The Reincarnated Boy's Growth Log ~The Harder I Work The Stronger I Can Become!?~

Chapter 79

I excitedly head towards the town. And when I come to the hidden plaza where everybody always gathers,

“Ah, Filia. It’s been a while!”

a girl who noticed me runs over. Her name is Mirumi, a girl with brown braided hair.

“It has been a while, Mirumi!”

“It’s been lonely because Filia hasn’t come recently!”

Mirumi who says and embraces me. Uu~, it is painful when she hugs me so tightly. And those who come to the side of such us are,

“It, it’d have been fine even if you didn’t come though”

the one who says that and turns away is Dry-kun. It looks as though he is glaring at me with his golden hair and upturned eyes. He always says such things to me. I wonder if he hates me.

“Now, now, don’t say such things, Dry-kun. I’m happy that I can meet Filichan”

the one who says that and smiles is Gumin-kun. His slightly plump physique reminds me of Marco-oniisama. But he has a gentle personality and is very kind. Everybody is the same age.

“Yeah, Dry-kun. Even though you were restlessly wondering when Filia will come”

“Wha! I, I wasn’t particularly restless or anything! Don’t you lie!”

Dry-kun who says that as his face turns bright red. He did not have to be that angry……. I am a little shock.

“Geez, you sure aren’t honest. Alright then, let’s go, shall we!”

“? Where are we going?”

I tilt my head and Mirumi tells me. It seems a group of people who are slightly older than us took on the guild’s goblin subjugation request and it seems they were invited to go along. It appears that Dry-kun answered immediately because his father is an Adventurer, he is training in swordsmanship, and he also has the skills.

Mirumi and Gumin-kun who ended up being made to go along with that. Poor thing. Perhaps he sensed my mood, Dry-kun

“I, I didn’t particularly force them, okay! It because these fellows say they want to follow, okay……”

Dry-kun who starts walking while saying such things. I guess they are going outside since they are going to subjugate goblins, but what I should do. …… Alright, I shall follow them. My magic should also be of some help.

All of us walk together for about 10 minutes. We arrived by the gate. About four boys who are equipped were standing there. Their ages are about 13 to 14.

“Senpai1! What’s up!”

Dry-kun goes to the side of those Senpai and greets them. And then the guys turn over here and look at us doubtfully. I wonder what is the matter?

“I asked you whether if you’re coming along but who are these fellows?”

“Th, these fellows are my……followers! It’s because they say they want to come along no matter what”

I wonder when I became Dry-kun’s follower. I would very much like to ask but it would probably complicate things if I said it now. I shall keep quiet.

“……Well, it’s fine since it’s the likes of goblins, but you’ll be protecting yourself”

“Of course!”

The guys who say that and start walking. Dry-kun follows them as well. I become slightly uneasy about whether I should follow but I cannot leave Mirumi and the others alone. I reluctantly follow.

It seems Mirumi can use a little bit of Fire Magic and Gumin-kun is holding a large club. I am in my training outfit since I am the only one who came out straight after magic training as it is.

I was given a suspicious look by the Gatekeeper-san when I went out of the gate but I didn’t pay any attention to it. It felt like I was stared at terribly by the Gatekeeper-san but I didn’t pay any attention to it.

We carry on to go until the Demon’s Land’s Forest. Marin-sensei has said that even for the Demon’s Land, it is not that dangerous if it is just by the vicinity of the entrance. It appears that the deeper it is the stronger the monsters become, but if it is just by the vicinity of the entrance then it seems it also serves as training for the kids.

And then we walk for about 1 hour. We arrived at the Demon’s Land’s entrance. Densely grown trees obstruct the sunlight. I can hear Mirumi swallowing loudly beside me.

“Are you alright, Mirumi?”

“U, un, somehow. I didn’t think anything of it when I look from far away, but it’s somewhat scary when we get close huh”

Mirumi who says and squeezes my hand. Dry-kun who sees such us

“If, if you’re scared then don’t you leave my side, Filia. How troublesome”

Dry-kun who says and smirks. It is Mirumi who is feeling scared though. Ah, he went off after the guys before I could correct him. We cannot be stopping here either. We follow behind them.

At the utmost front are the guys. Next is Dry-kun. And then Mirumi and me. Gumin-kun is protecting the back. He occasionally speaks to Mirumi worryingly.

As we walk like that, a single green-coloured midget appears before our eyes from the shade of the gra.s.s. Long ears on a hairless head. It’s carrying a club in its hand with only a piece of cloth wrapped around itself.

“Oh, we found it! Oi, you guys, watch our gallant figures!”

Saying that, the four guys and head towards the 1 goblin. The goblin tries to escape but it cannot escape because the guys encircle it.

“There, there!”

Uu, the guys are tormentingly wounding the goblin. If they are going to kill it then they could have just done it instantly without doing such things. It makes me feel sick. Mirumi’s complexion also looks slightly bad.


The guys who finished off the screaming goblin. And then they brag, ‘Amazing, isn’t it’, to us. I wonder what is there to brag about. If it was Onii-sama, he would not brag like this, and on top of that, he would probably worry about us as well.

Hah, if it was going to be like this then I should have stayed in the town with Mirumi and the others even if I had to do it forcefully. Dry-kun is praising the guys, ‘Amazing’, by himself though.

The guys ecstatically proceed into the forest. It would be great if nothing happens though.

We walk for about 20 minutes. Nothing appeared after the goblin that appeared just now. I wonder why. I thought more will appear from what I heard though.

“What’s the matter, Filia? You’re making such an unusual-looking face”

“Mirumi. No, I just thought that the state of the forest is slightly unusual. No monsters have appeared at all since the goblin that appeared just now. It is not even unusual to have slightly more appear from what I heard though”

Just as I thought that, the main cause of that came. I have also only heard about it from Marin-sensei. It is a monster that should originally be deep inside the forest. Its appearance is a gigantic body that is about 3 metres, arms that are about the size of a human’s torso, and horns growing on its head.


The name of that monster is Ogre. They are monsters that are called Demonic People. Everybody froze from just the sight of the Ogre and its yell. Why is an Ogre at a place like this!? Furthermore, it is not just 1. There are about 5 at the back. Furthermore, even though the other Ogres are grey, there is 1 Ogre that is crimson red amongst them. It has two horns growing on its head.

“Hii, hiiii!”

The guys who were standing in front go back the road they came from while screaming. We have to run away as well!

“Mirumi, we are running away! ……Mirumi?”

I try to pull Mirumi but she does not budge. I looked towards Mirumi and she was sitting down. It seems her body is trembling and she is unable to move. ……What should I do about this.