The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 49

The Morning Of The School Entrance Ceremony

chirp chirp, chirp chirp

The morning sun shines in through the window. It has recently finally become the season where it feels like the coldness has died down and it has gotten slightly warmer but, the morning still feels slightly cold so I don’t feel like leaving the futon1.

I pull the futon all the way over my head and sleep and,

“Lei~~, it’s morning~~, wake u~p”

, I hear the voice of a girl from the corridor. Although I very much want to wake up, my brain isn’t listening to what I say. I pull the futon all the way over my head again, making sure that I can’t hear it. A few minutes after that, thuds and slams, terrifying sounds can be heard from the corridor. And then the door was opened vigorously. The one who came in was,

“Lei, quickly wake up! Lei’s the one who said that today is an important day and to wake you up!”

a slightly angry girl……it was Ferris.

Why is Ferris in the Nanor Kingdom? It’s because she came abroad to study at Cardia Academy two years ago. I also only knew about it after Ferris came to study abroad but, there seems to be a student exchange program amongst the alliances, Nanor Kingdom, Beastfolk Country Worvest, and Arcadia State, exchange students from other countries come over like this time and occasionally, students go over and study abroad instead.

I was surprised when Ferris came two years ago. Because Alexia and I were suddenly summoned to the Royal Palace and told, ‘Ferris will be living with you from today onwards’. It’s furthermore with the Beast King’s authorization. Since it’s something the Beast King recognises, Alexia can’t refuse and I ended up living with Ferris in the end.

Aerith intimidates the Ferris she meets for the first time as well and Ferris has a stubborn character so she antagonises her as well. It was dreadful that time. Now everybody is on good terms……they should be so, it’s fine……probably.

When I’m thinking about such things,

“Wake uーp!”

, I hear a jumping sound. ……Eh? Jumping? It was already too late when I realised



Ferris who jumped on top of my belly. No, now you’ve done it, you rascal.
Ferris who looks at me who writhes in agony and laughs looking slightly satisfied. Ferris. I’ll make you regret angering me!

“Hyaan! Hey, Lei!”

Ferris who lets out a charming voice. If one were to ask why she’s letting out a voice like this, it’s because I’m going mofumofu2 on Ferris’ beautiful tail! I touch the silky fur like I’m caressing it, occasionally grabbing the core of her tail and fondle it.

“He! Aan! Tou, ch, ing like th, nn! You can’t, touch it like thattt! Uuun!”

This is bad. I might have gotten slightly aroused.


“Lei! Seriously, yaan! Sto, sto……”


“Sto, stop it……”


“I say, didn’t I!”


Looks like Ferris reached her limit, she gave me a punch to my solar plexus. I writhe in agony because the fist went all the way into my solar plexus.

“Fuー, fuー, Le, Lei’s the one at fault! Fo, fondling my precious tail like that!”

“Sor, sorry. Ferris was too adorable so I unconsciously”

I apologise like that and Ferris,

“Ad, adorable, ge, geez! Never mind that, just quickly get up!”

and she left the room briskly. But I didn’t miss it. The fact that Ferris’ tail is swinging merrily!

While such things happened as well, I finally wake up. I’m not wearing the usual training wear today but these clothes that I’ll wear from today onwards.

“U~n. It feels like it doesn’t suit me no matter how many times I look at it though……”

It was, the Cardia Academy’s school uniform. A blazer with white as its core colour, necktie and the line in the clothes that have different colour according to the school year. Aerith’s school year which is the senior school year is yellow, the third year that Ferris is in is blue, second-year students are green, the first-year students who enter this year are red.

I put on the brand new school uniform. How do I put it. It smells of something brand new that still hasn’t been stained by anything. It has a more crisp sensation and it feels stiffer than the clothes that I’m used to wearing. And the necktie that I’m not used to. And then I stand before the mirror and, ……uーn, I just don’t think that it suits me.

Even though I’m thinking about such things, I can’t go to the academy if I don’t wear it so I went down to the first floor as it is. In the living room on the first floor, Ferris was preparing breakfast. Ferris who’s unexpectedly the best at cooking in the house. And the destructive Alexia who’s the opposite of that. I wonder what’s the difference even though they are both princesses?

“You finally came down……huh……”

Nn? Ferris looked over at me and froze. What’s the matter?

“What’s the matter, Ferris?”

When I move closer and ask her in order to peek into her face, Ferris’ face turns beet red

“It’s nya, nyathing! Th, th, the student look also su, suits you huh!”

, she praises this appearance. In the past, I had thought that she’s angry when her face is beet red but, after all this time, I understand that she’s being shy. If we live together for two years, even how Ferris feels about me as well. In the letter from the Beast King as well,「The marriage will take place together with Miss Alexia」was written and sent to me. I didn’t tell Ferris though. It seems Sieg knew as well. I guess it’s probably the time when they were sneakily talking.

I’m looking fixedly at Ferris and

“Wh, what is itt”

she asks me embarra.s.sedly. Her dog ears are twitching and quivering as well. Adorable.

“No, I was just thinking that Ferris is adorable”

When I say that, her face turns so red it’s like she’s steaming.

“Do, do, do, do nyat say weird things and have your meal! You’ll be late!”

and she hurries back to the kitchen. And then


she fell. ……Ah, she stands up and looks over here with teary eyes. What’s the matter?



“Don’t look~~~~!”

and she went off to the kitchen. I feel bad for her if I tease her too much. I obediently take a seat and eat my meal. White bread with vegetable soup. Sunny-side-up accompanied with bacon, a salad mix platter and a morning’s standard course, so many dishes were put out I’m about to say, ‘Is it still not enough!’. All of it is delicious.

When I’m eating my meal, Ferris sneakily returns. I wonder why is she so wary? Well, I shall try to ask the question that I have since I came here.

“Come to think of it, what’s the matter with Aneue?”

That’s right, I don’t see Aerith. Even though all of us usually eat breakfast together, she’s not here today for some reason. I ask Ferris about that and, she makes a terribly shocked face. What is it?

“Geez, didn’t you listen to what Onee3 say yesterday? Didn’t she say that there are preparations for the school entrance ceremony today so she has to go early. The vice president has it hard as well huh~”

and Ferris who starts to eat her meal. Now that she mentions it, it feels like she did say something like that. I have completely forgotten about it. Aerith has a.s.sumed the student council’s vice president position since last year. The president is, of course, Princess Marina who’s the same year. I hear that she’s doing her best every day as her aide. I recall her complaining,「Looking after Marina is hard~」, and Alexia was pitying her.

“Lei is entering the academy from today onwards so she went off in high spirits. She said something about making it a wonderful entrance ceremony”

No, it’s fine to just be as usual though.

Various things happened and it’s already time to set off. I go together with Ferris in the morning.

“Now, let’s go!”

Ferris who’s in good mood. Her tail is also swinging joyfully. My new life begins from today onwards. It’d be great if there isn’t anything troublesome though.

布団: Futon. j.a.panese traditional style of beddingAn onomatopoeia for touching the soft fluffinessElder sister