felt a boom sound in her mind, eyes suddenly went blank, seems the system of her blood solidified, the body as hard as iron, cold and stiff.

She stared, eyes staring to Rong Xi without focus she hold her weak hand that hang down, unfortunately, there is no response.

Same as ice sculpture.

Dongfang Ze brow slowly wrinkled up, two maid’s cries in incomparable of grief that let people hear their sadness, and then knelt on the ground is look dull compared to the woman who do not cry do not call,. To emerge the pain even not to the deepest pain!! In Dongfang Ze heart, he is suddenly move.

Six months ago when his Imperial mother was pa.s.sed away, he was formerly like this too, so sad, pain that he cannot cry.  Watching the woman gave it birth to a very tiny pain to his innermost being, he involuntarily walked towards her and gently patted her shoulder. She turned her head from the ground to look up, that could not see a slightest light in her dark eyes.

Lisu this moment, in front of a gray, her hand, still clinging to his mother’s hand, she seemed reluctant to let the warmth of the little dispersed. Drowned in despair, three months ago, she was completely submerged. She breathed, however, subconsciously looked up, like yelling, but ran out of strength, failed to emit the slightest sound.

In this moment, the time is seems frozen. No one speak, and no one leaving. Until the chaos outside came in hurry and anxious footsteps because someone shouting: ” Rong Xi today!” She was pulled away at one’s side of her Mother Princess, only to feel faint and fell into darkness.

Lisu saw the pale sun outside the window, in the moment she close her eyes, she could not have been resolved, what is the yin and which is the yang? She clearly remembers the only person who really loves her in this world, was already died in her arms!

Suddenly her entire world plunged into bottomless of despair ……


—End of Chapter 13—