The Return Of The God Level Assassin



LUO YAN was so glad that the exercises and the eating only nutritious meals finally paid off. That"s what he"s thinking as he ran towards the school gate. If his body condition was still the same as before, he would have probably already tripped just after a few steps. Heck, he might even be taken to a hospital immediately.

Now, all that hard work had paid off. With a healthy body, running like this was no longer a precedent for hospitalization. Really, how far he had come.

And so, he ran faster.

His thoughts were filled with just one thing. Or one person, rather. Who else could it be but the guy who suddenly came here without even any warning? To think they talked to each other on the phone last night and yet Shen Ji Yun didn"t even speak a word of him coming here.

Maybe that"s the reason why the other didn"t video call him. Because he might realize that Shen Ji Yun was up to something. Knowing how the other was so bad at lying, especially when it came to him, Luo Yan knew that Shen Ji Yun wouldn"t be able to lie to him if he really asked.

Although the other"s visit was very unexpected, he wasn"t angry at all. He was just glad that Shen Ji Yun showed up here instead of their house. This was much more acceptable.

But then again, who was he fooling? There"s no way he would be mad with Shen Ji Yun because of this sudden visit anyway. How could be mad when his heart was beating so fast just at the thought that he would see the other?

He wanted to see him. Quickly, quickly. His steps became faster and faster without him noticing. Just as he walked out of the school gate, he heard someone call him.

"Luo Yan!"

He turned around subconsciously and saw Huang Wen walking out of the school gate. The other was catching his breath as if he ran as fast as he could just so he could catch up to Luo Yan.

And he was right. That was indeed what happened.

Huang Wen was about to get into the car when he saw Luo Yan. He was already feeling a bit depressed because he hadn"t managed to tell the other happy birthday until the afternoon cla.s.s was over. Now, seeing Luo Yan running past him, he felt that he was given a chance to correct that.

So, before he knew it, he was already running after the other.

Who would have thought that Luo Yan would actually run so fast, he was already out of breath by the moment he managed to catch up with the other?

When Luo Yan turned around after his call, the other had a bright smile on his face. That froze him in place. Because he had never seen Luo Yan smile like that at him. He literally felt like there were flowers blooming around the guy just because of that bright smile.

But then, when Luo Yan saw him, that smile slowly disappeared and turned to that of a polite smile. Huang Wen realized then that the bright smile he just saw was not because of him nor for him. Somehow, that made him… disappointed.

"Do you need something?"

Luo Yan"s question finally shook Huang Wen off from whatever weird emotion he just felt. "I- I—I mean—"

When he saw the other slowly having an impatient expression on his face, Huang Wen knew that he needed to speak now or Luo Yan might just leave. So, he took a deep breath and just said what he had to say in one breath.

"Happy birthday!"

This time, it was Luo Yan"s turn to be surprised. He didn"t expect the other to greet him. Although their relations.h.i.+p was no longer that bad, he couldn"t really say that it was good either. So, he never really expected any greeting from the other.

Of course, Luo Yan"s expression didn"t escape Huang Wen"s eyes. How could he not tell what the other was thinking?

"E-everyone else in cla.s.s greeted you. I- I feel like I"m being left out if I didn"t do the same!" he said, not even sure why he was explaining. And his explanation was even too stupid.

"Pfft! What"s with that?" Luo Yan couldn"t stop himself from laughing. "I didn"t know your cla.s.s spirit was so strong," he added in a teasing tone.

Huang Wen"s whole face heated up. He felt so embarra.s.sed. But at the same time, he also felt a strange feeling of accomplishment. Just because of the fact that he managed to make Luo Yan laugh.

"Thank you though."

When Huang Wen heard that and saw the genuine smile on Luo Yan"s face, he suddenly felt that if he could see that smile more often, then he wouldn"t mind being repeatedly embarra.s.sed.

Yes, something was definitely wrong with his brain.

This short moment was interrupted though by a call.

"Yan Yan!"

Before Huang Wen had time to look where that voice came from, a tall man suddenly stepped between him and Luo Yan. The other"s back was turned to him, so he couldn"t see what the man looked like. But the way the man stood, it"s like he was trying to separate him and Luo Yan.

Huang Wen wanted to ask who the other was, but before he could, he heard Luo Yan say;

"Brother Ji Yun!"

The absolute joy in Luo Yan"s voice couldn"t be hidden. For some reason, he had a feeling that the bright smile he saw earlier was actually for this man. That realization somehow brought a bitter taste in his mouth.

Maybe that"s why he found himself saying;

"Luo Yan, is he your relative?"

The man slowly turned around. And the first thing Huang Wen saw was a pair of cold blue eyes. Looking at him as if he wanted to flick him like an insect.

"I"m not his relative," the other said, his voice full of cold indifference.