The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 597

LUO JIN glanced at his brother"s side face. They were already inside the car and travelling to the hospital where Yu Jiao and Mo Jian were admitted. That Mo Jiu had already gone ahead of them to the same destination.

He leaned a bit towards his brother and whispered, "Hey, Yan, are you really going to do what you just said to that Mo Jiu?"

Luo Yan glanced at his brother. He felt a bit amused because of the other"s whispering. He probably didn"t want the uncle driver to hear what they"re talking about. Specifically, about him planning to bribe someone.

This guy was probably afraid that it would get to their father ears. Not that Luo Yan was worried if ever that happened. Because he was confident that their father wouldn"t scold him. He would probably say a few words. But at the end, he wouldn"t really be angry.

In that way, he was probably a bit similar to Mo Guang Lin. But Luo Yan was sure that if he ever did something bad, like hurting another person who hadn"t anything to him, his father wouldn"t just sit back and watch. He definitely wouldn"t tolerate his behavior.

Besides, he was no Mo Jian. Even if his family spoiled him to heaven, he wouldn"t take advantage of their affection for him. And, most importantly, he wasn"t a psycho who enjoyed tormenting others just because they were better than him.

The word "envy" had never been in his vocabulary. The moment he accepted his lot in life, he understood that there"s was no use for envy or jealousy. Because those kinds of emotion wouldn"t help him in any way. It would only make his situation even worse.

It"s better to just focus on his own growth instead of thinking about the things he didn"t have. Because he believed that if he just worked hard enough, there would come a day when he could also get everything that he wanted.

In a way, he kind of got that in this life.

"Yes, but I"ll let Brother handle it," he whispered back. "I"ll just give him some suggestions."


These "suggestions" included; Screening those students that were part of the research team and looking for the ones who would easily succ.u.mb to temptations. And then, the bribe itself shouldn"t have to be money. Like a paid all-around trip to Europe or even a rare artifact of some kind.

For example, they could send an e-mail to one of those students that they won some kind of lottery that would allow them to travel all-around Europe for free, accommodations and travel expenses included. Of course, the date of the "travel" would just happen to coincide with the start of the research.

He was confident that his brother could do something as easy as that. Heck, the other"s a.s.sistant could probably do the job himself.

Hearing that he would not directly partic.i.p.ate, Luo Jin felt a bit relieved. At least the scenario he was imagining wouldn"t happen. You know, Luo Yan acting like a big boss and splas.h.i.+ng money to whichever student he had chosen.

"Then, do you think that guy, Mo Jiu, would really do things according to the plan you"ve given him?" he asked. "He doesn"t look like he could lie or even act."

In fact, the other was the total opposite. He just seemed like the type who would blurt out the first thing on his mind without thinking if that would affect anyone.

"That"s fine. It"s not like he"s going to lie. Whatever he"s going to tell his sister is nothing but the truth. So, he doesn"t really need any acting skills for that," Luo Yan answered with a shrug.

Well, that actually made sense. – Luo Jin thought. He happened to look out of the car window and saw that they were already at the hospital. The car had already parked on the available parking s.p.a.ce.

Luo Yan"s phone then vibrated. He opened the message and smiled when he read it.

[I"m here. Dad just went out to answer a phone call.]

It seemed that Lady Luck was truly on their side. He typed and replied.

[Then, let"s proceed with the plan.]

Mo Jian glanced at her older brother. "Brother, you finally visited me. I thought you won"t even bother coming here."

Her voice was a combination of happy and aggrieved. But her expression was totally deadpan. As if she just said that so she could perform for someone. And Mo Jiu knew exactly who she was performing for. Their father.

"Don"t bother, Dad is not outside. n.o.body will hear your "performance"," he said with an expressionless face.

Not just because he truly didn"t feel anything but more because he was trying not to show that he was actually lying. He met his father just outside Mo Jian"s hospital room when he just arrived. The other was about to answer a call and just motioned for him to go inside.

Even though he walked a few steps away from the door of the hospital room, Mo Jiu was sure that he could probably still hear what was being said inside the room. Especially if the people in the room raised their voice just a little.

But he wouldn"t tell that to Mo Jian. Because if he did, then she would just do what she did earlier. Not to mention, the plan that kid told him to do couldn"t advance.

Mo Jian crossed her arms in front of her. "So, what brings you here?" she asked, her voice back to the same mocking tone she always used whenever she talked to him.

Mo Jiu observed her expression and he was sure that she didn"t even suspect that he was lying with what he just said about their father not being outside. It"s probably because growing up, he never really minced his words whenever he talked with this girl. That"s why she didn"t even suspect that he just lied.


"I just came here because Dad nagged me to," he said, which was true anyway. "Why would I visit you when I knew your supposed injury was self-sustained?"

"What, you don"t believe that b.i.t.c.h, Yu Jiao, can push me?"

"Really, you want to play that game with me?" Mo Jiu asked with a raised brow.

Mo Jian scoffed. "Yes, I fell on my own, so what?"

Outside, Mo Guang Lin who was about to open the door stopped when he heard that.