The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 22


Filia and Chrona calmed down gradually so I was able to listen to their story.
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜Filia・Chrona side〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
Now then! Today is also a pleasant morning! I have to quickly go to Lei-sama is!

“Filia-sama! Let’s quickly go~! I will be the first to be caressed today!”

Lei-sama’s petting feels extremely nice! How do I say this, it feels ‘Fuwafuwa~’1 and ‘Powa~n2‘, like I’m flying in the sky. It’s the feeling of ‘Gorogoronya~n!’3

“Wait a minute desu! I will be the first one to have Onii-sama pet me!”

We always get into a fight in the morning arguing over the petting order. Filia-sama just won’t let me have the turn! Even though I want to be petted first as well!

“That is unfair! Filia-sama is always going first!”

I say that and inflated my cheeks. It’s inflated to the extent where my cheeks are about to burst! Aa, but Lei-sama would poke it when we make this face since yesterday. Filia-sama and I are happy about it so we make this face whenever we meet Lei-sama. Aa~ I want to quickly meet Lei-sama.
Thereupon, it seems Filia-sama is finally done with her preparation.

“Alright! My preparation is done desu! Chrona, have you brought the towel?”

“Yes, I have been entrusted by Okaa-sama with it! Other than that, there are also drinks and stuff!”

Okaa-sama has said it. A maid ought to read ahead of their master’s actions and act according to it. Fufufu! With this, the day when I acquire Lei-sama’s exclusive Perfect Maid t.i.tle is also close!

“Then let’s go! Onii-sama is waiting!”

“Yes! Let’s g, kyaa!”

I try to chase after Filia-sama and fell. My forehead hurts……but I can’t cry. A perfect maid can’t cry over something like this. Gusu4.

“Are you alright, Chrona?”

“I am fine! Now, let’s go, Filia-sama!”

We who have finally started to set off, talk about today.

“Today I’m having Okaa-sama and Onii-sama choose a dress for me! Ah~ I want it to quickly turn noon!”

As we talk about such things while walking down the corridor, from corner of the corridor came a round person. Er~m, if I’m not wrong, it’s Filia-sama and Lei-sama’s brother, Marco-sama. My first impression is anyway round. I thought since he’s Lei-sama and Filia-sama Onii-sama that they would look alike but they totally don’t look alike. I wonder why?

“Ahn? If I’m not mistaken, it’s my little sister, Filia. And the cat-tribe maid huh”

He says that and scrutinizes me. I wonder why is it. I’m happy when I’m looked at by Lei-sama but, I’m totally not happy when it’s this person!

“What is wrong desu, Marco-oniisama?”

Filia-sama asks that and Marco-sama

“Oi, Filia. Hand that maid over to me”

For a moment, Filia-sama and I didn’t understand what was being said to us. What does he mean by handing me over?

“What do you mean, Onii-sama?”

“I’m saying to make that cat-tribe maid exclusive to me. Be honoured, alright? Since you’re able to become exclusive to me. Hihihi! She’ll probably become a beauty in the future so if I train her now…..”

He says that and smiles with a disgusting look on his face. He has the same look as the bad people who are occasionally taken away by the soldiers……Filia-sama and I instinctively screamed.

“Hii! Wh, what are you saying desu! Chrona is going to be Lei-oniisama’s exclusive maid! Besides, I would like you to not treat Chrona like an object desu!”

Filia-sama who has gotten angry for my sake.

“How annoying. You who are my little sister just have to listen to what I say. Now come, maid! I’ll adore you plentifully from today onwards!”

And then he grabs my hand!

“Pl, please stop! No! Let go!”

“Stop it desu!”

Filia-sama and I are resisting but, there was totally no point to it.

“You’re annoying!”

He says that and thrust Filia-sama away. I couldn’t stand it any longer and bit Marco-sama’s arm!

“Uwaa! What is this woman doing! Do you think it’s fine for you to go against your master!”

“Fuー!Fuー! My master is Lei-sama! It is not you!”

I say that and Marco-sama

“This beastfolk woman! Getting just because someone is being nice. Don’t mess with me!”

Marco-sama raises his arm overhead and is about to hit me. I wasn’t able to move because of the overwhelming scariness. At that moment, I saw a shadow coming between Marco-sama and me. When I thought who was it and look the person’s back, it was Filia-sama. It, it’s dangerous!


Filia-sama’s wind magic is still Level 1 so it’s not that powerful. It’s just hitting Marco-sama with a sudden gust of wind. Though Marco-sama flinched a little, he swung down his arm down as it is. And the one it struck was


Filia-sama. She was sent flying into the wall so vigorously that it made a loud ‘Don!’. I rush towards Filia-sama’s side.

“Filia-sama! Are you alright!”

Aa! From her mouth, blood is! I immediately take out a handkerchief. The bleeding stopped immediately but, Filia-sama’s cheek is swelling up in dark red! What do I do!

“Fhun! It’s because a mere maid got Filia. Finish your farewells by noon. Since you won’t be seeing each other anymore after that. Hihihi”

Marco-sama went off while saying that. I’m all shaken up and wasn’t able to do anything. Thereupon, Filia-sama

“……Let’s go to where Onii-sama is. I hope the swelling reduces with my water magic”

Filia-sama who’s healing herself with water magic. But because her water magic is still Level 1, the swelling only reduced slightly. It being swollen red doesn’t change.

We walked quietly after that. To think that the usual fun morning feels so painful……

I was thinking about that and before I noticed, we already went outside. Outside, Lei-sama is walking over to us. The moment Filia-sama and I see Lei-sama, our tears came flowing out. Those tears consist of us being scared and us being relieved from being able to meet Lei-sama, naturally, it didn’t stop flowing……
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜Lei side〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
I who heard that story thought of immediately heading to where Marco is but, letting the both of them have a peace of mind comes first. I treat Filia with water magic. Un, it’s the usual beautiful face.

“Look, the swelling went down. It’s the beautiful face as usual”

I say that and caress the cheek that was swollen. Perhaps because she felt relieved when I did that, she started to cry again. There, there.

“Here, Chrona as well. It was scary, right. You did your best”

I caress Chrona as well. Chrona also started to cry when I did that. There, there.

I caress them the entire time until they both calm down. After about 5 minutes, the both of them finally calmed down.

“Are you alright now?”

“Yes, thank you. Onii-sama”

“Thank you! Lei-sama!”

“There’s a place I have to go now so the two of you go to where Chloe is. Okay?”


“Hey, it’ll be fine. Okay?”

“I understand. Filia-sama”

“I get it desu. But, I’ll definitely have you choose a dress out for me at noon!”

“Hahaha, I get it, Filia. I’ll choose a cute one for you”

I say that as I pat the two of them on the head and, they are finally smiling. Un. Smiling fits the both of them the best.

I returned to the mansion as it is. I calmed down slightly after caressing the both of them but, as I thought, my anger isn’t settling. Hikarin who’s above my head is also angry and making ‘Bachi Bachi’5 sounds. Since she’s friends with Filia who’s able to see spirits.

“I will release my power for you! Master! Give it one large blow here!”

……Un, I calmed down because Hikarin is angry in my stead. I asked the maid who’s nearby about where is Marco. At that moment, I was shocked that the maid went


and was afraid of me. Even though I interacted with a smile?

It seems Marco is at where Sieg and Madam Eliza are. Speaking of which, we are letting them spend time together for yesterday and today. I have casually forgotten about it.

I ask for confirmation to enter the room with the maid who’s in front of the room.

“Reception please”

“But, I’m told by Sieg-sama that unless it’s an urgent case that there will be no receptions……”

“You’re saying that me coming is not urgent?”

I say that and slightly use my magic power to intimidate her. Sieg and Madam who are inside the room probably noticed it with this.

“N, no. It is not that but……”

A staggering amount of sweat. I might have slightly done something bad. Thereupon, from inside

“Is something wrong?”

and Madam came out.

“Ah, Eliza-sama. Lei-sama says he wants to meet with Sieg-sama and Marco-sama”

“With Sieg and Marco? Lei, what’s the matter?”

“There is a little something I want to talk about”

I say that and she looks fixedly at me.

“I get it. However, stop the intimidation with the magic power. The maid is frazzled”

“Understood. I’m sorry”

When I turn towards the maid and apologize with a smile, she shakes her head vigorously. You don’t have to be that frightened……

When I enter the room, Sieg, Marco, and also Vont are there.

“What exactly is the matter, Lei? I said to not let anybody through unless it’s something urgent but, did something happen?”

“Yes, Chichiue. I wanted to speak with Marco-aniue for a bit”

“Is that so. Marco, did something happen?”

“Who knows? I don’t have a single clue”

Marco who says that and laughs. Spouting a load of rubbish.

ーーbachi bachi, bachi bachiーー

Oops, Hikarin. I know you’re angry but, I wish you would stop releasing too much lightning magic on my head. Looking at the mirror afterwards, there are occasionally frizzes.

“I’m surprised you can say that with a straight face. After hitting Filia”

Sieg who heard that changed from a look that’s bewildered, to one that carries an air of seriousness. Madam is also making a puzzled look.

“What is the meaning of that, Marco”

“Filia was being disobedient so I just educated her a little, Chichiue”

Marco says that without any sense of remorse. AhーIt’s no good, I don’t think I can hold myself back.

“Her being disobedient, is because she’s trying to protect Chrona. Filia and Chrona refused when Aniue tried to forcibly make Chrona into his exclusive maid so, he hit her”

“Marco, is that true?”

“It is true but they are the ones at fault. Filia wouldn’t listen to me and as for the maid, she bit me. That’s right! Please dismiss that maid. There is no need for a maid who lays hand on the master, right”

‘Puchin’, something breaking inside of me sounded.

“What stupid thing are you sayi「Lightning Magic Lightning Body Endowment twice-fold activate」wha! Stop, Lei!”

I couldn’t hear Sieg’s voice. Because punching Marco was all that filled my head.


I took aim and swing my fist at the face of Marco who didn’t know what was going on because it was going too fast……

But, my fist was brushed away by somebody before it reaches Marco and I punched the ground.

Dogaaーn! a loud sound was made and the floor hollowed out. I look at the person who brushed me away and as I thought, it’s Sieg. I was given a fist with full force as it is.


“You idiot! I understand how you feel but that’s overdoing it! If you punch Marco with that much force, he’d die”


Overcame by anger, it seems I forgot to hold back.

I look around and, Madam who’s covering Marco with defensive water magic, Vont who doesn’t understand what happened and, Marco who has fallen on his backside and leaking, is there.

“Marco. I would normally send you back to the territory and re-discipline you but, you’ll also be attending the academy in half a year. I’ll a.s.sign a subordinate I can trust to you until you enrol. Retrain that slackened body!”

“Ye, yes!”

It was the first time I see Sieg being angry.

“Next, you also won’t be attending the birthday party this time and will be under house arrest in the mansion”

“N, no way!”

“You understand, right”


Sieg released an air of intimidation and shut him up.

“Eliza, I’m sorry but that’s how it is”

“It can’t be helped. Since it’s Marco’s fault this time”

“Lei, I understand how you feel but you overdid it. You’ll be under house arrest in the mansion today for the entire day”

“I understand”

“Chichiue! Why are the treatments for me and that guy different!”

“Haa, is anybody there”

“Yes, you called?”

“Bring Marco to the bath and don’t let him out of the room afterwards. Marco. You also think about what you did”

Marco was brought away by the maid after that was said. What an amazing strength, maid-san……

Pa.s.sing by the maid is

“What is it! The sound just now!”

, Eris and Chloe, Filia and Chrona came in.

“Eris huh. I’m sorry but I want to talk to Eris and Eliza now. Is it alright?”

“It’s fine but, what exactly happened?”

“Did you hear from Filia?”

“Just roughly. Don’t tell me, Lei?”

“Aa, I thought of talking about that. Lei. You stay in your room. Filia. I’m sorry but Lei can’t go shopping with you today”

“No way~!”

Filia who says that as she starts to cry.

“Chloe and Chrona as well, I’m sorry. Especially Chrona. I let you experience something scary”

“N, no, I’m fine. Because Filia-sama protected me”

“Is that so. Filia, you did great”

Sieg who says that and pets her head. I’ll leave in the meantime.

I walk down the corridor and, Hikari went

“Good job, good job!”

and caressed my head. Somehow it became embara.s.sing all of a sudden……

Chrona, Crona, Kurona


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