The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 41

vs Vampire

Shishou is facing the man. Then I’m facing this little girl huh.

“What, isn’t this still a kid. It won’t be delicious even if I suck the blood of a kid like this. Oi pervert. Hand the Sword Saint over there to me. I’ll give you the kid in return”

“Aan? What are you saying, Basan. I said I was going to cut the Sword Saint, didn’t I. Don’t screw around”

……They started to squabble amongst themselves.

“Lei, I’ll leave the Vampire to you. Young lady Marin, help Lei out”


Magician Squad Captain Marin who says that and stands up. It’s true that it might be tough to deal with this person by myself. Albeit frustrating.

“Let’s do our best. Magician Squad Captain Marin”

“Marin is fine. It’s long, right?”

“Understood, Marin-san. Let’s quickly arrest them!”

And then, I aim at the Vampire and cast magic.

“Lightning Spear!”

In response to that, the Vampire

“d.a.m.n brat, don’t interrupt when we’re having a conversation! Darkness Claw”

My Lightning Spear got erased by the Vampire’s magic endowed right hand. However,

“Earth Shot!”

Marin-san casts her magic.

“d.a.m.n Curse Holder, getting in the way”

“Well then, shall we begin as well, Sword Saint”

“Fhun. Again……no, I’ll send you to the other world this time around”

And Shishou started their fight as well.

“Tsk! It got taken by the pervert huh. Should I immediately kill these guys and join them”

“I wonder if it’ll be that easy!”

I activate Body Enhancement and approach the Vampire.


She brushes my spear off when I thrust and blocks it when I mow. She’s quite nimble.

“Hohou. Pretty good for your age. But something of that degree won’t reach me”

“What a noisy old lady. Lightning Spear 10 Chain!”


I cast magic at close proximity. When I thought, ‘This probably got her’, from the dust cloud

“It’s still not good enough!”

the Vampire comes out. And then she attacks me with her arm that’s endowed with magic.

Kuu! I block with my spear somehow but every single strike is heavy.

“Hora hora, what’s wrong, brat. Where did your vigour from before go!”

“Tsk, in that case, how about this!”

I swipe away the arm that strikes me and then at a point-blank range

“Lightning Spear!”



There’s a reaction this time.

“How was it?”

“I don’t know but……uu! Marin-san, watch out!”


From where I sent the Vampire flying off to, a black object aims at Marin-san and stretches at a terrifying speed to her.

I push Marin-san out of the way and,




s.h.i.t! It f.u.c.king stabbed my stomach. Furthermore, barbs appear the instant it stabbed me so I can’t pull it out.

I got suspended in the air as it is.


“……I underestimated you, brat. I shall get serious as well. Dark Magic Chaos Tentacle”

From the Vampire’s back, 8 tentacles are wriggling about. What a disgusting magic.

“GuuuuU! Haa!”

I forcibly pull the tentacle out. s.h.i.t, the wound was gouged out because of the barbs. ……There’s a cavity in my stomach


“Don’t come over!”

The moment I slipped out of the tentacle, the remaining tentacles approach.

“Tsk! Lightning Body Endowment Two Fold! Weapon Endowment!”

I use Body Endowment and deflect with my spear somehow but, the tentacles are even faster.

“Lei-kun! You! Flame Burst!”

Marin-san casts magic multiple times but it got blocked by the tentacles. What hardness it has.

“What an amusing display, brat. But it’s still not good enough. You’re in the way, Curse Holder!”

Kuu. It’s rapidly becoming faster. I’m somehow blocking it now but if it carries on like this……

“You must have it easy to be drowning in thoughts!”

Oh c.r.a.p! A tentacle I couldn’t deflect fully is right before my eyes. And then



I was blown away. I was blown all the way to a nearby residence. ……A couple of bones got done in huh.

“Lei-kun! You! Flame Burst! Flame Burst!”

“It won’t work, Curse Holder”

s.h.i.t! Marin-san’s in danger. Move. My limbs, f.u.c.king move!


“Aruji-sama. Use me”

Maririn says something like that


“Geez! Why won’t you use me even though you contracted with me. The moment Aruji-sama contracted with me, you received a t.i.tle in the status like when you contracted with Hikarin. Furthermore, your Water Magic’s level went up to 4 just now so, you can use up to Level 5 of Water Magic. It requires a bit of magic power but it’s within the margin of error”

Maririn who says that and winks. ……I had completely forgotten about it. To actually forget about it when I told her, ‘Please take care of me’ and such at the beginning.

“Haha, sorry. I’d completely forgotten about it. ……Will I be able to move if I use Level 5 Water Magic?”

“Furthermore, if you endow your body like that Lightning Magic then you’ll be in a constantly recovering state as long as you have the magic power!”

I’m thankful for that. I say without thinking.

“I get it. Teach me that Water Magic”

“That’s right. I’m borrowing Aruji-sama’s magic power. Water Magic High Healing!”

My wounds close up little by little the moment Maririn chanted the magic.

“This is great. It’s slower than Maximum Healing but it’s good enough nevertheless”

I was somehow able to stand up.

“That’s of course. Maximum Healing is a Level 7 Water Magic. The effectiveness is totally different. Come now, Aruji-sama use it as well”

“Aa, High Healing Body Endowment Three Fold”

Oo! The speed the wounds close became faster.

“Mumumuu~! Master! I stored enough magic power! Lightning Magic is usable as well!”

“Eh? But, I should have already used it during Hendricks’ encounter”

“IT’S UーSーAーBーLーE! Use the portion that I’d been misappropriating up until now!……Ah”

……She has been misappropriating my magic power huh. I didn’t notice it at all.

“Well, anyhow, I’m using it. Chaos Vortex Body Endowment Two Fold, Weapon Endowment!”

Bachi Bachi2! Alright, I can do this!

When I come out of the house that I was thrown into, I saw Marin-san whose body is being suspended by the tentacles. This is bad, she’s going to be pierced if it carries on like this.

“It’s the end, Curse Holder”

And then the tentacles approach Marin-san.

“I’m not letting you end it! Black Lightning Spear!”

I lop off the tentacles that approach Marin-san with my spear clad in black lightning. And then I cut the tentacles suspending Marin-san as well. Oops, I have to catch Marin-san who’s released from the tentacles.

I catch Marin-san with a princess carry.

“Are you alright, Marin-san?”

“Eh, ee, I’m alright”

She’s s.p.a.cing out though, is she really alright? And over there

“Wha! How can you move that well! Even though you were that worn out, how!”

the Vampire shouts.

“Because I have excellent pals around”

When I say that, Hikarin and Maririn give smug looks.

“Wha, I don’t get what you’re on about!”

“I mean, of course you don’t. Well, something like that doesn’t matter. Let’s end this”

I ready my spear.

“End this, you say. Keep your jokes in moderation, you d.a.m.n brat!”

Saying that, the Vampire attacks me with the tentacles. The ones that I cut previously are restoring as well. However


I repel all the tentacles.

“Ho, how. My serious state against a brat like this is……”

“See ya, Vampire Basan. Offensive Spear Of Black LightningKuroikazuchi!”

I continue as it is and pierce the Vampire.


A thunder roars. And simultaneously when it settles down


The Vampire collapses.

“……It was quite a close one huh”

Perhaps because High Healing ran out midway, the cavity in my stomach didn’t finish closing and it’s bleeding.

“Lei-kun! Lei-kun are you alri……your blood is!”

“……More importantly, we have to go to where Shishou is. We have to help out if it looks like it still hasn’t ended yet”

I say something unreasonable and, although Marin-san is angry, she presses on my wound as she lent me her shoulder. I appreciate it.

And then when we go to where Shishou is

“It seems it finally ended huh. How was it, a battle against someone who’s stronger than yourself?”

Shishou was there sitting atop the Ripper Demon with a smile. The Ripper Demon got his limbs lopped off and he’s on the verge of death. ……As expected of Nanor Kingdom’s strongest. It’s one-sided.

Thus, the curtains on Hendricks’ case closed with about 100 escapees and about 500 people killed in action.