The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 70



I am hurled by a man. In the surroundings are about 20 brawny men. All of them are holding weapons like swords, axes, and so forth. I suppose this place is the hideout of the moneylender.

The children and I were abducted by these men. Around me are May-chan, Roy-kun, and a total of 5 church"s children. Everybody has their arms tied by a rope and is unable to move.

I was outside harvesting vegetables with the children just now, but, my vision suddenly became pitch dark, and when I was surprised by that, I was forcefully pushed into a carriage and brought here.

“Heh~, aren"t you fairly cute”

As I was checking whether or not the children are safe, I heard a daunting voice from behind. I felt a shiver down my spine from that voice and as I timidly looked, a man who is close to 2 meters in height was over there. He carries a gigantic double-edged axe on his back and looks at us with a smirk. I wonder if this person is the leader.

“Wha, what will you do with us?”

I clench my trembling hands and ask the man who appears to be the leader. Although I already know what I will be told, I could not help myself from asking.

“Ahn? You already know something like that, don"t you? We"ll sell off the kids to a slave trader and have you become our regular customers" plaything. Be careful, alrightt~, since there are perverts amongst our regular customers. A number of people have already died because of that”

the men who say that and laugh. I was unable to stop my body that trembles from becoming scared. I have to protect the children and yet my mouth will not move for me.

“Well, if little miss" saying that she"ll earn the kids" shares as well then we won"t sell the kids though”

the leader man says to me with a smirking face. I cannot believe something like that. I guess the children will definitely be sold while they are making me earn the money. However, it is also true that this is the only way for me to protect the children.

“Ah, that"s right, help from the knights won"t come. Since we have an Archbishop amongst our regular customers. Furthermore, he"s a captain so he"s able to order the knights. Didn"t you think that it"s odd? No matter how much you asked for help, the knights wouldn"t lift a finger, right? It"s because all of those who are in charge of this neighbourhood are from that captain"s Chivalric Order.

the leader man who says that and laughs again. Who would have thought that those of the Chivalric Order were also the moneylender"s a.s.sociates. Which is why they would not listen to us no matter how much we say huh.

“O, Onee-chan”

As I"m thinking, the children look at me. I am unable to trust them but if there is the possibility to protect the children then I,

“I, I understand. I will earn the money. So please send all of the children back home!”

“Kakaka! You said it, little miss. I"ll have you properly make money even if your body falls apart. If you were to die and become unable to earn money anymore, at that time, we"ll have you let us sell the kids”

No way! If I were to be killed and such halfway through then the kids will…….

“Oi, you guys, you can have a tasting. But don"t you break her”

the moment the leader man said that, the men around shouted delightfully. And then they come closer to me. Do, don"t tell me

“Hihihi, as expected of Aniki, how generous! Oi woman, I"ll violate you in front of the kids!”

And then when the man takes out a knife and cuts the rope I"d been tied with, another man grabs my hands above my head from behind and binds my wrists with a rope this time around. He then grabs my shirt and pulls with all his strength, and then,


my clothes were torn off. It was a habit so my body becomes exposed with just that. All that is left is only the underwear. And then the top underwear was stripped off by the man. At that moment, I had a feeling that the final wall inside me broke. My body trembles and my tears overflow from my eyes out of fear.

“It"s too late even if you cry now! Hihi, you"re slightly skinny but you have some beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s, don"t you!”

The man grabs my breast while saying that. Ouch! is what I thought but I am so scared that I cannot even make any voice.

“Onee-chan! Let Onee-chan go!”

Roy-kun gets angry for me, but the men around just laugh.

“Watch, kids. The sight of this woman crying and shouting!”

And then the man brings his hands towards my bottom underwear. I inadvertently shut my eyes from the overwhelming fear.

Thereupon, a completely irrelevant thought of, ‘I wanted to give my first time to the person I love", crossed my mind. And then what comes to mind is a single boy. Although I guess he is still younger than me, he is a child with a reliable vibe, and he is the boy who saved us.

It is the boy who remained in my head the whole time since yesterday and even appeared inside my dream even when I am in bed. I wonder if I will be able to bear with it if I am thinking of this person?

I who think that and clench my teeth. And then the moment my bottom underwear was taken down


a thunderous roar resounds. I open my eyes and look in the direction of the sound and, isn"t the metal door broken in a warped shape. The men around also look dumbfoundedly in the direction of the door. I then heard footsteps and what came in were……one boy and two girls. However, all that was reflected in my eyes was the boy.

Aah. My chest warms up. The boy whom I"d thought of, is there before my eyes. The boy clads his body in a bluish-white light and glares at the men with an angered expression.

Hauu! It may be imprudent at a time like this but he is cool……. My beloved.


Right now, we finally arrived at the location that appears to be the moneylender"s hideout. It"s Ferris and Caro who came together with me. I had Alexia stay behind at the church for the sake of the medical treatment and also had Aerith stay behind as her escort. I thought that it"ll be fine if it"s Alexia but I can"t have anything happen even on the off-chance.

Although we went to the moneylender"s store that we were told by the sister, there"s nothing but underlings inside and it ended up being a wasted effort. And then, the location we got out from those guys and came is this warehouse-like place.

It seems this district is the business district and multiple warehouses are lining up in a row at a location that is a distance away from that store. It seems the moneylender"s hideout is in here.

We don"t know which is it because similar looking warehouses are lining up in a row so it"s Ferris" turn from here on out. I take out the cloth bag I got yesterday that has had vegetable placed in it from the Item Ring and let Ferris smell the scent. And then

“It"s over here”

I have Ferris lead the way. I see this sight once in a while and it"s like a dog. I"ll get mad at if I say it though. I investigate the one building where Ferris halts. As I thought, I can"t tell its difference from the other buildings. But Ferris

“There"s the scent that"s on the bag from this warehouse”

she says. Indeed, there are responses from inside with Presence Sense. About 30 people huh. I pat Ferris" head as thanks and she happily flails her tail. Adorable.

“Alright, the two of you, move away slightly”

I say that to the two of them, confirm that they moved away, and cast Lightning"s Body Endowment. I then store magic power in my left hand, and punch the door with all my strength!


Although it"s a metal door, I was able to blow it away with a punch without any problem. And when I go inside, Priscillsan whose habit was torn and is naked, and men who are about to a.s.sault her, were there. There are also children who are being tied up by her side. It looks like I somehow made it in time though.

I silently walk to Priscillsan"s side. Although the men were dumbfounded by what occurred all of a sudden, perhaps they"ve recollected themselves, they approach my side.

“Oi, youngster! Do you know where thi……guhyaa!”

I silently punch the guy and send him flying. I punched the guy in his face with all my strength with my right hand and he was blown away. Although he probably didn"t die, I don"t have the intention to bother with you guys.

And then I send the guy who"s stunned above Priscillsan even now flying with a kick. The man bounces off the ground multiple times while vomiting blood and crashes into the wall. I wasn"t able to control my strength amidst the overwhelming anger. I didn"t regret it.

When I finally arrive by Priscillsan"s side, I take out a mantle I bought to use when it"s cold from the Item Ring and cover Priscillsan with it. It"s because that appearance of hers is slightly troubling. I say to Priscillsan

“It"s fine now”

while smiling. When I did, Priscillsan suddenly burst into tears. I guess she"s very much scared. Ferris secures the children for me and Caro stays there by her side while expanding the protective wall. This is the Ultimate Wall huh. A membrane-like thing that shines faintly envelops Priscillsan and the others.

“Don"t worry about us over here and go on a rampage”

If Caro says so then I"ll take her up on that. I look around at the men and

“You guys, say your prayers”

because I"ll definitely not let you off.

Onomatopoeia for tearing