The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 29

I am heading to the practice ground and, over there


Sieg was standing.

“No, that, my bad. I decided on various things on my own without discussing it”

Sieg who says that and apologizes to me. Even though the one who’s actually at fault is me.

“No. It is I who should be saying so, I am sorry. Even though you thought and said it for my sake, I punched Chichiue”

“Aa, it was quite painful. It’s a splitting image of when Eris is angry”

Sieg who says that and laughs. Does he get punched like that……

“I was also told by Alexia. That it is normal to think that way after seeing this t.i.tle”

I smile bitterly. Sieg who hears that makes a surprised expression for some reason. What is the matter?

“Lei. You just called the Princess”

“Aa, I dropped the honorifics. I also showed the status to Alexia and Helen-san. Furthermore, when I asked if she really wants to be together, she went, ‘Don’t look down on me!’, and got mad at me. Therefore I have also strengthened my resolve”

“Is that so”

“Yes. Therefore I will stay in the Imperial Capital on my own will. To become strong so that I can protect the people who think about various things for my sake and, the people who stay together with me”

I say that and the both of us smile at each other.

“I get it. If that’s the case then I’ll support you as well. First of all, it’s the mock battle from now on. It’s Lei so I’m not worried but be careful”

Sieg who says that and stick his fist towards me.

“It will be fine! After all, I am the son of 『The Spearman of Gale』and『The Magician of Thunder』!”

I also stick my fist out and the both of us

Kotsun! our fists.

“Well then, Chichiue. I will be going”

“Aa, do your best”

I start walking to the practice ground.

I appear at the practice ground and, over there


audience seats that are fully filled entered my eyes. What is this? Looking at it closely, it seems they are all soldiers though. Aa! Sitting in the audience seats at the front are, Eris and Filia, Eliza and Marco and Vont, Kuroe and Chrono are supporting at the back. Why is everybody?

“My my, Goshisoku-dono1. You have done well to have come without running away”

showing a disgusting smile on his face, Knights Captain Hendricks came to me.

“Something of this degree isn’t something to run away from in particular. Leaving that aside, what is this about”

“What, I was thinking that the soldiers are also tired of only training every day so I am just having them watch a little sideshow”

“Then my family is?”

“I thought of having the Margrave’s family watch their son’s gallant figure so I invited them”

……He thinks of tasteless things. It’s obvious that he wants to display the crying and screaming figure in front of the family.

“The mock battle this time will carry on until either side loses their consciousness. Well, if Goshisoku-dono cries and begs for his life then I don’t mind to kindly stop it though”

I said, don’t show me that disgusting smile.

“There is no need for any worry. I have also said it just now but something of this degree is no big deal. Leaving that aside, how about worrying about yourself? You might have in your status the t.i.tle ‘The Army Leading Commander Who Loses To An 8 Years Old Child"”

I smile and show a gaudy look that I inherit from Sieg to Knights Captain Hendricks. Thereafter, perhaps it was effective

“Tsk! It’s none of my business if you regret it later you s.h.i.tty kid!”

and he left. That was his true character huh. After I thought of such things, the King and the others entered. There are lots of people.

There are 3 wives behind the King. Those are the queens huh. And followed by a tall and thin guy, the next one is a contrarily muscular guy. The next one is Alexia and lastly a spirited girl.

If it’s in accordance to what I’ve heard, the tall and thin guy is the First Prince, Prince Albert, the muscular guy is the Second Prince, Prince Alex. And then the spirited girl is the Second Princess.

Followed by Prime Minister and Imperial Guards Captain Gayn. Magician Squad Captain Marin and so forth also came. Nn? Several people also entered from the entrance on the opposite side. ……What’s with that pig? Hey, there is a pig wearing extravagant clothes. I thought of such things and

“Everybody, welcome and thank you for coming. The mock battle this time is a normally impossible composition of 100 soldiers against an 8 years old child. I was told that there has apparently been a heated argument from the child saying that he can win and so my commander, Knights Captain Hendricks is apparently also greatly perplexed by it. It seems he won’t listen no matter what is said to him”

He says that and the soldiers burst out laughing. The audiences also start laughing in response. No no, the one who started it is the commander on your side.

“This, albeit unintentionally, is the proof that our kingdom’s army is being made fun of so, it ended up with the mock battle this time being carried out. Well, the result is clearly visible though”

And starts laughing again. Jeers also come from the audiences. I look to my family’s side and I saw Eris who’s about to release magic and, Sieg and Eliza who are desperately trying to stop her. I can imagine what they are saying and it makes me laugh. Thereupon, over there

“You guys, shut up! Don’t clamour when you don’t even know Lei’s true strength!”

, Alexia’s thunderous cry. The soldiers and audiences who heard this also, as one would expect, went silent.

“Erm, then, I think I would like to start the mock battle. Your Highness, if you would please”

“I understand. Both parties, leave no regrets behind2. Then begin!”

And like this, the mock battle began.

The soldiers charge at me at the same time as the signal. Aren’t they making light of me too much just because I’m a child. It’s no different from orcs if it’s like this.

“Die! Kid!”

Since they are also saying ‘die’. Well, if that’s what the other side has in mind then I shall get serious as well.

“Body Enhancement activate. Lightning Magic Lightning Body Endowment”

And I took aim at the soldiers who are coming towards me.


I mow down my spear!

“Wha! Guheh!”

The soldiers who were struck by the spear were sent flying as it is. ……It’s too easy. The other soldiers also stop moving with this much……the Margrave’s troops were more amazing.

“Well, whatever. Lightning Magic Lightning Spear 100 Chain”

I immediately use magic. Behind me, 100 spears of lightning dance in the air. They also stop moving when they see this.

In contrary to that

“Magician Squad! All members Magic Barrier activate! Protect the audiences!”

Magician Squad Captain Marin immediately gives the instruction. This is the difference between the people at the top huh.

I also pay the audiences no mind and release my magic.

“Let’s go. Raging Spear(Rain Of Raging Lightning Spears)!”

I aim and release the spears of lightning at the soldiers! And then


There are thunderous roars. Uwa! Nothing is visible because of the cloud of sand. I went slightly overboard huh.

When the cloud of sand settles down, only about a third of the entirety was standing.

“Wha, what is with that kid!”

“How can he release that much magic!”

“GyaAAAA! Arm! My arm iss!”

Pandemonium. The audiences sunk into silence as well.

“Yo, you guys! Now! Now is the chance! There’s no way he can consecutively release that amount of magic!”

Ooh! Knights Captain Hendricks is also remaining. Even if he’s rotten, he’s still the Knights Captain huh. Then as you wish

“Lightning Magic Lightning Spear 100 Chain”

I’ll release it once more. The soldiers who saw this

“UwaAAAAA! Impossible! I forfeit! Quickly let me out!”

“I also forfeit!”

“Me as well!”

Everybody scrambles towards the exit. Well, I guess those guys were merely dragged into it so it’s fine. There’s only one person I’m targetting.

“Why are you trying to escape!”

I take aim at Knights Captain Hendricks who is trying to escape and release several Lightning Spear.


I deliberately missed and Knights Captain Hendricks falls onto his backside.

“Where are you trying to go? Knights Captain Hendricks. Now then, please ready your sword. This is what you wished for”

“Sh, s.h.i.t! This s.h.i.tty kid! In any case, you mainly use magic, right! You’re no good at close combat, right. I’ll take you on!”

Knights Captain Hendricks who says that and unsheathes his sword. There’s no way that that is the case for that Margrave’s son, right!


“You make light of the Margrave family too much! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

I send Knights Captain Hendricks’ sword flying with the tip of the spear and follow with a turn as it is. I aim at Knights Captain Hendricks’ jaw with the b.u.t.t of my spear and swing!



I knock him down to the ground as it is!


Knights Captain Hendricks clash head first onto the ground. I look at the surrounding and there are already no people standing, the people who remained have also apparently surrendered.

I look around in that manner and


Alexia runs towards me. Then she comes to my side and

“You were cool! Lei!”

she moves her face closer towards me as it is. I remained as I am without being able to move


……Eh? I am in a daze and

“It’s your reward for winning!”

Alexia who smiles at me even as her face is turning red.

……I was kissed on the lips!

Even as the soldiers at the surrounding were raising their voices of resentment, the mock battle comes to an end like this with my complete victory.

……From this day onwards, I acquired the t.i.tle and nickname of 『Lightning Emperor』.