The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 324

LUO YAN woke up in a good mood. Today was the start of the week-long holiday. But there were still a lot of things he needed to do. He had to register for the Rookie Carnival today. Then at the last two days of the holiday, he had to fight at the preliminary round of the said carnival. And in between those, he had to do the two tasks that he and Shen Ji Yun hadn"t finished yet.

But that"s not all. Last night, after having dinner, his father announced something to them.


"My sons, I have good news to you," Luo Wei Tian said while they were all sitting in the living room. He couldn"t hide the big smile on his face, a sign that he was in a pretty good mood.

"What is it, Dad?" Luo Yan asked, pulling the sleeve of his father"s s.h.i.+rt while raising his head and looking at him with his big peach blossom eyes.

Luo Wei Tian was suddenly hit by his son"s cuteness and almost didn"t resist the urge to hug him. Instead, he cleared his throat and said seriously, "Since Xiao Yan and Xiao Jin don"t have school, I freed some days from Ah Ren and my schedule. So that our whole family could go somewhere for a vacation. We"ll leave on Friday and return on Sunday. What do you think?"

Luo Yan wanted to say that that was a very good idea. Then he remembered that there"s a preliminary round for the Rookie Carnival on Sunday. But looking at his father"s happy expression, how could he ask to let them return on instead?

"That"s a good idea, Dad," said Luo Ren. "How about going to a tropical island? Since it"s autumn here, it would be good to go to somewhere warmer."

"I also have that idea," Luo Wei Tian agreed.

Luo Jin had noticed Luo Yan"s subtle change in expression when their father mentioned the vacation. The change was even more noticeable when their older brother said something about the tropical island. It was not hard to think why his reaction was like that. Because Luo Jin was also thinking of the same problem.

How could they join the preliminary of the Rookie Carnival if they would only be back on Sunday which was the first day of the prelims? It would be even more impossible if they would go to another country for vacation.

He was not really interested in this Rookie Carnival at first. But then he heard Su Yuqi saying to Bai Ze once that it would be good if both if he and Luo Yan could have a good standing at the upcoming Rookie Carnival. That way, people could see that the two new members of Yunyue were both powerful rookies.

So, Luo Jin had been looking forward to it. Although he only started playing Arcadia because of his second brother, as time pa.s.sed by, he was truly enjoying playing the game. He was still a teenager after all. He liked playing such games like any other boys his age. Not to mention, since he started playing, the frequency of him fighting with others had been greatly reduced. It"s like all that violent energy inside him had found an outlet.

The Rookie Carnival was an event where he could showcase his skills. Just the thought of fighting with a lot of people was already making his blood boil. But that wouldn"t happen if he and his second brother wouldn"t even have a chance to fight in the prelims.

"Dad, how about changing the date? Let"s leave on Thursday and return on," he suggested. "Yan and I have an appointment with our team mates in the game on Sunday. We made that appointment last week. It wouldn"t look too good if we renege on that."

Luo Yan looked at Luo Jin unexpectedly. [Wow. Ah Jin, who would have thought that you had it in you to lie so straightforwardly like this in front of Dad. I didn"t know you wanted to fight in the Rookie Carnival that much. But, thumbs up!]

And so, he quickly followed up, "Dad, Ah Jin is right. I don"t want our friends to think badly of us," he said looking as pitifully as he could. "Can Dad adjust the schedule? Please?"

How could Luo Wei Tian say no when his second son looked like he would cry in any second? Adjusting one day in his and Luo Ren"s schedule wouldn"t be a problem. What"s the use of owning the company if he couldn"t even do that? "Okay. Let"s do that." He turned to his eldest. "You agree, don"t you, Ah Ren?"

Before Luo Ren could answer, he saw Luo Yan looking at him with those big peach blossom eyes that looked like it would shed tears at any second. "Of course, I don"t mind," he said helplessly.

Luo Yan laughed happily. "Thank you, Dad, Brother!"

Luo Wei Tian tapped his nose. "So, which country would you like to go to?"

"I think somewhere in South East Asia would be good," Luo Ren suggested.

"Ahm, Dad, Brother, could we not leave the country? If we do, we would spend so much time in the plane. I"d rather we spend those times going around to different places with everyone. Don"t you think so?" Luo Yan said.

This time he was not lying, that was what he really thought. The time wouldn"t be enough to have a proper vacation if they had to return on

Luo Wei Tian appeared thoughtful. "Well, you do have a point. Where does Xiao Yan want to go?"

"Let"s go to Chengdu! I"ve always wanted to see a panda in person," he said with a big smile on his face.

Chengdu was the capital of S Province. It had a conservation center where visitors could view giant pandas. He always wanted to see a panda in his last life, but he never really had a chance to. Besides that, Chengdu also had a lot of other interesting places that a tourist could visit to.

Luo Wei Tian and Luo Ren looked at each other, both saw complicated expressions on their faces. When they thought of going to vacation, they never really considered going to Chengdu to sightsee giant pandas. But if that was what Luo Yan wanted, then they could only agree.

"Okay, let"s go to Chengdu," Luo Wei Tian said.

Luo Yan happily hugged his father"s arm. "Thank you, Dad!"

Now it was Luo Jin"s turn to give Luo Yan a thumbs up. Really, if he hadn"t seen his set of operation, he wouldn"t know how he managed to get their father and older brother to follow what he wanted. If Luo Jin wasn"t familiar with this side of his second brother, he probably would also happily go along with what he wanted. But then again, even if he did know, he probably would still do the same thing.

Luo Yan happily snugged into his father"s arms. Now that"s settled, he only had to use his time wisely so he could do everything he needed to do.


See, this seven-day vacation would be very busy for him.

Luo Yan sat up from the bed and picked up his phone lying on the bedside table. Then he messaged Yu Jiao. After that, he messaged Shen Ji Yun. Then he put back his phone on the table and stood up.

He stretched his body and prepared himself for this long day.