The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

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Edited Chapter , ,

‘team battle" to ‘compet.i.tion"


About a week after Dargris was suspended. Today is the day of the compet.i.tion. Perhaps everybody in the cla.s.s is also feeling nervous, their expressions are stiff.

“Yo, Lei! How ya feeling?”

the one who talked to me is, Cait・Schillinger who"s in the seat behind me. From his appearance, he dresses down his uniform and looks like a playboy. In addition to that, although he"s quite the frivolous guy, he"s Baron Schillinger family"s eldest son and he"s a team leader.

“Aa, Cait. I"m always fine”

As I"m talking to Cait, a girl comes over.

“Er, erm, Cait-kun. Ev, everybody i, is ready!”

this timid girl who said that is, Emma・Larrosher who"s the same team as Cait. It seems this girl is Baron Larrosher family"s eldest daughter and Cait"s acquaintance. Although her eyes are big and round and are lovely, she hides it with her bangs so it can"t really be seen. Furthermore, I"m slightly being avoided. She won"t tell me the reason.

“Oh, is that so. Thanks, Emma”

Cait who says and pats her head. Looks like Emma isn"t dissatisfied with it as well. She nestles into Cait"s palm like a puppy. Cait"s height is close to 160 so I suppose he has no trouble patting Emma who"s about 150.

……I"m finally about slightly taller than Emma so when I pat Alexia, I have to slightly tiptoe. It"s because Alexia is about 170. Won"t the growth period quickly come, I wonder……

As I"m thinking about such things,

“Lei. We"re ready”

and Ely came. Rene is also behind her. By the way, Ely is also about 160 and Rene is about the same as me.

“Got it. Alright then, shall we go. Are Cait and Emma going as well?”

“Of course”

Since Cait is also going together with us, we go to where the remaining members of Cait"s team are. A girl with long black hair and a guy who carried a large shield were over there.

“You"re late, Cait. Didn"t we say we"re ready”

“Now, now, Shizuku-san. Calm down”

the girl gets angry at Cait and the guy pacifies her. It seems the girl"s name is Shizuku・Kaidou and she"s the descendant of one of the Heroes who was summoned by the Regalia Empire in the past. Someone from several generations ago moved from Regalia Empire to the Nanor Kingdom and that"s how it came to be.

And then the guy is called Birdon. He has a gigantic body that makes me want to ask, ‘Is that the body of a 12 years old?". It seems he"s from a farming village but he came to this academy because he wants to be a soldier.

“My bad, Shizuku-san. Alright, shall we go to where the teacher is”

and Team Cait heads to where the teacher is so we also follow along. In order to report to the teacher that our preparation is complete.

“……Okay, Team Cait and Team Lei"s preparations are completed huh. The rules are as I had said before, to protect the team leader to the end from the enemies is the rule of the compet.i.tion this time around. If the team leader is defeated, the team will be eliminated even if there are team members remaining so please be careful.
Also, even though all of you are together at the entrance in this s.p.a.ce, you will be scattered all over the place when you teleport after entering so, team members please hold hands and enter. Well then, I wish you the best of luck”

Mary-sensei says and moves to the side. It seems this entrance is linked to a training-use special labyrinth. I hear that it"s apparently created by one of the founders of this Cardia Academy and it"s unknown how it"s created even now. It seems that even if the things inside break, it"ll be fixed the next time someone enters and even if one suffers injuries inside, it"ll be healed when they go outside. It"s too mysterious. As I"m thinking about such things

“Aight then, our team will go first. We won"t lose even if we meet, aight”

Cait says to me.

“We don"t plan on losing as well”

I answered back and Cait entered the s.p.a.ce smiling. Alright, I guess we"ll go as well.

“Here, Ely, grab on”

I hold my left hand out to Ely. Ely grabs it with her right hand. Rene is grabbing Ely"s left hand.

“Alright, let"s go!”

And then when we step into the s.p.a.ce, uo! It became pure white before my eyes and the sensation was like I"m flying in the air. And then the surrounding became dark in the next instant so I open my eyes and,

“……Inside the school building?”

It was a corridor. It"s as though it"s the inside of Cardia Academy. However, it"s slightly different from now and it feels antiquated. Is it something from the era when the founder created it?

“It feels somewhat antiquated huh”

“But beautiful”

Indeed, it"s as good as new. As I thought, it"s the era when the academy was just created huh.

“Alright, for the Dargris" sake as well, we"ll win no matter what it takes!”


“Of course!”

Alright, let"s do this!