The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 81

THE group of five successfully, and safely, arrived at the top of Mount Rage. Or at least the top of its highest peak. No thanks, of course, to the two Luo brothers. Whenever a monster attack their party, it"s always the other three who attacked and defended. It"s actually quite funny, seeing Bronzed Leaf getting more and more annoyed with them by the minute. But actually couldn"t do anything about it because they needed the two to enter the dungeon with them.

Not far from where they"re standing, a red whirlpool like object was floating in the air. There was a visible static around it, continuously flickering, as if it would disappear and separate from this plane of existence at any moment.

"That"s the portal," Essaint said. "Being the leader of the party, I"d pick the mode of difficulty once we entered the portal. I believe I already mentioned earlier that we"d be doing the Normal mode. I hope there"s no problem with that," he continued, addressing that last bit at Luo Yan.

"There"s no problem," Luo Yan said.

"Then you and that pipsqueak over there should at least try to fight. Don"t just stand and wait for the monsters to attack you," said Bronzed Leaf with an obvious annoyance in his tone. "Or do you really expect us to carry the both of you until the very end?"

Luo Yan turned to him and tilted his head, his big blue eyes dusted with gold were full of innocence. "But isn"t that what you said earlier? That we don"t have to worry because you will definitely carry us until the end? Surely you didn"t lie about that?"


Essaint immediately walked in between the two, trying to stop any possible quarrel. "Now, now, Bronzed Leaf didn"t lie. He just wanted for the both of you to protect yourself."

Bronzed Leaf wanted to say something but Essaint gave him a warning glance. So he could only frown and swallow whatever it was he wanted to say.

"Oh, is that it? Then you don"t have to worry." Luo Yan turned to Apricot and smiled sweetly at her. "Because Apricot will protect me, right?"

The mentioned Apricot suddenly blushed. Well, anyone in her position who was suddenly smiled at by such a beautiful face would probably do. So before she could think, her mouth just moved on its own. "Yes, I most definitely will."

This, of course, garnered a glare from Bronzed Leaf. Apricot shrunk her neck. What else could she do? She had no immunity against good-looking people. And this was the most beautiful person she"d met, in-game or real life. Just looked at that white hair and those blue eyes speckled with gold. How could she resist? In fact, she"s kind of regretting that they"re about to use him and that brother of his as bait for the boss dungeon.

Maybe she should comfort him after this.

"Okay, then shall we enter the dungeon?" Essaint asked.

After hearing everyone"s response, he led them towards the portal. Before entering, Luo Yan made sure to open the video function of his Status Window.

When he walked out of the portal, what Luo Yan saw was a world of fire. Or at least close to that. There were elevated peaks with a wide, flat top where players could stand on. And those peaks were filled with monsters. But avoiding them was not an option. Because those peaks were lined up in a neat straight line. And in order to get to the last peak where the boss was, they needed to get through all the peaks before.

Those peaks were unfortunately connected by a very narrow bridge of land that only one person at a time could stand on. Much more unfortunate was the river of fire below. Once a player fell, it would definitely be instant death.

Luo Jin saw all of these and he almost cursed. Were all dungeons in this game like this?

"Ah Jin, try not to fall. Okay?" he heard his second brother whispered to him.

He looked up and saw the mischievous glint in his brother"s eyes. "Of course I wouldn"t."

They were standing on the first flat peak. Because of that, there"s no monsters around them. Giving them a brief time to breath.

"Before we reached the next peak, I"ll cast a protection spell for all of us. It would only last for 5 seconds, but that"s more than enough to prepare us for the attacks of the incoming monsters," Essaint said.

"Then I"ll do the first attack," Apricot said. She"s a Mage and in this group, she"s the only one who could perform a widespread group attack.

"Apricot will walk first, I"ll follow her. Then Noctis and Jin could follow next. Bronzed Leaf will be at the rear. Is that okay?"

"It"s no problem," Luo Yan said.

"Then let"s go."

After Essaint"s signal, Apricot started walking towards the narrow bridge. Followed by Essaint. Luo Yan gently pushed Luo Jin forward. This way he could watch his back. If he happened to trip or fall, Luo Yan could immediately be there to catch him. Then he followed next. He heard footsteps behind, meaning that Bronzed Leaf was already following.

They were already midway towards the next peak when Luo Yan thought of something.

He acted startled and then jumped back, causing him to into Bronzed Leaf. Because he didn"t expect it, Bronzed Leaf lost his balance. Which caused him to almost fall over. His eyes widened, his heart beating like a loud drum. He really thought he would fall. But then his arm was suddenly grabbed and he was able to maintain his balance again.

"I"m so sorry. I thought the fire was going to reach me. Are you okay?"

Bronzed Leaf lifted his head and saw the beautiful face of the white-haired elf full of worry. But he couldn"t appreciate it in the least. He gritted his teeth in frustration and anger. This little white face. If he didn"t know that this guy was a beginner, he"d really think that he"d done that on purpose.

"Is there something wrong?" called Essaint from the front.

"Nothing!" Bronzed Leaf shouted angrily.

He swore after this dungeon raid, he"d make this little white face pay.

Luo Yan turned around and continued walking. He couldn"t help the grin that crossed his face. How could he just let this Bronzed Leaf fall? His game avatar dying here would be too easy for him. Luo Yan just wanted to see his scared expression a little bit.

Ah, these guys were really bringing his bad side. But he must admit, this was really fun. Kind of reminded him of the old days.