The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 9

Daily Growth

It has been 7 years since my status was renewed.

I, who is 8 years old is made stand in the abyss of death now.

“Don’t get distracted!”


I was somehow able to avoid the tip of the sword that approached me by using body enhancement.

I attempt to fix my stance that has crumbled because I dodged weirdly.

My opponent who wouldn’t miss such an opening lets out a diagonal slash from the right.

I received it with the sword but it got repelled, this time the lowered sword slashes up from the bottom left.

I couldn’t block it in time as I was so I got hit and blown away.

I lost my consciousness as I thought, ‘If it wasn’t a wooden sword I’d already been dead’.


I, who woke up vigorously, frowns at the pain I feel in my body.

“You’ve finally woke up?”

Saying that and looking down at me is, Aerith・Runwalker who’s 3 years older than me. And the other person who’s instructing me and Aneue¹ is, Madam Alene・Runwalker.

“It’s no good to think about other things when you’re training, Lei. If it was an actual fight then right now you would have died from ma.s.sive blood loss”

“My apologies, Sensei. I’m sorry, Aneue”

I asked my parents to train me after I’ve acquired my status.

Spearmanship from my father, Sieg. Magic in general from my mother, Eris. And I’m learning swordsmanship from Aerith’s mother, Alene.

For the first 2 years, because my body hasn’t developed yet, I learned body enhancement from my parents. At that time, my daily routine was to move around with body enhancement until my magic power is at its limit. There are lots of times when I get chased around by Aerith while I’m in the middle of it but, well, that’s also part of the training.

Then when I’m 3 years old, I finally got my own personal spear and sword. Though from then onwards, every day has been mock battles like today.

My father Sieg and teacher Alene both only taught me the foundation for the first month, it’s just mock battles afterward! is what they say and I’ve only been doing mock battles. And looking at the results, my weak points are pointed out, that’s how every day goes. It’s quite the muscle-brain family.

Eris is the only one who went at me with theory. On the other hand, I didn’t know what to think when I was made to memorize magic theory from scratch……
“Memorize this book!” and when I saw that the book brought before me was extremely thick, I thought I was going to go crazy. I mean, it’s as thick as the dictionary² from my previous life, you know? Do you think I’d want to read that? Though Sieg somehow persuaded her and she dropped that idea……

Well, thanks to the family members who taught me all sorts of things for my sake, my status also has various changes.

Leivelt・Runwalker・8 years old・Male・Levelー
Occupation: Student
Physical Strength: 480
Magic Power: 520
Strength: 300
Agility: 310
Physical Resistance: 610
Magical Resistance: 240
t.i.tle: G.o.ddess Astell’s Observation Target・The One Without Limits・The One That Difficulties Visits・Genius Magician
Skill: Spearmanship Level 3・Swordsmanship Level 3・Lightning Magic Level 4・Wind Magic Level 3・Water Magic Level 2・Fire Magic Level 1・Earth Magic Level 2・Light Magic Level 1・Dark Magic Level 1・Lifestyle Magic Level 3・Tenacity Level 4・Body Enhancement Level 4・Presence Sense Level 2・Magic Power Detection Level 2・Etiquette Level 2・Language (Continental Language) Levelー

Is how it feels like

As expected, I feel that because I’m Sieg and Eris’ child, my affinity for lightning and wind magic is high. By the way, it seems that a normal person can only use 2 or 3 types of magic. It seems that the number of people greatly decrease from 4 types onwards.
Though I have no limit thanks to the t.i.tle. That’s why I was also able to get my hands on the Genius Magician t.i.tle like Eris. When I got this, Eris went ‘As expected of my son!’ and hugged me tightly, I was genuinely happy about that.

And, Aelith hits my head with the wooden sword when I was thinking about my status.

“What are you blanking out for”

“I’m sorry. I was thinking about how I could win Aneue”

I have been sparring with Aneue since I started practicing swordsmanship but I have never once won against her. Aneue was strong enough that I thought whether this is the difference in talent. I occasionally see her mixing in with the Margrave’s territory’s troops and practicing but, when I saw her mowing down the soldiers, as one would expect, I was surprised.

I try looking at that Aneue’s status and

Aelith・Runwalker・ 11 years old・Female・Level 16
Occupation: None
Physical Strength: 560
Magic Power: 340
Strength: 720
Agility: 840
Physical Resistance: 430
Magical Resistance: 220
t.i.tle: Heaven-sent Child of Swords・Gale’s Speed and Lightning’s Intensity
Skill: Swordsmanship Level 5・Wind Magic Level 3・Fire Magic Level 2・Body Enhancement Level 4・Lifestyle Magic Level 2・Etiquette Level 2・Presence Sense Level 4

There’s a t.i.tle I’ve never seen before there.
Gale’s Speed and Lightning’s Intensity: The one who cuts down an enemy quickly and aggressively. Strength・Agility status increase.

It’s definitely that training……I mean, those soldiers flew.

“Mou! You’re blanking out again! Here, your two important people came”

Oo! It’s already that time. Turning back, there are two girls running towards me, my mother Eris, and Chloe came as well.

“Onii-sama~!” as she jumps into me with her head first is, Filia・Runwalker who was born when I was 3 years old. My biological sister. She has a gentle curl to her golden hair and a pair of jade green eyes. Somehow, it seems that this sister of mine possess something called the spirit eyes, a unique pair of eyes which allows her to see spirits. They are also flying around her right now.

And the one other person is.
“Aa! You’re unfair, Filia-sama! Lei-sama! Hug me as well! Please pet my head!” as she came is the daughter of Chloe, Chrona who’s the same age as Filia. She inherits her mother’s blood and has splendid cat ears and tail. Chloe got married when I was 2 years old and gave birth to Chrona the next year. After that, she’s educating Chrona to be exclusive to me. Chloe succeeded Anne as the head lady attendant.

“No! It’s Fiー time now! Chrona will wait!”

“Filia-sama is stingy! Mean!”

These two normally gets along well but when it involves me, they always get into a fight.

“My, aren’t you popular. Lei-chan”

“Lei-sama. It’s fine to lay your hands on Chrona if you take responsibility you know?”

No no! I’m not going to lay my hands on a child that’s still 5 years old!

“What! Are you saying that you are going to lay your hands on Filia and Chrona who are still young even though you didn’t lay your hands on me!”

Wai! Aneue! What are you getting involved for!? Sensei is laughing bitterly from the back.

I who is enjoying the blissful time of being surrounded by such young girls thought that if only these times could continue on.

A week after this daily life, the first difficulty since I was born blocks the way……