The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 38

Second Companion

“Wh, why are you here! Sylphid・Schicksal!”

“I mean, there’s no way I won’t come if you make this much of a racket near the academy, right?”

I carry Princess Ferris and get away while the Headmaster and Hendricks are talking.

“Lei! Quickly! We have to quickly stop the bleeding!”

“It is, still not over yet! Please leave it to later!”


“Quickly get away!”

My apologies to Princess Ferris but I say it strongly. There are still Hendricks and five other people who are carrying the Demon Swords. We can’t let our guard down.

“Well, just watch from over there for a little while, sonny. I will tidy these fellows up”

Saying that, she draws the greatsword she’s carrying on her back.

“Let’s go. Sonny Hendricks. Prepare yourself, alright”

“Kuu! You guys, kill the……eh?”

Wha! When I realised, Hendricks’ head was already flying……. It’s too fast. I couldn’t see her swordplay. How can she swing that greatsword that quickly?

“Wha! Hendricks-sama! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

Over there, the other soldiers who are carrying the Demon Sword approach. However, the Headmaster gets ready without fl.u.s.tering.

“How slow”

One of the soldiers raises his sword at the Headmaster. It’s a considerable speed but it seems it’s slow for the Headmaster. And then when she swings her greatsword, the soldier’s torso splits right in half.

“Kuu! Let’s attack simultaneously!”

Perhaps the soldiers thought that going one by one is no good, they start to attack in four directions this time around. However, the Headmaster doesn’t falter. She blocks all four of their weapons with a smile.

And when I realised, one person. Another person goes down. Looking at it closely, their neck and torso are being sliced.

Hahaa, this is the strength of the country’s strongest huh. It’s on a whole different dimension. When I am thinking of such things


“It’s alright, Lei. If you just become stronger from now on”

Princess Ferris who’s beside me and Alexia who’s by my side before I know it grabs my left hand. I was apparently grasping tightly before I know it.

“It’s the end with this!”

“Wha! Guhee……”

When I realised, all four of them had been killed. So strong.

“Sonny Gayn. Head to the bas.e.m.e.nt without delay. The young lady Marin is holding the others back. It’s safe at the moment”

“Thank you. Schicksal-sama. Come now, everybody, over here quickly!”

Imperial Guards Gayn thanks the Headmaster and started walking while leading all the n.o.bles. After seeing that

“Lei. For the time being, let’s treat you. You’re bleeding too much”

“That’s right! We have to quickly stop the bleeding!”





Everybody came over.

“Is there anybody who can use High-Level Water Magic!”

Alexia shouts but, it couldn’t be found that easily. Everybody looks away unpleasantly. For the time being, let’s at least stop the bleeding.

“Hahaue. For the time being, can I have you stop the bleeding?”

I request Eris and, c.r.a.p. She started to cry.

“This idiot son! Being reckless like this! What will you do! There’s n.o.body here who can use High-Level Water Magic! You won’t be able to swing a spear again!”

Princess Ferris who heard that starts to cry. Maybe because it got around, Helen san along with Filia and the others also start to cry. Alexia is making a bitter look.

“Sor, sorry. It, it’s all because I charged in by myself on a whim”

“That has nothing to do with it, Princess Ferris. At that time, I thought of going as well. That girl would have died had n.o.body gone”


And then a voice was heard as though to cover Princess Ferris who’s nevertheless going to say something.

“”Then I shall listen to Sylphid and Fi-chan’s request””

“This is rare”


The Headmaster who’s nearby and Filia suddenly raise their voices. Whose voice is this?

“What’s the matter, Filia?”

“Okasama! It appears that a water spirit-san is going to heal Onii-sama’s arm!”


Everybody raise their voices in surprise. That’s a given. Something like a spirit is lending its strength.

“”I will take all of the magic power Fi-chan has now in exchange””

“I understand!”

“Then I shall give some as well”

“”Ara, aren’t you thoughtful. Then I will take half of what Fi-chan has and I shall have Sylphid be responsible for the remainder. Well then, affix the arm””

The water spirit says that and the Headmaster brought my arm over. And then

“”I’m doing it. Water Magic Maximum Healing!””

Oo! My arm is affixing! Anything’s possible with magic huh.



“”It’s alright. She just fainted because the consumption of magic power was too large. Well then, bye bye~””

The water spirit says that and disappeared. It seems the Headmaster still has room to spare huh.

“Thank you, Headmaster. To have you be responsible for most of the magic power”

“What, it’s not a significant amount. There’s nothing to worry about. Leaving that aside, it’s waiting”

Eh? When I was about to ask what


Ugu! A, an impact to my stomach……

“UEeeeEN! I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”

Princess Ferris charges into my stomach and started to cry again. Her ears are dangling and her tail is lifeless.

“It is not something to be that concerned about. My arm is back how it was”


“Hora, please stop crying. It is messing up your adorable face”

I wipe Princess Ferris’ face for her.

“I habe, decided”

“On what?”

I ask with a smile and

“From now on, I will become stronger for Lei’s sake. I will become even stronger so I won’t make Lei worry!”

She looks at me with eyes filled with determination

“Then, let’s become stronger together! I will do my best as well”


As I thought, Princess Ferris has to smile. Thereupon, I was. .h.i.t on my shoulder. I look over there and Alexia was there.

“It’s about time that we move as well. What will the Headmaster do?”

“I will head like this to where young lady Marin is. I have to stop those fellows”

The Headmaster who says that and carries the greatsword on her shoulder.

“Is sonny coming as well?”

“Is it fine? Someone like me would be a hindrance”

“What, it’ll be alright if you don’t get taken hostage like just now. Go take down those who are carrying the Demon Swords”

“Understood. Hahaue. I am off”

“Geez! I’m begging you, just don’t do anything reckless”

“I understand. Then Princess Ferris. My apologies but can I have you let go of me”



“Please call me Ferris! And honorifics1 are banned! Understand?”

“No, but, doing something like that to the princess……”


“No, erm……”


“Un, understo……I get it, Ferris”

When I say that


and she lets go of me. Her ears are standing up energetically and her tail is swinging happily. I wonder why?

“”You’re a sinful man, aren’t you. Steadily winning over the girls’ hearts””

“Eh? You’re the spirit from just now? Shouldn’t you have disappeared……”

I can’t see its figure but I can hear its voice.

“”You seem interesting so I’m following along””

Eh? She’s following along? But to those words

“No nano! Master’s spirit is me nano!”

Hikarin opposes.

“”But, who decided that a single human can only have a single spirit?””

“It, it’s not decided but”

“”Then it’s fine, isn’t it. Well, it’s just that there hasn’t been any until now though. Since the ones who can contract are limited and we are also capricious””

“Uu~, it can’t be helped. I’ll bear with it if it’s for the sake of Master becoming stronger. But! Master’s number one spirit is me nano!”

“”I get it, Senpai. Come now, let’s contract. Give me a name””

Name huh……I got an instant out when I gave Hikarin her name. I have to give the name carefully here.

“Well then, your name is……Maririn!”

Bluish-white light shines the moment I gave her a name and a blue-haired young girl who’s small enough to ride on my head appeared.

“……Well, there are lots I want to say but, please take care of me, Aruji-sama2”

“Please take care of me, Maririn”

Maybe because it looks like I’m talking to myself, the surroundings are all making puzzled looks but, thus, the number of companions has increased to two.