The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 7

The Cat Tribe Lady Attendant

Good morning, everyone. I’m Chloe who’s working as Lei-sama’s exclusive lady attendant.

It has already been 2 years since I started serving the Runwalker family.

The Leivelt・Runwalker-sama whom I’m serving since he was born a year ago, has also been growing quickly.
Surprises day after day, if I had continued to be an adventurer as I was at that time, I don’t think I’d be able to live such daily life.

If you’d let me talk a little bit about the past, I was an ordinary commoner whose birthplace is the orphanage.

Apparently, I as well had both my parents originally, a couple with my father a human and my mother a beastfolk of the cat tribe. In this world, the marriage between different species exists albeit being few, bearing a child is also possible.

The child that is born becomes either one of the species. And I who was born became a beastfolk of the cat tribe that’s same as my mother.

But 15 years ago when I was 2 years old, the large march which occurs every 10 odd years in this Margrave’s territory occurred. Both my parents partic.i.p.ated in the large march and they never returned.

My only family were my parents, it seems that I who didn’t have any relatives got taken in by the director of the orphanage. With the overwhelming sadness of losing my parents and my young age at that time, I don’t really remember much.

Around when I’m able to understand what’s going on around me, I became the coordinator of the young children group. The children between 5 to 10 years old are taught by the teacher in the orphanage, studying and helping out in the orphanage, children above 10 years old are doing some side jobs, going out and making some money.

Perhaps it’s because I personally don’t really show my emotion on my face, I’m seen as slightly more mature and, it makes it easier to rely on me for various things.

While looking out for the children and studying, I’ve finally reached the age that I can work, 10 years old. Even if I say work, there are all sorts of jobs.

I chose the job of an adventurer among the various jobs. The reason I chose it is because, fortunately, I’m adept at moving my body on top of being a cat tribe, furthermore, there are abundant of requests in this Margrave’s territory like the exterminations of monsters, the collection of herbs and so on.

The director isn’t fond of it but, in the end, he gave in and supported me. I have no other words than that of grat.i.tude to the director.

There are also those from the same orphanage among the adventurers, I earn money every day as I learn the ropes of being an adventurer from them.

On a certain day after working as an adventurer for 4 years, the second large march since my birth arrived.

The large march this time around has twice as many monsters as the previous time, it became quite the fierce battle.

In that fight, not only the Feudal Lord’s troops, the adventurers are also forced to join in, I am among one of them.

The people I encountered at that time was, the Margrave’s territory successor Sieg-sama and his wife Eris-sama.

Sieg-sama was a.s.sisting the Feudal Lord-sama as his aide and leading the troops, Eris-sama is the commander of the magician corps as a magician. I was arranged to be a.s.signed to the vanguard unit but, I who has above average capabilities among the female adventurers was selected to be Eris-sama’s escort.

During that time, I talked a bunch with Eris-sama. I was initially reserved because she is a n.o.ble but, because Eris-sama herself was an amiable person and, her telling me that she wants to be friends, I think I became softer than I was before.
Though as one would expect, I was surprised when I was told that she wants to be friends.

“Eris-sama. I think it’s better to not get too close to an escort and a commoner like myself. People around might have things to say if you get close to a commoner like me”

“Just let the people around say whatever they want. Because I’m already friends with you!”

“Eh! Friends!?”

“That’s right. It has been about a week since the large march this time, I’ve talked a bunch with Chloe every day, and we also fought together so. In other words, companions¹! Doesn’t Chloe want to be friends with me?”

“No! Nothing of that sort! I’m extremely delighted!”

When I heard that, the overwhelming happiness almost made me cry but, I was somehow able to hold it in. Though it was extremely embarra.s.sing when I was seen by the other escorts burying my face in the pillow and rejoicing.

Finally, a couple of days after that, the large monster march ended.

Because the large march this time was almost twice the previous time, the casualties were also quite heavy. The worst one would be Sieg-sama’s father, the previous Feudal Lord-sama dying from an injury. And then, Sieg-sama succeeded and poured his energy into rebuilding the Margrave’s territory afterwards. Because Eris-sama also helped out by working as an aide, after the large march I didn’t meet Eris-sama.

Since the large march has ended, I also went back to my job as an adventurer. Because the number of troops to protect the public order has decreased, there are tons of requests from the troops for monsters exterminations and thieves exterminations, I proactively undertook it. I thought that even indirectly, I want to help Eris-sama and guys.

On a certain day a year after the large march, that day I finished my adventurer’s work and returned to the orphanage.

When I reached the front of the orphanage, a beautiful and splendid horse wagon was parked there. I enter the orphanage thinking that some n.o.ble has come and over there was, the director and Eris-sama.

As expected, I was surprised.

“Eris-sama! Why are you here!”

“Ara! It has been a while, Chloe! How have you been?”

“Yes. I’ve been doing well but, is something the matter?”

“Today I came with a request for Chloe”

“A request for me?”

Was there something that I can do?

“That’s right! The request is, I want you to be the exclusive lady attendant to the baby I’ll be giving birth next year”

Eris-sama says that as she lovingly touches her belly.

“You’re giving birth! Congratulations! But I, an adventurer that has not done any lady attendant’s duties before is unfitting to be Eris-sama’s child’s lady attendant”

When I said that, Eris-sama inflated her cheeks with a ‘Pukuu²’. It’s cute but, even if you make that face I still think that I’m unfitting.

“Eh~. But I will be able to trust Chloe and when something happens, I can rely on you to being an escort. If it’s the job of a lady attendant then it’ll be fine if you start learning from today!”

I’m glad that I’m being trusted but……

“Please! Think of it as for the sake of my child!”

Uu! If you put it that way then wouldn’t I be unable to refuse!

“I understand! I’ll gladly accept the job of a lady attendant. But is it really fine that I don’t know the duties of a lady attendant?”

“Yay~! Thank you, Chloe! If it’s the lady attendant’s duties then it’ll be fine. I’ve told our super veteran head lady attendant to earnestly teach you everything!”

Then I have nothing else I can say……

Right after that, I move to the residence for the Margrave family’s lady attendants, and my life changed from that day on. I immediately went to see the head lady attendant after I’ve moved and, she’s quite the strict person.

“So, you are the one that Eris-sama has chosen. I am Anne, the head lady attendant. I will have you become a lady attendant fitting of the child that will be born in the future. Nice to meet you”

“Yes. My name is Chloe. Nice to meet you”

I was made to study the duties of a lady attendant from scratch from that day onwards. Thinking back on it, I think that it was really tough. I was desperately remembering everything at that time.

Then, after becoming a lady attendant, in the blink of an eye the day I had been waiting for anxiously has arrived.

Eris-sama went into labour during breakfast, I immediately went calling for the midwife and, it was an uproar since the morning.

Sieg-sama, despite this being his fourth time was overwrought, I also wanted to help out but, I ended up panicking because I had no experience and I didn’t know what to do.

Though thanks to the midwife and the head lady attendant, somehow we were able to get through it.

An energetic boy was born. He was given the name Leivelt. When I was thinking about how this boy is who I’ll be attending, Eris-sama went

“Hey, Chloe! It’s the Leivelt who you’ll be attending. Give him a carry”

When I carry Lei-sama from Eris-sama, I was filled with an indescribable happiness. When Lei-sama went ‘Ai~!’ with a smile towards me, the overwhelming happiness made my tears overflow.

At this very moment, I swore that I will attend to Lei-sama for the rest of my life.

Now, a year after Lei-sama was born, he grew into an extremely mischievous child.

He went all over the place after he was able to crawl, though it’s good to be energetic, I thought my heart had stopped when I saw him buried in books inside the book storage.

Though he nonchalantly placed Eris-sama’s and my concern aside, perhaps because Eris-sama’s crying was as effective as expected, he meekly nodded his head.
After that, he stopped going to the book storage so it was a relief.

Recently, his daily routine is feeling up my tail. He’s been following behind me so much that I thought ‘Do you really want to feel it that much!’ but, I somehow hid it.
It’s fine to let him feel it but, an unspeakable emotion budded inside me when I’m shown the figure of him trying his best.

When I swing my tail around, Lei-sama’s body also follows suit and swing around with my tail. Just looking at that feels like it’s making my facial expression gentle but, I somehow endured it.

And then finally! Lei-sama called my name! Furthermore, him speaking to me is his first time!

I was extremely surprised and made a mad dash to Eris-sama to report about it, the two of us frolicked around while going ‘Kyaa kyaa’. Thinking about it now, it might be a tad bit improper.

Then from Lei-sama having spoken, the day to acquiring the status has arrived! Lei-sama who’s the child of Sieg-sama and Eris-sama who both are overflowing with talent should also possess wonderful talent.

Even if by any chance that that isn’t the case, I will be attending to Lei-sama for the rest of my life! Please get along with me from now on as well. Lei-sama!