The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 55


It has been two days since I entered school. These two days ended with just a tour around the academy. Although it has been 4 years since I"ve been by Shishou"s side, because I only go to the Headmaster"s Office where Shishou is, or the training grounds if I am to go somewhere, touring inside the academy was quite fun.

It"s just that I was surprised when we went to the library though

“Okay, this library is next! This library boasts the Kingdom"s largest book collection, there are also books with reading restrictions so, everybody please make use of it by all means!”

Mary-sensei goes inside while saying that. When we go inside

“Welcome to the library!”

, a smiling Helen-san was there for some reason. What are you doing, I wonder?

“I am working here as a librarian, my name is Helendine・Ralgus. If there is anything that you need, please come to me!”

Helen-san who says that with a smile. Librarian? Why a librarian? While everybody goes inside the library, I enquire Helen-san.

“Helen-san, what is this about? Why have you become a librarian?”

“Th, that is because I like books!”

she says but, it"s obviously suspicious.

“Really? Did you really become a librarian because you like books?”

I stare fixedly at Helen-san.

“Ye, yes, really”


“Re, really, I say”


“Re, reallyy~”

……I started to feel bad for Helen-san somehow.

“……I got it. I believe you”

She responses extremely happily to me when I say that. Be it Alexia or Helen-san, good grief.

With something like that happening as well, the two days tour finished. And then today

“Oーkay, everybody! We will form teams today! This team will be something important in your future student lives! Practical skills, magic and so forth, practices as well, it will basically be activities for each respective team or cla.s.s, so please consider seriously! It will be four people a team so it should be possible to form 10 teams!”

, it"s the day to decide the team for hereafter. In this academy, as long as there isn"t something serious, the cla.s.s doesn"t change. Therefore, this team formation will not change in the coming four years until graduation as well. So this team formation that"s done in the beginning upon being first-year students is very important.

10 teams a cla.s.s and a total of 50 teams in the first year, the teams are given rankings. It seems these rankings are also important but, we still haven"t been told what is the purpose of the rankings. It seems the way the rankings are given is by the points that are given based on the lessons" results and the ranking changes according to the points.

As I"m thinking about such things

“Hey, Lei. Group up with us!”

, Dargris suggests to me. Beside him is Rene. Well, I was thinking about grouping with these two people though.

“Are you fine with me? It has still only been about three days since you met me, you don"t even know what I"m useful for”

I ask Dargris that and, Dargris suddenly bursts into laughter. What.

“Hahaha, isn"t something like that the same for everybody. If that"s the case then isn"t it natural that I think that I want to group up with Lei who I talked to, even if it"s just a little? So how about it?”

Indeed, it"s as Dargris said. In that case, I suppose I"ll resolve myself as well.

“Alright. Let"s be in the same team. Dargris, Rene. I"ll be counting on you from now on!”

I say that and the two of them high-five each other. If they"re that happy then I"m happy as well.

“Alright, with this, it"s just one more person to go! Is there anybody suitable?”

Dargris who says and scans the inside of the cla.s.sroom. Somebody else huh. I suddenly got concerned and looked beside me and, there"s a violet hair girl who sits by herself. The girl who started a fight right after the school entrance ceremony. If I remember correctly, she introduced herself as Elynor during the self-introduction. She came from overseas and took the examination or something like that.

I talk to the Elynor who sits in the seat next to me.

“Uh, Elynor-san……right. Have you decided on a team?”

I ask and Elynor shakes her head. I can tell that the two of them behind me are startled.

“If you"re fine with it, won"t you join our team? We also coincidentally have s.p.a.ce for one person left”

“Wai, Lei”

I"m sorry to the two of them but I selfishly proceed. I guess this is also some kind of fate.

“……Are you fine with me? It seems the two people behind you aren"t willing though”

“There"s no such thing. Hey, Dargris. You said it just now, right. That you want to group up with a fellow who you have talked to, even if it"s just a little. Look, we just slightly talked so you started to feel like you want to group up with her more than the other fellows, right?”

I say that while smiling and, Dargris

“Aa, geez, okay, this is also some kind of fate! I"ll be counting on you from now on, Elynor! I think you"ve forgotten my name so I"ll say it, it"s Dargris!”

“That"s right. Fate is important huh. I am Rene. Nice to meet you”

and the both of them also acknowledge it with a smile. Both of them are nice fellows.

“Both of you, thanks. And my name is Leivelt・Runwalker. Nice to meet you”

We each give our greetings. Thereupon, Elynor

“Thanks. My name is Elynor. People who are close to me call me Ely. Nice to meet you”

she says with a smile. Come to think of it, this is the first smile I"ve seen from her.

10 minutes after we"ve decided, it seems everybody else also decided on their teams.

“Oーkay. Well then, everybody decided on their teams huh. Alright, please write the team member"s name on the blank form that I will be handing out from now on. And registration complete. Ah, also, please write the name of the team leader at the top!”

Indeed, if there"s a team then a leader has to be decided amongst them, you didn"t tell us something like that, Mary-sensei. The other students point that out and,

“Ah, ara? I didn"t say it? Ahahahaha”

she laughs and tries to gloss over it. Everybody looks fixedly at her and

“Sor, sorr~y!”

she apologies. In the explanation afterwards, the team leader is as the name suggests, the team"s leader, they are in the position to give directions and such to each and every team member. It seems it"s necessary to give directions during the respective team training. It seems there are also cases where the teacher"s directions are conveyed through the team leader, it"s an important role. You"ve forgotten something rather crucial huh, Mary-sensei.

And then we who received the paper from Mary-sensei forms a circle and thinks.

“And who will be the team leader?”

I ask and

“Nn? Something like that is obviously Lei, isn"t it. What are you saying?”

Dargris asks me. Furthermore, on the paper, my name is……hey!

“Wai! What are you writing it down for!”

“You know. Something like this is automatically done by the n.o.ble with the higher position. Rene and I are commoners, Elynor is……I don"t know but, anyhow, Lei is the only n.o.ble amongst these members”

and Dargris finishes writing on the paper. It"s exactly as he says though.

“Are the two of you fine with that?”

“I"m fine with it”

“I"m also fine”

And then, Dargris who looks at me with a smile. Haa, it can"t be helped huh.

“……I got it. For the time being, I"ll be the team leader but, everybody help me out as well, alright”

“Of course!”

After that, we write everybody"s names and submit it to Mary-sensei.

“……Okay. I have certainly received it. Team Leader Lei, please do your best from now on. This is the Team Leader Badge”

and a badge is given to me. I have to wear something like this as well huh. It has this country"s crest on it. I wear that badge on my chest.

“With this, everybody has decided, right. From the time now until graduation, you are comrades who will support each other! Please deepen your trust for each other! And firstly, I will announce your first event! That is, a team battle will take place next week. I will explain the rules later on but, the last remaining team amongst the 10 teams wins. Please check your coordination and whatnot, who is capable of what and whatnot, in this one week! Well then, I will end homeroom! Please do your best in your lectures from today onwards!”

Mary-sensei who says and leaves the cla.s.sroom. Team battle huh. I"m slightly looking forward to it.