The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 32

The Army Headquarter’s Dungeon near the Royal Palace.

Let’s use the useable things before I leave the Imperial Capital. I thought that and came to the army headquarter’s dungeon that is near the Royal Palace. I go inside and over there is

“s.h.i.t! How did I lose to that kid! s.h.i.t! Why!”

Hendricks who shouts continuously is being held in the prison. How unsightly.

“It seems you are in quite a rough state. Hendricks-dono”

“Wha, you are His Majesty Tigris’ protege’s……”

“Thank you for before. It was quite a show, that was”

Your idiotic appearance that is.

“uu! I didn’t hear about such thing! Such monster in a child’s clothing!”

“No no, I said it. That, ‘the Margrave Family is tough so please be careful"”

“If it’s said that way then it’s obviously warning about the Feudal Lord!”

I mean, even if you judge arbitrarily and complain to me.

“That is, your own arbitrary judgement. There is nothing I can do even if I am told that”

“s.h.i.t! At this rate, won’t I simply be a fool who mobilised the army just for a child opponent! Furthermore, His Majesty Tigris blamed everything he has done behind the scenes on me!”

“Which means you have been tactfully cast away huh”

“s.h.i.t, s.h.i.t! I can’t avoid a death sentence at this rate!”

“There is one way, you know?”


I put the things I transported with Teleportation Magic into the prison.

“Th, this is……”

“That is right. The Demon Sword that is currently in development. Data has been obtained to a certain extent but, it’s not something one would be troubled to have. I shall lend it to you. I can arrange another 20 Demon Swords that are the same as this. You can hand it to your trustable subordinates. You can also hand to the prisoners in this dungeon. Please use it as you like”

In any case, it will be disposed of after going back. Let’s use it when it’s usable.

“Ar, are you telling me to raise an insurrection!”

“Either way, you can’t avoid a death sentence at this rate. If you are fine even so then I shall take it back”

“Kuu!……I get it. I shall use it”

“Then I will be praying that you succeed without any problems”

Now then, shall I move to the special seat……
〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜Lei side〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜

My face was slapped? I touch my cheek that has become hot.

“Wha! What are you doing! Ferris!”

The girl called Ferris who is being yelled at by Alexia, trembles.

“B, but! It’s because Onee-sama has such a happy look! You have never even shown it to me before, such look!”

“Did you hit Lei for just that reason!”

“It’s not ‘just that reason’ to me!”

At this rate, it will continue to heat up.

“N, now now, calm down, Alexia. Erm, Ferris-san was it, you calm down as well”

“Don’t interrupt when I’m in the middle of talking to Onee-sama!”

Ferris who says that and lets out a right straight. As one would expect, this would probably hurt so I dodge……eh? My body won’t move? I take a slight look over my shoulder and my back is being held down by Sieg? What is this person doing? And then I……



I was punched in the face.

Something hot is flowing from my nose.

“Lei! Aa! Your nose is bleeding!”

Aa, Alexia looks like an angel. And that devil Sieg. I’ll give him another blow to the face.

“Ferris! Apologize to Lei!”

“I will definitely not apologize! Iーdiot Iーdiot Shorーty!”

Ferris who says that and runs off. Everything is forgivable but the word ‘Shorty’……my growth period just hasn’t come yet!

“Ouuch. Thanks, Alexia”

“Unn. It’s fine. Leaving that aside, are you alright?”

“Nn? Aa, I’m alright. Heal”

I use Water Magic’s Heal and treat myself. Aa~ the pain is fading.

“I’m sorry. That child did something like this without listening to me”

“Who exactly is that child? She appears to be a beastfolk though”

I say that and Sieg who’s standing behind me sighs. What?

“Lei. I taught you previously, right. In the Beastfolk Country, Worvest, the strongest tribe in the country takes the seat of the throne. And what is the current royalty’s tribe?”

I was told that by Sieg. Erm, if I’m not wrong

“Silver Wolf Tribe was it”

“That’s right. And the girl just now?”


Silver glossy long hair with a pair of large dog ears. And a tufty tail. The glint in her eyes when she glares at me that silently expresses her desire to kill me. Though she’ll probably be cute if she smiles.

“Then that is……”

“Ee. It’s the Beastfolk Country Worvest’s First Princess, Ferris・Worvest”

“So, why was I punched by that Princess-sama”

Alexia who looks like she has something terribly difficult to say when I ask that. It seems there’s a terrible reason. I shall also ask carefully.

“It’s terribly difficult to say but”


“That girl and I”


“It seems we made a marriage pact”


Did I hear wrongly? Unexpected words came out.

“……I’m sorry, Alexia. Can I hear that again? My junky ear didn’t receive what was just said”

“Un. The truth is, it seems Ferris and I made a marriage pact”



I didn’t hear wrongly! Why can fellow females marry?

“Why can fellow females marry?”

Let’s try to ask it as it is.

“This country as well as other countries, polygyny is normal for n.o.bles, right?”

Un, indeed. House Runwalker is the same as well. I take a glance at Sieg. Thereupon, Sieg scratches his head with an embarra.s.sed look. This guy……

“However, the Beastfolk Country Worvet is slightly special. Because that country is a country that respects the strong, if it’s a strong woman, polyandry is instead possible. And then the even more unique part is that the marriage between same s.e.x is also recognized”

“Then, if there are those between fellow females then could it be……”

“Of course, there are those between fellow males as well. Well, it’s very few though”

Just when I thought it was a fluffy1 country, it’s one being set up with unimaginable bombs.

“And then long ago with Princess Ferris”

“Ee, it seems I made the promise to marry into Worvest if Ferris wins against me. My father and I both have forgotten about it because it’s a conversation many years back. Beast King-sama, the Queen and the Prince say that it can’t be helped since it’s a conversation from the past but, as I thought, it seems the person herself doesn’t accept it”

I guess that’s understandable. Meeting after a long time the person that she likes so much that she made marriage pact with since the past and was told by that person, ‘I have a future spouse!’, there’s no way she can believe it.

“That’s, how do I say this, I did something terrible”

“Unn. Lei isn’t at fault. It’s me who forgotten such an important promise who’s at fault”

Alexia who says that and makes a sorrowful look.

“For now, let us also try to meet His Majesty, Your Highness Alexia. Judging from what I heard, it seems the Beast King has also come. Some solution might come to mind if you discuss it together”

“Yeah. It’s better than talking here. In that case, let’s go. Can you stand? Lei”

“I’m alright”

I stand up while being pulled by Alexia. We head as it is towards the King’s Room where the King is.

“Is Otou-sama in?”

“Yes. Your Highness Alexia”

“Then, will you announce my arrival”

“Understood. Please hold on a moment”

And then we received permission so we enter the room and over there

“Ju, just now, gusuu2, I have displayed a rude, gusuu, behaviour, I bek your pardon”

Princess Ferris who apologizes while she’s shedding tears was standing there. Behind her are the King with a slightly troubled look and, Silver Wolf Tribe’s woman smiling bitterly and a boy. It’s probably Worvest’s queen and prince. And then next to them, a muscular large build Silver Wolf Tribe’s man was sitting with his arms folded.

This, what happened?