The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 68

The Summoned Heroes

“Where did you hear about that?”

says Shishou who stares intensely at me. Everybody around has bewildered expressions and Alexia looks at me. Alexia seems to have known about it from the looks of it. Well, everybody here knows about the fact that I possess the G.o.ddess" Blessing so I guess it"s probably fine even if I talk about it.

“I heard about it from G.o.ddess Astell”

Even Shishou was surprised when I say that. I guess not even Shishou would"ve expected that I heard about it from G.o.ddess Astell.

“……I never would"ve expected that you heard about it from G.o.ddess Astell. What have you heard from G.o.ddess Astell?”

“About the Seven Demon Generals, the Demon G.o.d, the possessors of Astell"s blessing in this continent, and I learned about the Heroes there”

I talk about what I heard from G.o.ddess Astell without hiding anything. I guess Shishou trusts me. She listens to something this ridiculous seriously.

“Is that so. I guess the matter about the Demon G.o.d is fine. Stop the Seven Demon Generals who are planning to resurrect the Demon G.o.d. That"s all. And then the matter about the Heroes, not a word to anyone”

says Shishou who looks at the people around. Everybody nods with a serious look.

“It"s about a year ago that the Heroes were first confirmed. Regalia Empire is the location they were summoned. About 10 boys and girls were confirmed there. It seems almost all of them have black hair and black eyes. Apparently, there"s also a portion of them with brown hair though”

Which means, they"re j.a.panese? But why does Shishou know about it?

“Why does Shishou know about it? Alexia"s also giving off the vibe that she knows about it”

“It"s obviously because I went to see it. Since an ordinary spy would"ve been exposed. I reported that to Raymond”

‘Went to see it", she says it so easily…….

“It"s just that, there"s one S Rank and several A Ranks near the Heroes so I couldn"t lay my hands on them. I could"ve done it if only they weren"t there though”

Shishou who mutters vexedly. Someone even Shishou hesitates huh. I"m curious about what kind of a person it is.

“And the reason the Regalia Empire summoned the Heroes”

“For war”

She says bluntly. As I thought huh. In that case, isn"t the Nanor Kingdom the very first to suffer damage!  is what I thought and Shishou seems to see right through what I"m thinking.

“I"ve sent a letter to Sonny Sieg so it"s fine”

I was told with a smile. It"s somewhat embara.s.sing. Nevertheless, Heroes huh. I wonder what"s going on with the current j.a.pan.

“……Alright, that"s all! That"s all for today"s training. Make sure to rest your bodies!”

……Hah, I"m exhausted again today. I sat down then and there from the overwhelming weariness.

My name is Katsuragi・Kana. I was an ordinary first-year high school student before I was summoned to this world. I had remained in the cla.s.sroom after cla.s.s one day because I was reluctant to return home because something sad had happened, the cla.s.sroom then started to shine white and I was in this world when I realised. All 10 people who were in that cla.s.sroom including me came to this world.

I"ve been training continuously like this ever since. Still, I"m not used to it at all despite training continuously every day, I"m not used to it at all. Maybe I"m not making any progress at all because I"m afraid to hold a weapon since I dislike hurting people. I"m good at the defensive-type magic and healing-type magic which are for the sake of protecting everybody though. As I"m thinking about such things

“Kaーnmin1! Goodd job~!”


My b.r.e.a.s.t.s were grabbed from under my armpits!

“Wai, Mari! Stop doing this every single day!”

I get angry at Mari, Nikaidou Mari, who grabbed my b.r.e.a.s.t.s from behind. But she won"t listen even though I tell her every day!

“Nihihi, well~ it"s because Kanmin"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s are soft! I have small b.r.e.a.s.t.s so I don"t have such bounciness”

She says and fake cries. Geez! To touch somebody"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s because of that! Mari is the same cla.s.s as me and she"s my bosom friend since middle school. She"s very cheerful and is the cla.s.s" mood maker. It"s kinda offputting that her lecher side occasionally comes out though…….

My precious bosom friend who comforted me even when I was feeling sad. The time when we teleported to this world as well, she comforted me in the cla.s.sroom. Because she thinks I"ll probably be painful by myself. She was dragged in because of that though. I was flicked on the forehead by Mari when I apologised for that.

“Both Kanmin and I are victims so we won"t say that to each other! Let"s do our best together!”

As she says that. I swore to definitely protect Mari when I heard those words. Because she"s my precious bosom friend.

“What"re you making a difficult face for, Kanmin. Knitting your brows~. It"s gonna put your cute face to waste~, there, there!”

“Wai, Mari, stop rubbing my forehead. Wai!”

Mari and I are talking and over there,

“Hahaha, you guys are always getting along well huh. Kana, Mari. How about we go to the dining hall together?”

says Ijuuin Kouki who came over with a smile. Excellent grades and proficient at all sports, apparently, his father is an IT enterprise"s president and his mother is an international lawyer back home. If I have to say why he"s attending an ordinary high school the likes we attend, it"s because it"s the high school his parents had gone to. A rich and refreshing-type hunk that anybody would envy. To the point that he"s confessed to every day. I don"t think so though.

Beside Kouki-kun is his best friend, Shidou Ryuugkun. A different type from Kouki-kun, this person is the wild-type. Since his hair is also brown. He does boxing and has the ability to become the number one in the country in high school boxing.

On the other side is Endou Ayumi-san who"s always together with Kouki-kun. A woman with silky long hair and popular amongst the male students. It seems she"s actually working as a ladies fashion magazine model.

“Kouki, why do you invite them every day? Is there something?”

“Nah, nothing in particular though. I thought since we"re comrades then how about we go together”

“More importantly, let"s quickly go. I"m unbearably starved”

The three of them who say and head towards the dining hall. We didn"t say that we"ll go though.

“What do we do?”

I ask Mari but

“I guess we"ve got no choice but to go”

she replies. It"s the same as usual. We went to the dining hall and the remaining 5 people who were teleported here were there.

One person is Kaidou Tak.u.mi-kun. It seems he"s an otaku2 from what everybody says. I don"t know since I"ve never talked to him before though. He"s always by himself.

Another person is Shimizu Kai-kun. In honesty, his appearance is a girl. A pair of big and round eyes and a slender body. I think n.o.body will know he"s a guy if he wears ladies" clothes.

And then the remaining three people are

“Oi, Kai! What are you eating by yourself for. What about our share!”

the guys who yell at Kai-kun. Madarame Jin-kun and Satou Sei-kun. Along with Tanaka Shin-kun. Delinquents from top to bottom. Those three people are using Kai-kun as their lackey.

I can"t let that pa.s.s so I"m about to go say something to them when

“You guys, won"t you stop that!”

Kouki-kun yells. And then he always glances in my direction, I wonder what"s wrong?

“Aan? Tsk, the brat with excellent grades huh. That killed my mood. Kai, you better remember this”

Jin-kun and the others give up the moment Kouki-kun said that. It"s always like this. I wonder why?

With such things happening as well, we eat our dinner and return to our own room. We"re being provided with our own individual room because we"re Heroes. I got into the bath and get into the bed before my body that got warm cools down.

It"s been a year since I came to this world but whenever I"m alone, I recall the sadness from that time. Both my parents died in a traffic accident before I enter middle school. Hence, I was adopted by my father"s older brother.

In that house, I have a cousin who"s one year older than me. It"s someone I liked since I was young. He"s not especially cool nor good at sports, he"s just, kind. Warm. A person I feel blissful by being together with.

About a year ago from now, about a month before I was teleported, that precious person of mine, he died in a traffic accident. He took the place of a woman. I cried every day. I couldn"t leave the house for nearly a week. Although I somehow became able to attend school, my heart remained in low spirits. It"s also at that time when Mari comforted me that the teleportation occurred.

After that, I spend every day desperately trying to survive so I didn"t have the time to think about it and it feels like I"m returning to my previous self little by little, but as I thought, I remember about it whenever I"m spending time by myself.

“Gusu, I miss youu, Hayato-niisan……”

I was crying while remembering my beloved Nii-san. Until I got exhausted and fell asleep…….

It"s an honorific like -chan or -tanオタク: Otaku. A j.a.panese term for someone with obsessive interest, particularly in anime and manga